Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 397 Pain is also a kind of memory

Ye Ming's blood is young, and it is the time when his desire is at its peak.Moreover, just as Chen Yi commented on him, he has a flirtatious temperament in his bones. In Chen Yi's words, he is just a "little bitch".

What's more, Li Wen is also a very outstanding girl, not only pure and beautiful in appearance, but also knowledgeable and sensible, with an intellectual beauty, and a fresh and charming temperament of Xiaojiabiyu that Chen Yi, Chen Mengqi and Xia Chuchu do not have.Moreover, at this moment, Li Wen is naked in his arms again, the delicate skin, the fragrant breath, and the upright breasts that touch his body from time to time all make him feel confused and unable to control himself...

Therefore, after hearing Li Wen's affectionate confession, he only felt moved and confused in his heart. Under the entanglement of Li Wen's gradually becoming fiery body, the sense of morality and self-discipline in his mind gradually melted away. Instead, it was the flames of sexual desire that blazed up...

When Li Wen hugged him tightly again and kissed his lips actively, he finally couldn't control himself anymore, he put all his reason and moral concepts behind him, turned Li Wen over, Let her lie on her back, and then, he half-kneeled between Li Wen's two slender and straight legs, took off his nightgown and underpants, and in the midst of Li Wen's expectant but somewhat frightened groans, lowered his body Pressed up.

The moment he entered Li Wen's body, Li Wen suddenly grasped his waist tightly with both hands, and shouted in a dreamlike voice: "Ye Ming, remember: I love you, It's not are my first man, I will remember you forever...ouch..."

From Li Wen's jerky movements and her painful groans, Ye Ming realized that it was really the first time for her, so he barely restrained his impulse, and slowly pushed in with a gentle and gentle movement. .

But even so, Li Wen still clenched her teeth in pain, scratching Ye Ming's waist with her hands, leaving red marks on Ye Ming's back and shoulders.

When she felt that she was in excruciating pain, in order to distract herself and relieve the pain, and to make Ye Ming feel comfortable and free from the influence of her painful expression, she suddenly freed her hand and hugged Ye Ming. I touched Ye Ming's neck, kept kissing his face, and at the same time kept whispering: "Ye Ming, I love you...I love you...I am your woman, and will always be... "


After a period of not-so-intense entanglement, Ye Ming finally released himself, and finally verified Li Wen's words: This girl in her 20s, this beautiful girl who has had two or three boyfriends, is indeed innocent. The big girl with yellow flowers; and himself, is indeed one of her men.

Thinking of this, he felt a little guilty and a little uneasy: he owed more and more love debts. First, Chen Yi, who was deeply in love with him, and later, Chen Mengqi, who was devoted to him. , But people on earth can tell that she likes her Xia Chuchu.

And now, another Li Wen appeared, just like Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi, she fell in love with him recklessly, and gave him her first love.But I couldn't make any promises to her.Although her behavior today has a kind of repaying nature, isn't it a bit despicable for me to take advantage of her repaying mentality and half push and half take her?

After Li Wen was done, she curled up her sweaty body in Ye Ming's arms like a docile kitten.At this moment, she saw Ye Ming lying there silently, as if thinking about something, guessed that he was a little uneasy, so she raised her hand, gently wiped the sweat on his face, and joked in a low voice Said: "Honey, are you exhausted? I read in some novels that if you boys go to bed with a girl with yellow flowers, it is often compared to reclaiming virgin land. And the novels also say that reclaiming virgin land is more laborious. ...Did you put in a lot of effort just now? Seeing the sweat on your head, my heart aches a little!"

Ye Ming's heart was shaken by her words, and he couldn't help but want to climb on top of her and work on the virgin land she had just reclaimed.

However, considering that this was the first time for Li Wen, the pain would be so intense that ordinary girls would not be able to bear it, so he managed to control his reawakened desire. After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered One question, I turned my head and asked her: "Wenwen, you said that after tonight, you will immediately find a boyfriend and say you want to get married immediately, are you telling the truth or not? You have to be careful about this Ah, this is related to your life's happiness, you can't be impulsive, and you can't be careless."

There was a satisfied smile on Li Wen's face, she stared at him with wide eyes in the dark, and asked in a low voice: "What? Are you jealous? If you are jealous, I will not find a boyfriend or marry I will be your lover forever. Do you dare?"

Ye Ming was taken aback, and didn't know how to answer her, so he smiled wryly, noncommittal to her question.

Li Wenming knew that he would have such an attitude, but when she really saw that he was indifferent to her true feelings and remained silent, she still felt a burst of sadness and disappointment, and suddenly turned her head away, saying quietly: "Ye Ming , I was just teasing you. I said it before: Our relationship is only for one night. After tonight, we will not owe each other, and we will be ordinary friends from now on. If you think highly of me, you will come to the provincial capital in the future Remember to call me and treat me to a meal. If you look down on me, you can forget about me, as if you had a one-night stand with a strange girl you met on the Internet...

"If you are really worried, I will follow what I promised you at the beginning, find a boyfriend in the shortest possible time, and hold a wedding with him immediately. When I get married, I can invite you to be a guest. Don't worry , I know my own situation well. Based on my conditions, it may be a little difficult to find a man like you who is excellent in all aspects. However, it is also a matter of finding an above-average husband. Easy stuff."

When she said this, she suddenly turned around, as if she was about to grab the last ray of hope, hugged Ye Ming's body tightly again, panting and said: "Ye Ming, since we only have one night, why don't we leave?" We can't waste money, I still want you, and now I want to..."

Ye Ming was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Wenwen, you will be in great pain, not now..."

Li Wen said stubbornly: "No! I'm not afraid of pain! Don't you know? Sometimes, pain is also a kind of memory..."

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