When Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu arrived at the Golden Bridge Hotel, Li Wen was already standing at the entrance of the hotel with a delicate backpack on her shoulders, looking around the road constantly.

Xia Chuchu parked the car beside her, asked Ye Ming to get off, and drove the car to the parking lot to park by herself.

Ye Ming saw that Li Wen was wearing a ruthless white woolen sweater with a large lapel, a pair of terracotta jeans, and no makeup on her face. She looked fresh, elegant and flawless, with a charming charm of Xiaojiabiyu. Huaxin Daluobo is so fascinated by Li Wen, this girl does have a unique temperament, which makes people who see her feel refreshed...

The moment Li Wen saw Ye Ming, there was a gleam in her eyes, and a blush blushed on her cheeks for no reason. He hung down, not daring to meet Ye Ming's bright and clear eyes.

Seeing her shy look, Ye Ming thought she was still embarrassed about what happened last night, so he smiled and said, "Wenwen, you didn't sleep well last night! Seeing that your eye sockets are still red, Did you cry again when you went back? Hahaha!"

Hearing what he said, Li Wen blushed even more: After going back last night, she really didn't sleep much.However, she was not unable to sleep because of grievances as Ye Ming imagined.She is a very strong, self-reliant person with a big heart. Although she was bullied by Guo Fei last night, after Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu came forward, they gave her a bad breath and not only made Guo Fei that wicked young He was beaten badly, and he was put in a detention center.Therefore, not only did she not feel wronged at all last night, on the contrary, she felt particularly relieved and happy, and at the same time she was full of gratitude to Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu.

The reason why she couldn't sleep was because after lying on the bed, Ye Ming's vigorous and nimble figure, his freely swaying heroic posture when he was fighting for her, and his kindness when he was comforting herself, turned over and over in her mind The gentle voice, the sunny smile - all of these fascinated her and made her fascinated.

Before meeting Ye Ming, she seemed to be able to tolerate all kinds of bad qualities in Su Han, such as selfishness, arrogance, arrogance, narrow-mindedness, snobbery, etc., and she could also accept that he was a little wretched and a little sorry for the audience. appearance.

However, after getting acquainted with Ye Ming, she suddenly realized: Comparing Su Han and Ye Ming, the former is so despicable and insignificant, while the latter is the most ideal lover in her mind, the one she has loved since she was an adult. Just dream of Prince Charming...

With this kind of comparison, she became even more disgusted with Su Han, and she didn't even want to hear his voice.Especially after Ye Ming saved her last night, her adoration and admiration for him has reached an unstoppable level.Throughout the second half of the night, all that lingered in her mind was Ye Ming's handsome and unrestrained figure, and what came back to her ears were all Ye Ming's slightly magnetic voice and hearty laughter...

Ye Ming saw that Li Wen didn't raise her head to speak after she made that joke, but her face was getting redder and redder. He thought that he was joking too much and hit a sore spot in her heart, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Wenwen, do you want to talk?" Call Su Han over? You will have to tell him sooner or later that you want to transfer the provincial TV station. Why don’t you call him over now, and meet with Deputy Director Zhang, and work together to handle the transfer in the future, so that your It's less stressful, right?"

When Li Wen heard that he was going to call Su Han, she felt a little anxious, she quickly raised her head and said, "Mr. Ye, you must not call him. If he does come, I will leave. Besides, I hope you don't call him Tell him what happened today, this is not good!"

Ye Ming looked at her in surprise, not knowing what happened between her and Su Han, so he nodded and said, "Well, I won't tell him about it yet."

At this time, Xia Chuchu also parked the car and came over. The three of them went to the restaurant together, found the "888" box, opened the door and went in, only to see Zhang Yingzhi was already sitting in the box upright. Seeing them push the door in, hurry up Standing up with a smile on his face, he took a few steps forward, grabbed Ye Ming's hand, shook it vigorously, and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Ye, welcome, welcome! Come, come and sit inside."

Xia Chuchu took Li Wen's hand, walked up to Zhang Yingzhi, and introduced with a smile: "Director Zhang, this is an intern reporter from the municipal TV station. His name is Li Wen. He majored in broadcasting and hosting. It's me and Ye Ming. A good friend of yours. She has heard the name of Director Zhang for a long time, and today she wants to come with us to see your demeanor, so we brought her here."

When Zhang Yingzhi heard that Li Wen was from the municipal TV station, she was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reached out her hand, shook hands with her, and said again: "Miss Li, welcome, welcome!"

Li Wen has been a reporter for several months, and her courage and insight have been tempered. Therefore, after seeing Zhang Yingzhi, she was not flustered. She shook hands with him graciously and said, "It's an honor to meet Director Zhang. Listen. Sister Chu Chu said: You are not only the leader of the provincial station, but also a business expert in the station. There are many variety shows with high ratings, such as Langman Holding Hands, Happy Voice, etc., which are all your ideas and directed by you So, today I specially came to visit you with Mr. Ye and Sister Chuchu, and ask you for some methods and experiences in TV art, I hope you don’t blame me for taking the liberty!”

Zhang Yingzhi listened to her speak generously and decently, her expression was neither humble nor overbearing, and her Mandarin was very standard, and her voice was very nice.If you just look at the two aspects of voice and Mandarin, it seems that Xia Chuchu is not much inferior to Xia Chuchu, and I have a good impression of her, so I smiled and said: "Miss Li has won the award! I think your voice is very good, and you have professional skills. It also seems to be relatively solid, very suitable for being a host, why does your city TV station let you be a reporter? With such good qualifications, you should be trained as a host!"

Hearing what he said, Xia Chuchu took the opportunity to raise her head and said, "Director Zhang, you are a very talented leader. Do you think Wenwen is suitable to be the host, why don't you just transfer her to the provincial station and be my apprentice?" I am responsible for bringing her on the road. I promise you: within half a year, I will definitely bring her out and train an excellent host for the provincial TV station, how about it?"

Zhang Yingzhi didn't expect Xia Chuchu to be so good at climbing up the pole. She just praised Li Wen, and she asked herself to transfer her to the provincial station. She was a little embarrassed, so she said: "Chuchu, We'll talk about this later. For outstanding talents, our provincial station has always been eclectic in recruiting. Our station may hold an open recruitment in the near future. At that time, let Xiao Li participate in our recruitment. As long as her grades pass the test , Recruitment should be no problem."

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