Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 356 Dark Psychology

Ye Ming just dialed Su Han's cell phone, but it rang once, and Su Han connected immediately.

Li Wen originally wanted to stop Ye Ming and tell him not to call Su Han over, but before she could think of words, Ye Ming had already spoken to Su Han, so she had to bow her head and listen carefully to Ye Ming Conversation with Su Han.

Ye Ming said enthusiastically: "Old classmate, I am with your girlfriend Li Wen, and Xia Chuchu, the three of us are preparing to drink porridge at the Chaozhou casserole porridge on Xiahe Street. Have you slept yet?" Can you come over for a get-together? We haven't had a drink together for a long time, if it's convenient, come here!"

Ye Ming is a person who rarely holds grudges, especially for his classmates and friends.Although, when he went to the provincial capital to drink sober wedding wine, he had a conflict with Su Han, and the two almost had a fight in the karaoke bar of the Golden Bridge Hotel; moreover, Chen Mengqi also told herself: Su Han often sends out some ambiguous text message to her, it seems a bit mean to steal love.However, he felt that he and Su Han were in the same class and in the same dormitory for more than three years, and they had a good time at school, so he felt that there was no need to argue with him or make enemies with him.

As for Chen Mengqi, he didn't quite believe that Su Han would go after her. He always thought that he was trying to curry favor with Chen Mengqi, so that when she met her uncle, she would say a few nice words for him, which was also a part of the officialdom. This is a roundabout strategy, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

What's more, he felt that Li Wen was slightly better than Chen Mengqi in terms of appearance, temperament, and talent. The only thing that could not compare with Chen Mengqi was her family conditions.Therefore, if Su Han can find such an excellent girl like Li Wen, he should be satisfied, and he won't come to Chen Mengqi's idea again.

Therefore, he wanted to call him over for a few glasses of wine, firstly to reconcile the somewhat stiff relationship between himself and him, and secondly, to let him meet Li Wen, so that Li Wen could feel a little more stable in her heart.

Hearing that Ye Ming called him out to drink porridge, and that Xia Chuchu and Li Wen were with him, Su Han happily agreed—it turned out that during this period of time, he felt that Li Wen was becoming more and more indifferent to him. Going to find her by herself, she always finds various reasons to refuse to meet him, and at night, her mobile phone is often turned off.Therefore, he suspected that Li Wen had fallen in love with someone else and was dating other boys behind his back, so he was very anxious.

Su Han is an extremely selfish man, even when it comes to having a girlfriend, he has an extremely dark psychology.This kind of mentality is: I can pursue girls who are more beautiful and better than you while I am in love with you, and I can step on two boats or even multiple boats; but you must treat me wholeheartedly. , you will never allow any flirtatious behavior, until I don't like you anymore and want to abandon you, then you can find another boyfriend...

Back then, he used various methods and false promises to find Li Wen as his girlfriend, and he was really proud for a long time.Because, as long as his relatives, friends, and colleagues have seen Li Wen and others, they all admire her. They all say that she is both talented and beautiful, and has an elegant temperament. They all say that he is blessed with such an excellent woman. Children's favor.For this, his vanity was greatly satisfied.

The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is: Li Wen seems to have guarded against him from the very beginning, even when the relationship between the two is the best, she only allows him to hug her body, kiss her forehead or cheek, but would never allow him to kiss her lips, let alone share her bed.

It was this that made him very depressed and frustrated, feeling that he hadn't really won Li Wen's heart.

Therefore, after he met Chen Mengqi at Su Xing's wedding banquet, he immediately became very interested in her, and became suspicious-Chen Mengqi is the daughter of a billionaire and the daughter of his immediate boss, Deputy Mayor She. dear niece.If he could find her as his girlfriend, not only would he have inexhaustible glory and wealth in the future, but he would also be greatly cultivated and supported by Deputy Mayor She in his official career, and his future would be limitless.Moreover, although Chen Mengqi's appearance is not as good as Li Wen's, but she looks pure and lively, with a refreshing charm, she can also be regarded as a first-class beauty...

Although he knows that Chen Mengqi is Ye Ming's girlfriend now, he confidently believes that since Ye Ming lives in a small county like Xinleng, and a countryman whose position and rank are much lower than himself, Chen Mengqi can be chased. Well, as long as I put in a little more effort, I, the dignified section chief of the provincial capital city government office and a serious provincial cadre, can definitely snatch Chen Mengqi away from Ye Ming.

So, after breaking up with Chen Mengqi that time, he tentatively sent a few ambiguous text messages to Chen Mengqi, and also made a few phone calls.

However, the result made him very frustrated: Chen Mengqi didn't reply a word to the text messages he sent in the past; Hung up the phone with a bang, and didn't give him any chance to confess and pursue...

When he felt that he was hopeless in pursuing Chen Mengqi, he immediately turned his attention to Li Wen.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that since the last time he returned from the sober wedding banquet, Li Wen seemed to have become much colder towards him.In the past, as long as she called her or asked her to go out to play, she would usually agree.But now, she often doesn't answer his calls, and occasionally connects, and wants to ask her to go out to play, but she coldly shirks that she has something to do and can't go out with him.Especially at night, she often shuts down and disappears.He went to her house several times to look for her, but her parents said that even they didn't know where she had gone or what she was doing...

It wasn't until this moment that he became a little panicked, feeling faintly in his heart: Li Wen, this beautiful peacock, is likely to fly away from him!Because judging from his experience, if a girl often goes out at night, and even her parents are missing, it is likely that she is on a date with her boyfriend...

And a man like Su Han who is extremely selfish can never tolerate being abandoned by his girlfriend, especially a girl like Li Wen who is both talented and beautiful.In his subconscious mind, he can only abandon the woman.And once abandoned by the woman, you will feel that your self-esteem has been greatly hit, and you will have a deep sense of frustration and humiliation.And this sense of frustration and humiliation was hard for his sensitive and fragile heart to bear.

Therefore, now when he heard that Li Wen was drinking porridge with Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu, he was very happy. He felt that since Li Wen was still alone with Ye Ming and the others, and there was no other man to accompany her, then Chances are you haven't found another boyfriend yet.In this case, I can go over and have a good talk with her...

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