Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 394 Cerebral Hemangioma

Yi Su'e stir-fries and cooks very quickly. At about [-]:[-], she put the stir-fried vegetables on the table and called Li Wen to take Ye Ming to the restaurant for dinner.

Li Shuyue had quit drinking for half a year because of his illness.However, when he saw Ye Ming today, he was very happy. In addition, he felt that his physical condition seemed to be good today, and the symptoms of dizziness were not very obvious. Therefore, regardless of Yi Su'e and Li Wen's advice, he insisted on drinking with Ye Ming a few cups.

Ye Ming didn't know that Li Shuyue was ill, so in order to show respect to his elders, he stood up and offered Li Shuyue three cups first.Li Shuyue can't drink, but in order not to lose face for his daughter, he not only drank Ye Mingjing's three glasses of wine readily, but also returned Ye Ming's three glasses of wine.When paying back, he kept saying words of thanks, saying that Wenwen was thanks to Mr. Ye, and hoped that Mr. Ye would come to play more at home in the future, and take care of and help Wenwen more.

Li Shuyue and Ye Ming talked more and more speculatively, and drank more and more wine.When a bottle of wine was about to be finished, Li Shuyue stood up blushing, picked up the bottle and wanted to continue pouring wine for Ye Ming, but suddenly felt dizzy.

Then, his eyes were bulging, his mouth was panting heavily, his face showed a painful expression, his body shook a few times, and he fell limply to the ground slowly, with a "clang" sound from the wine bottle in his hand It fell to the ground and shattered.

Ye Ming was taken aback, and hurried over to help him up, only to see that his face turned from red to blue, the corners of his mouth were twitching constantly, his eyes were closed tightly, and he had lost consciousness.

Yi Su'e thought that he was suffering from high blood pressure again. While crying, she hurried to the bedroom to find antihypertensive medicine, and asked Ye Ming to open Li Shuyue's mouth and feed him the medicine.

Although Li Wen was sad, she was still calm. Seeing her father like this, she cried and said to her mother, "Mom, don't give me medicine. It's useless. I have to send my father to the hospital as soon as possible."

Ye Ming didn't expect Li Shuyue's condition to be so serious, and he felt anxious and guilty: If he had known this, he shouldn't have persuaded him to drink.Now it seems that Li Shuyue must have been drinking to induce the root cause of the disease.And looking at it like this, it is likely to be a cerebral thrombosis or myocardial infarction. If he is not sent to the hospital for treatment in time, his life may not be saved.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, picked up Li Shuyue, and rushed out of the door quickly...

In order to save time, Ye Ming ignored Li Wen's mother and daughter who came out later, and turned to them and said, "I'll send my uncle to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjiang Medical College, you can go there directly later!"

After saying this, he used his "one-step-to-cloud" lightness skill, and hugged Li Shuyue like a nimble blue sheep, and galloped in the alley.In just a moment, they ran out of the entrance of the alley and came to the street outside, leaving Li Wen's mother and daughter far behind.

Then, he stopped a taxi on the spot and hurried to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjiang Medical College.

After he sent Li Shuyue to the emergency room, a doctor who looked like an expert, after listening to the introduction of his illness and knowing that Li Shuyue had a history of hypertension, rolled Li Shuyue's eyelids again, and made a preliminary diagnosis and said: "This is very likely. It’s a cerebral hemangioma that ruptured and bleeds, and it needs to be sent to the emergency room as soon as possible to be rescued first, and the operation should be performed as soon as possible, and the family members should pay the money first.”

At this time, Li Wen and Yi Su'e also rushed over with tears in their eyes. When they heard that they had to pay first, Yi Su'e and Li Wen looked at each other: because they came in a hurry, neither of them brought much money.Moreover, they have no money at home, only Li Wen has more than 1000 yuan in cash in her bag.However, it is estimated that the more than 1000 yuan will not play any role at all.

Ye Ming asked: "Auntie, does anyone in your family have a medical insurance card? You can use the medical insurance card to register and pay first."

Yi Su'e shook her head and said: "Our community has not had time to handle it for us. It is said that we will not be able to get the medical insurance card until next year. Moreover, even if there is a medical insurance card, the money in it is pitiful. For surgery, you must pay in cash, and then go to reimburse part of the money."

Ye Ming didn't say anything anymore, he quickly came to the hospital bill payment window, took out the spare cash from his bag, and paid 1 yuan.

Li Wen also followed him, holding 1000 yuan from her bag in her hand. Seeing Ye Ming pay 1 yuan at once, she was so moved that she burst into tears, and handed the 1000 yuan to Ye Ming. Li Bi, choked up and said, "Mr. Ye, why are you so embarrassed? I will call my uncle to borrow money later, and I must pay you back the money!"

Ye Ming pushed her hand to hand the money away, and said, "Wenwen, life is at stake now, let's not talk about money or not. I have to help the doctor check Uncle Li quickly."

With that said, he ran to the emergency room with the fee receipt.

After a CT scan of the brain and a series of examinations, the doctor called Ye Ming and Li Wen's mother and daughter to the office and told them: Li Shuyue's illness was caused by the rupture of a brain hemangioma caused by high blood pressure, which caused intracranial hemorrhage, and the rescue is now underway.After being rescued, a craniotomy must be performed immediately to clean up the intracranial congestion and clamp the ruptured cerebral blood vessels.This operation plus follow-up treatment costs about 5 to 8 yuan. Please raise the money as soon as possible so that the hospital can arrange the operation in time...

Although Li Wen's mother and daughter knew that Li Shuyue's illness would require a large sum of money, they didn't expect to need so much. They all looked at each other with despair on their faces: it turns out that in order to transfer funds to Li Wen's TV station, Her parents took out all their savings, found Li Wen's uncle and other relatives, and managed to get together 14 yuan. Unexpectedly, they were cheated by a scammer again...

Li Wen remembered that she had lost 14 yuan in vain, which was equivalent to losing all her father's life-saving money. She felt extremely regretful, and suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

Ye Ming was also very regretful and guilty at this time.Because he felt: Li Shuyue's illness this time was completely caused by drinking, and it was caused by his behavior of persuading and toasting.

Moreover, he knew that Li Wen's family had already spent all their savings and owed foreign debts for her to save the TV station, so they definitely couldn't pay for the operation and hospitalization now.It must be because of this reason that Li Wen is crying loudly at the moment.

So, he said to Li Wen's mother and daughter: "Auntie, Wenwen, don't worry. I have a card in my bag, and there are tens of thousands of yuan in cash. I will take it out now, and go through the hospitalization procedures first. Pay the operation fee. If there is less money, I will find a way."

Yi Su'e couldn't think about it at this time: because among their relatives, only her brother had some money.However, for Li Wen's transfer, he has already borrowed 4 yuan from him.Later, I asked him to borrow it again, and he said that he had no working capital for his business now, and he really couldn't borrow it.

Therefore, when she heard Ye Ming's words, her eyes immediately showed surprise and gratitude, and she didn't even say a polite word.

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