When going to the interrogation room, Guo Xiangyang told Yang Zhi: "Xiao Yang, later, you have to find a way to tell the instructor and the other two deputy directors: don't reveal what I just said in the director's room." , I said that as soon as I came to the office, I asked you to deal with it according to the law, to distinguish the responsibilities of both parties in the fight realistically, and to arrest Guo Fei on the spot on suspicion of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, do you understand?"

Yang Zhi knew that what he said was not allowed to be revealed, that is, what he asked for a forensic examination of Guo Fei and tried to get Ye Ming and Li Wen into the detention center, so he nodded and said: "Uncle, don't worry, I will Told them."

Ye Ming was being interrogated in the "interrogation room" on the west side of the second floor of the police station.Knowing that he has martial arts skills, the two interrogating policemen put him in an "iron chair" surrounded by iron railings up to his chest, with his hands and feet stuck, so that he had no chance to struggle and resist. room.

When Guo Xiangyang entered, Ye Ming was narrating what happened at the Moonlight Bar in the city. One policeman kept interjecting and asking questions, while another policeman was quickly taking notes.

Seeing Guo Xiangyang and Yang Zhi coming in, the two policemen stood up quickly, and one of them said angrily: "Director Yang, this kid is very dishonest, he always puts the blame on Feifei, saying that Feifei molested women , beat up the female singer, and said that Feifei wanted to kidnap the female singer, that's why he took action to fight the injustice. I didn't record all his nonsense. I think this kid is a stone in a latrine—smelly and Hard. If you don’t use some tricks on him, he will continue to talk nonsense. Otherwise, I’ll call a few defenders to come over, loosen his skin first, and rub his spirit before we talk!”

As soon as he said this, Guo Xiangyang yelled: "Shut up! What's your name?"

The policeman originally wanted to please Yang Zhi and Guo Xiangyang, that's why he said what he just said. Seeing that Guo Xiangyang was suddenly furious, he yelled at him and asked him to give his name, he couldn't help being shocked, and was taken aback. After a while, he murmured, "I...my name is Chang Yan!"

Guo Xiangyang turned his head and said to Yang Zhi: "Yang Zhi, please remember: this Chang Yan has practiced favoritism and fraud at work, tampered with the suspect's confession, and is also preparing to torture the interrogated object to extract a confession, seriously violating the relevant work discipline of the police. , It is a typical abuse of power. You can write a report to the party committee of your district public security bureau tomorrow and ask the district bureau to take administrative or disciplinary action against him. If necessary, you can consider reporting to the municipal public security bureau and transferring him The public security system. I warn you: you must do what I say today, and I will personally intervene in this matter in two days. If you want to cover him up and don’t report it to the district bureau or the city bureau, I will even you Also be punished together."

The policeman named Chang Yan flattered and slapped the horse's leg. Not only did he not scratch Director Guo's itch, he stretched out his leg and kicked him. He even announced in public that he would be punished by discipline. I was speechless for a while...

Yang Zhi didn't expect that Guo Xiangyang would resort to such ruthless means in order to protect himself and demonstrate his determination to "destroy relatives with righteousness". He shivered involuntarily, and originally wanted to say something nice to Chang Yan, but seeing Guo Xiangyang's livid face and cold eyes, he didn't dare to speak out, so he nodded repeatedly.

Ye Ming didn't know that he was Guo Fei's father, and was wondering which honest and selfless leader this was, when Guo Xiangyang suddenly changed his face, with a guilty smile on his face, and said to him: "Your name is Ye Ming. Is it? Let me introduce myself first: My name is Guo Xiangyang, the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Guo Fei’s father. I have already understood most of the dispute between you and Guo Fei at the Moonlight Bar in the city, and I have a Basic judgment. All in all, it was my unworthy son who caused the trouble first, and you took the initiative to teach him, which is a just act and a brave act worthy of advocacy and praise. Therefore, I solemnly apologize to you here .

I just expressed my opinion to Director Yang and the others: No matter who is a lawless and lawless person like Guo Fei, he disciplined him for me, and I thank him. Even if he is injured and disabled, it is his own fault , is the retribution he deserves, and the person who beat him must not be held accountable.So, just now I personally ordered people from the police station to arrest Guo Fei, and he is now being interrogated in another interrogation room, and he must be held accountable for picking quarrels and provoking trouble. "

After saying this, he turned to Yang Zhi and said, "Director Yang, please take off Comrade Ye Ming's handcuffs and let him out of the iron chair. He is completely responsible for tonight's matter. If there is no responsibility, there is no need for further interrogation."

Ye Ming was startled when he first heard that he was Guo Fei's father.Later, when I heard him say those righteous and selfless words, I immediately developed a good impression of him in my heart, and said, "Thank you, Director Guo! I really didn't expect you to be so upright and impartial. As for your son , He is indeed too much, if you continue like this, it will have an extremely adverse impact on your reputation. As for your apology to me, I really feel ashamed!"

Seeing that he believed his words, Guo Xiangyang was secretly happy, and while urging Yang Zhi and the others to loosen his handcuffs, he continued to say sincerely: "Xiaoye, I am usually too busy with work, so I neglect to discipline my bastard son. As a result, he is lawless outside, and he is really ashamed. Of course, he is still young, he has just turned 20 years old, and he has not read much. If he offends you or your friends in any way, please bear with us. , don’t worry too much. He was beaten up by you just now, and he should have a better memory and a better lesson.”

Ye Ming came out of the iron chair, stretched his limbs and waist, and thanked Guo Xiangyang again.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed in from the door, rushed to Ye Ming's side, threw himself into his arms, hugged his waist tightly with both hands, raised a teary eye, and did not blink for a moment. Staring intently at his face, he said in a choked voice, "You bumpkin, are you okay! Did they hit you?"

Ye Ming was talking to Guo Xiangyang, when she threw him into her arms all of a sudden, he was caught off guard, and couldn't help being startled. Looking carefully, it turned out to be Xia Chuchu.

Seeing Xia Chuchu jumping into his arms without hesitation in front of so many police officers, Ye Ming felt a little embarrassed, patted her on the shoulder with a blushing face, and said, "Chuchu, I'm fine, and I wasn't beaten either. Come on, let me introduce to you: This is Deputy Director Guo of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Guo Fei's father."

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