Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 371 Insight 1 Everything

Seeing that Xia Chuchu was acting like a silly elder sister, Ye Ming didn't respond to his hints, knowing that this careless Ma Daha girl must have forgotten what he told her just now, so he coughed lightly and raised his head for her Said: "Chuchu, if you are not interested in hearing us talk about history, then you can talk about topics that interest you... By the way, didn't you just ask me about the case of resisting taxes with guns when I was in law enforcement? It happens that Secretary Lu is here, so I can tell you what happened, okay?"

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Secretary Lu and asked for his opinion.

Secretary Lu also happened to want to hear about his last distress, so he nodded with a smile and said, "Then tell me about this, so I can also understand how rampant those traitors are now down there. Experience the difficulty of tax collection by your tax bureau.”

At this moment, Xia Chuchu remembered what she was going to entrust to Ye Ming, so she stuck out her tongue at Ye Ming embarrassingly and made a grimace.

Next, Ye Ming described in detail the incident in which he encountered tax resistance.

Ye Ming's eloquence is already good, and this incident has been experienced by him himself.Therefore, this incident was described vividly and thrillingly by him.Especially when he said that Kang Genxin took out his gun and pointed it at him, and was about to pull the trigger. Although Secretary Lu and Xia Chuchu knew that he was not harmed later, they were still infected by his emotions and couldn't bear it. With an "ah", there was a look of nervousness and surprise on his face.

It wasn't until he said that Ouyang Ming pushed him away and took a shot instead of him, that the expressions on the faces of Secretary Lu and Xia Chuchu relaxed.

Xia Chuchu wiped the cold sweat off her forehead, and said "Amitabha" in a low voice.Secretary Lu, on the other hand, fixed his eyes on his son, and was full of gratitude to the cadre who pushed Ye Ming away and saved his life.

After Ye Ming finished speaking, Secretary Lu asked: "Xiaoye, is the cadre who took the shot instead of you called Ouyang Ming? How is his injury now? Has he been healed? Has there been any sequelae? , after the incident, did your unit condolence and commend him? He is also a typical spirit of bravery, worthy of affirmation and learning!"

Ye Ming took the opportunity to say: "Secretary Lu, after my colleague blocked a shot for me, all the members of the party group of our county bureau and the main leaders of the Xinleng County Party Committee visited him in the hospital during his hospitalization. Two days ago, the mayor of K City, Wang, made a special trip to Xinleng to visit my injured colleague and held a coordination meeting on how to severely punish criminal suspects who resisted taxes with guns, demanding that the police, prosecutors, etc. The law enforcement unit must quickly try and judge Kang Genxin's crimes, and he must be brought to justice. At the same time, he also asked the main leaders of the Xinleng County Party Committee and County Government to attach great importance to this case, and find Kang Genxin by analogy. The root cause of the crime, dig deep into his background and umbrella, find out the black sheep in the political and legal team, and strive to create a good law enforcement and judicial environment."

This passage was discussed by Ye Ming and Wang Xiuguang a long time ago.In fact, the main purpose of Wang Xiuguang's trip to Xinleng was to invite Ye Ming to dinner and ask for his help.Although he did visit Ouyangming later, and made a phone call with Shen Youbin, secretary of the Xinleng County Party Committee, and said that Kang Genxin would be severely punished, he did not hold any coordination meeting, nor did he ask the Xinleng County Party Committee to deeply punish him. Dig Kangen for a new umbrella.To put it bluntly, Secretary Toulu liked what he said, and said it specifically for him, so that he could change his opinion and impression of Wang Xiuguang in his heart.

When Secretary Lu heard Ye Ming mention "Mayor Wang" suddenly, he was a little surprised and asked: "Xiaoye, is the Mayor Wang you're talking about Wang Xiuguang? As far as I know, after your tax resistance case happened, his ass at that time He was sitting crookedly, and ordered the K City Public Security Bureau to arrest you and prosecute you for the crime of intentional injury. Why did he then go to Xinleng to give the exact opposite instructions?"

Ye Ming and Wang Xiuguang had long expected that Secretary Lu would ask such a question, and they had already thought up their answer.However, because of Xia Chuchu's presence, Ye Ming felt that it was a bit inconvenient to say it, so he glanced at Xia Chuchu with his eyes, showing a hesitant expression on his face.

Although Xia Chuchu is crazy, he is a very smart person. Seeing Ye Ming's expression, he knew that he was going to start interceding for Wang Xiuguang. It was really inconvenient to have himself as a third party present, so he stood up tactfully , smiled and said to Secretary Lu: "Secretary Lu, I have also finished listening to Ye Ming's story, and I will go next door to help Director Xu boil water."

Secretary Lu gave her a loving look, and said with a smile, "You go! I'll talk to Xiaoye again!"

After Xia Chuchu went out, Ye Ming said according to what he and Wang Xiuguang had discussed in advance: "Secretary Lu, you may not know that the father of the bailiff with a gun who resisted taxes was the vice president of the Intermediate People's Court of K City, and Mayor Wang is a high school classmate. After the tax resistance case happened, that Kang Wenxiang took advantage of his special relationship with Mayor Wang. The villain filed a complaint first and called Mayor Wang himself. He concealed the fact that his son was resisting taxes with a gun and framed us. Brutally enforced the law and injured his son. Mayor Wang did not know the inside story, and he was always disgusted with the rough law enforcement practice of law enforcement agencies, thinking that it was the root cause of damage to the image of the government department. Therefore, his words of Kang Wenxiang He was convinced and made a mistake in making the decision to arrest me immediately. However, shortly after he made this decision, he learned the truth about this tax resistance case from the relevant department. He was very regretful and shocked, so he immediately called He called the Public Security Bureau of City K and revoked the order he made in the afternoon to arrest me. The next day, he went to Xinleng County in person, first found me, and sincerely apologized to me. Then, he went to I visited my injured colleague and gave some instructions on the investigation and handling of the tax resistance case. Therefore, I think that in this case, Mayor Wang was deceived and bewitched by Kang Wenxiang, and his original intention was not wrong .”

Secretary Lu has been sitting there, squinting slightly to listen to Ye Ming's defense to Wang Xiuguang.He has a lot of political experience, and when he heard Ye Ming's excuses, which were obviously discussed in advance, he immediately understood: Wang Xiuguang must have known from a standing committee member that he named and criticized him at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee things, and also knew that he and Ye Ming had a relatively close relationship.Therefore, he made a special trip to Xinleng to ask Ye Ming for help, and asked him to come to his place to intercede for him.

Thinking of this, Secretary Lu showed a perceptive expression on his face, and asked gently: "Son, I ask you a question, and you have to answer me truthfully: Did Wang Xiuguang teach you to say what you just said? If my guess is correct, Wang Xiuguang should have come to the provincial capital with you this time, and he is waiting for your news somewhere, right?"

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