Because of excessive indulgence, She Chuming usually takes medicine beforehand when having intercourse with young girls to maintain a strong and long-lasting state.But tonight, he didn't expect to break through that relationship with Su Xiaohong, so he didn't make any preparations.Therefore, in the process of intercourse with Su Xiaohong, she was always in a soft state of "lifting but not firm", and could only barely enter her body, arching her body desperately in a numb state, trying to use strength and speed Rhythmic movements make up for the softness of the lower body and show his "masculine masculinity"...

Su Xiaohong is in her young age, and she has tasted the taste of love between a man and a woman long ago, so she has a strong desire for it.However, She Chuming's bony body and his limp "tools" disgusted her.Although, in order to satisfy She Chuming's vanity, she kept twisting her body, moaning and screaming in pain, as if She Chuming was very powerful, but her eyes showed a kind of coldness without feeling. The look on his face, and the impatient expression of wishing him to finish quickly...

However, because She Chuming drank too much wine, his pleasure nerves were paralyzed, so he was always in a state of excitement. After hitting Su Xiaohong continuously for more than ten minutes, although he was so tired that he was out of breath, he still didn't want to. shoot means...

In order to help She Chuming reach the peak quickly, Su Xiaohong had no choice but to suppress the disgust in her heart, stretched out her hands and hugged She Chuming's waist tightly, twisted her lower body constantly, stimulated She Chuming, and kept talking in She Chuming's ear Some yin and languor made She Chuming even more excited and crazy, and soon let out...

After the clouds collected and the rain cleared, Su Xiaohong took a peek at She Chuming who was still panting on top of her, and found that he seemed to have woken up, so she suddenly covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

After this hand-to-hand combat, She Chuming was sweating profusely, and the drunkenness disappeared a lot, and she was already a little sober. When she heard Su Xiaohong's voice that seemed to be aggrieved, she couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly asked: "Xiaohong, what's the matter?" ? Did I hurt you just now?"

She Chuming was very satisfied with his performance just now, and felt that he was able to persist for so long without taking medicine. Pain, like evidence that he is still strong.

Su Xiaohong buried her head in his arms, and said sobbingly: "Mayor She, I gave you all my most precious things tonight, you have to be responsible to me!"

She Chuming was in a dazed state just now, and did not hear Su Xiaohong's pretentious cry of pain.At this moment, when he heard Su Xiaohong say, "I gave you the most precious thing tonight", he couldn't help being surprised, and asked a bit stammeringly, "Xiaohong, what did you say? This is your first time tonight?"

Su Xiaohong put on a shy expression, turned her face away, and nodded slightly.

She Chuming still didn't believe it. In order to verify Su Xiaohong's words, he hugged Su Xiaohong, moved her away, then turned on the headlights, and took a look at the place where Su Xiaohong was lying just now. On the white sheet, Sure enough, there was a peach-like blood flower blooming there. Under the strong light, this blood flower was extraordinarily bright and dazzling...

At this moment, She Chuming was like a gold digger who went into the mountain to dig for gold and accidentally found a large piece of dog's head gold. His eyes suddenly shone with ecstasy, and he stared at the bloody flower for more than a minute. A few minutes later, he suddenly hugged Su Xiaohong, stretched out his stinky mouth, and kissed her delicate cheek like a chicken pecking at rice, saying incoherently while kissing: "Xiaohong, thank you... ..Don't worry, I will treat you well, and I will repay you...Little baby, what do you want? You just have to ask, I will give it to you...Do you know? I It's been several years since I met a girl with yellow flowers... A girl who can guard herself like a jade like you is really a rare animal...Baby, tell me, what do you want?"

Seeing that She Chuming didn't doubt her fake membrane at all, Su Xiaohong was as happy as picking up a rare treasure, she couldn't help but secretly delighted.

However, like Su Han, she is a very scheming person who knows the truth of "haste makes waste".Therefore, when She Chuming asked her what she wanted, she didn't rush to make any request, but said aggrievedly: "Mayor She, what do you think of me? Do you think I want something from you?" ? Tell you, I really like you, your demeanor, your masculinity, and your maturity. Otherwise, I would not give you my most precious thing without reservation..."

When She Chuming heard her self-confession, she was so moved that she couldn't be more moved, and suddenly felt a kind of emotion in her heart, "It's enough to be a confidante in life!" He held Su Xiaohong tightly in his arms, and said emotionally: "Xiaohong , don’t worry. I’m just like this: never betray my friends, never betray my relatives! From now on, you are my closest person, and I will never betray you! From tomorrow on, you will live with me .I will give you 1 yuan in pocket money every month. In these two years, as long as you don’t find another man, I will give you another 20 yuan as a reward at the end of each year. After two years, I will give you a house. And, As long as you behave well, I can also consider giving you a villa!"

When Su Xiaohong heard that She Chuming would give her 1 yuan in pocket money every month, and that there would be another 20 yuan in rewards at the end of the year, and that she also promised to give herself a villa in two years, she couldn't help being elated. She also didn't feel disgusted at all, she burrowed into his arms, and said in a softly flattering voice, "Mayor She, I still want... are you okay?"

At this time, She Chuming already had more than enough energy, although he really wanted to gallop on Su Xiaohong's graceful body again, but he couldn't get up to the bottom, so he had to pat Su Xiaohong on the back and find a She made an excuse and said: "Xiaohong, this is your first time, it is very painful, and it will take a few days to do it. I am very sympathetic, and I will not be like those young people who don't care about the woman's feelings and blindly ask for it. We have plenty of opportunities in the future, don't be in a hurry, let's talk about it after you get better, okay?"

Su Xiaohong knew that he was definitely going to die. Hearing his high-sounding words, she knew that he was trying to save face, and she was amused in her heart, but she said coquettishly: "I'm not... who told you to be so powerful, you hooked up other people's addiction, you I won't come again... I'm not afraid of pain. When I was young, I went to cut pigweed, and I got a cut in my leg. I could bear it. Why should I be afraid of this pain? What else should I..."

Hearing these words, She Chuming thought that he was really powerful, and he aroused the desire of a young girl with a broken body, and smiled happily. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't get hard from below, he wished he could stay on top of Su Xiaohong all the time. , I can't get down for 24 hours...

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