Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 390 Bring it to justice

When Zhang Yingzhi asked these questions, Xia Chuchu, who had been sitting with her face away from the liar Li Hongfeng, couldn't bear her curiosity anymore, turned her face away quickly, and stared intently at this "killer" "Pigman" looks like looking at a exotic animal.

When Li Hongfeng heard Zhang Yingzhi asked those questions like a cannonball, and his eyes were burning, his expression was extremely unkind, and he felt bad.At this moment, Xia Chuchu turned around again, and he immediately recognized that the girl who had been sitting with her back facing him silently was Xia Chuchu, the famous host of the provincial TV station.

At this moment, he immediately realized in his heart: Today is a grand banquet here, Li Wen must have seen through her deception, and set a trap in this box, just waiting for herself to slip into it.

Thinking of this, he didn't wait for the people in the box to react, he suddenly turned around, opened the door of the box and ran out to the lobby.

Ye Ming was listening to Zhang Yingzhi asking him questions, but he didn't expect Li Hongfeng to react so quickly. As soon as he noticed the sign of a sunken hole, he immediately turned around and fled outside.Therefore, before he had time to take measures against Li Hongfeng, he had already opened the door and fled outside.

Seeing that he was trying to escape, Ye Ming couldn't help being furious. He rushed out of the box and followed Li Hongfeng to the hotel lobby.

When Li Hongfeng was about to get into the revolving door in the lobby, Ye Ming tapped his toes on the granite floor with the help of the inertia of galloping, and suddenly his body soared into the air like a big bird, and flew straight to Li Hongfeng. As soon as he caught in the air, he grabbed his collar, and before he landed, he took advantage of the opportunity to throw him at the entrance of the lobby.

After Li Hongfeng fell to the ground, he immediately rolled on the ground, trying to get rid of Ye Ming's control, and shouted like a shrew: "Help! It's a robbery... Hurry up and catch the robber... My wallet was robbed by him." , hurry up, people!"

It turned out that this Li Hongfeng was extremely cunning: he guessed that he was not Ye Ming's opponent, so he bit back and accused Ye Ming of robbing him, and wanted to recruit the hotel's security guards to subdue Ye Ming, and then he took advantage of the opportunity to escape.

His trick really worked.Several security guards at the entrance of the hotel and in the lobby saw Ye Ming stepping on a man with one foot, bending over to lift him up; while the man on the ground was struggling and shouting for help, thinking that he was really What happened was that they were robbed, so under the leadership of a captain, they ran over quickly waving rubber sticks, surrounded Ye Ming, and several of them wanted to subdue Ye Ming.

At this moment, the captain who was running in the front looked Ye Ming carefully, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Isn't this our uncle? Uncle, when did you come in? Why didn't I see you? By the way, Who is this kid?"

Ye Ming looked up, and saw that the little boss had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and pimples all over his face. It was Chen Jiu who called himself "uncle" when he sang in Jinqiao Fairy Tale last time.

Seeing that it was Chen Jiu who came, Ye Ming was overjoyed, pointed to Li Hongfeng at his feet, and said to him: "Captain Chen, this is a fraudster who cheated a friend of mine 10,000+ yuan, and now he wants to run away. Please send someone to send me He took custody and I called the police immediately."

When Chen Jiu heard that the man on the ground was a fraudster, and he had defrauded his "uncle" friend 10,000+ yuan, he immediately waved to the security guards under him and said, "Go over, take him to the duty room, and let this kid loose first." Songpi, let him have a long memory, and see if he dares to lie to others in the future."

Ye Ming knew that the "songsongpi" he said meant to beat up Li Hongfeng, and hurriedly said: "Captain Chen, you can teach him a lesson, but don't hurt him, when the time comes the police station People are here, so it’s hard to explain.”

Chen Jiu smiled, turned the rubber stick in his hand a few times, and said, "Young master, don't worry, these bastards are all masters at punishing people. They can make that guy cry like a ghost, but they won't leave any wounds on their bodies." Scars. You just call the police, I will take someone to fix this fraudster first!"

Not long after Chen Jiu left, a miserable howl suddenly came from the duty room in the lobby.Ye Ming knew that Chen Jiu and others were "loosening" Li Hongfeng, so he quickly dialed 110 for the police...

That night, Ye Ming and Li Wen followed the police to the police station to record a statement, confirming Li Huafeng's crime of fraud.But Zhang Yingzhi and Xia Chuchu went home before the police arrived because of their influence and image.

After Li Wen finished recording her statement, she asked the people at the police station if she could get back the money she had been defrauded by Li Huafeng.But the policeman told him sympathetically: This scammer is a big gambler, he lost all the money he got from the fraud, and now he is penniless and owes usury.Therefore, it is impossible to return Li Wen's money.

As soon as Li Wen heard what the police said, she thought of how hard-earned money her parents had accumulated for many years, and was cheated away in vain. She felt sad and sad, and couldn't help but stay where she was, silently shedding tears. tears.

Ye Ming also heard the words of the police next to him. Seeing that Li Wen was sad, he knew that she felt sorry for the money she had been cheated out of, so he went over and handed her a tissue, comforting her and saying, "Wenwen, don't be sad! Didn’t the matter of the provincial TV station be done? You just think that this money is the transfer fee, and you haven’t been cheated, so you can think about it! Hehe!”

Hearing his words, Li Wen thought about it and really could only comfort herself in this way, so she took the tissue and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked up at Ye Ming, and said in a low voice: "Mr. I have helped so much, I really don’t know how to thank you. I don’t have much money now, so I can’t invite you to a luxury hotel for dinner. So, I want to invite you to my house for a meal at noon tomorrow, let my Mom and Dad would like to express their gratitude to you, and also take this opportunity to express my gratitude. I wonder if Mr. Ye will appreciate it or not?"

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Wenwen, you are Su Han's girlfriend, Su Han is my classmate, I should help you, there is no need for you to be so concerned about it. I take your heart, I will take care of you tomorrow There may be something else, so I won't go to your house for dinner, next time I have a chance, I will go to your house with Su Han to visit your uncle and aunt."

Seeing that he kept mentioning Su Han, Li Wen couldn't help but feel sour. She couldn't explain to Ye Ming that she had made up her mind to break up with Su Han. She didn't know what to say, and tears flowed down her cheeks. .

Seeing that she was crying again, Ye Ming thought that he was embarrassing her by refusing her, and thinking that he would not be able to go back in Director Xu's car until tomorrow afternoon anyway, so he changed his tone and said, "Wenwen, don't be sad, I will go tomorrow Have dinner at home and go back to Xinleng in the afternoon, okay?"

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