Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 40 Reception Problems

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Dongfang rubbed his palms excitedly, paced back and forth in the office, thinking over and over again how he should use this rare opportunity to treat Director Xu Fei well, and strive to be in his mind. Leave a deep and unforgettable good impression and lay a solid foundation for your smooth transition.

He was very clear: there must be a reason why Xu Fei made an exception and chose the Xinleng County Bureau as the first stop of his research.As for the reason, he paced for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

But no matter what, as long as Xu Fei came to the Xinleng County Bureau, as the acting director, he would have more opportunities to perform and get close to Xu Fei than other bureau leaders.

After carefully thinking about some details of receiving Xu Fei, Zhang Dongfang called Renjiake, who asked Renjiake to inform the members of the party group and the director of the office to hold an enlarged meeting of the party group.

At the party group meeting, Zhang Dongfang first informed the news that Director Xu, the new director of the Municipal Bureau, would come to Xinleng County Bureau to conduct research tomorrow, and then he proposed several reception measures: First, all cadres of the Municipal Bureau will wear uniforms tomorrow , when Director Xu arrived, they all stood in front of the office building and lined up to welcome the leaders of the Municipal Bureau; second, the office had to make welcome slogans and banners overnight, and hang them in eye-catching places in the office building; third, the office had to rush to write an article overnight Quality reporting materials, from the aspects of organizing tax revenue, leadership team construction, cadre team construction, tax legal system construction, party style and clean government construction, improving the quality of tax collection and management, and improving the level of taxation services, highlight the achievements of the Xinleng County Bureau in recent years. The fourth is to do a good job in logistics services.The office has to reserve the best room in the VIP building of the Xinleng Hotel, and the rooms of each city bureau leader must have cigarettes, fruit, and toiletries...

However, as soon as his plan was put forward, Zou Wenming, the leader of the discipline inspection team, raised a question: "Director Zhang, your plan is very detailed and specific, but I have two questions: First, you said that you want to organize all cadres Greeting Director Xu and his party outside the office building, with such a big fanfare to mobilize teachers and mobilize people, will it cause adverse effects? Besides, we still don’t understand Director Xu’s personality. Second, when reporting to Director Xu, I think it is better not to report on the three aspects of leadership team building, cadre team building, and party style and clean government building. Why? Because our county bureau just released Li Lihe The matter of Chen Weiping. Two of them, one was the former top leader of our county bureau, and the other was the former director of the office. Therefore, we are actually unqualified in the three aspects of leadership team building, party style and clean government building, and cadre team building. If you repay our achievements in these three aspects, wouldn’t you be slapping yourself in the face?”

Zhang Dongfang thought for a while, and said: "The second point that Team Leader Zou said is really because I didn't think carefully. As for the first point, I think Team Leader Zou made a big fuss. When Director Xu took office, he made the first point of the investigation This is a great encouragement and encouragement to all the cadres and staff of our county bureau. We organized everyone to welcome Director Xu and his party at the gate of the bureau. First, to express respect, second, to express gratitude; third, to let our cadres It’s normal for the employees to get to know the new city bureau chief. We didn’t play music with gongs, drums, cannons, or lay a red carpet, so what’s wrong with that?”

The other two deputy directors also expressed their views, saying that Director Zhang's proposal is correct, and that it is very necessary for the global cadres to line up to welcome them.

At this time, Xiao Zhihui, acting director of the office, asked for instructions: "Director Zhang, who will write this report? Is it Ye Ming or Zhang Lihuan?"

Zhang Dongfang pondered for a moment, and said: "Let Zhang Lihuan write it! Xiaoye has been feeling a little restless for a while, and it's hard to concentrate, and this material is more important. I'm worried that he won't be able to grasp the key points. Also, I will report tomorrow. At that time, let Zhang Lihuan take notes, and Ye Ming doesn't have to attend the meeting."

Zou Wenming once again raised objections: "Director Zhang, I'm afraid this is inappropriate! Ye Ming has always been the secretary of the office. According to the division of labor, such a large material should be written by him. Moreover, the meeting minutes of the bureau, It should also be done by him, because after the meeting he has to sort out and issue the minutes of the meeting. Zhang Zhanghuan is still working in the branch office, and I think his literary talent is far behind Ye Ming. It is appropriate for him to write materials and take records. ?"

In fact, all the members at the meeting knew that Zhang Dongfang had a purpose in doing this.

It turned out that Zhang Zhanghuan was Zhang Dongfang's uncle and nephew in the courtyard of Zhang Dongfang's hometown. Although he was not very close, Zhang Zhanghuan had always flattered Zhang Dongfang.

After Li Li fell from power, Zhang Lihuan, who studied Chinese, thought he was good at writing, so he took aim at the position of deputy director of the office, and often ran to Zhang Dongfang's house with gifts.

It just so happened that Zhang Dongfang didn't like Ye Ming very much, and he was even a little afraid secretly: if such a thorny person was promoted to be the deputy director of the office, sooner or later he would be a serious problem to his confidant.Although he has a good relationship with Deputy Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection, and I heard that he is dating the daughter of Director Xia of the Provincial Bureau, but those are all high-ranking relationships, and the tentacles should not reach the small Xin Leng County Bureau.

What's more, although Ye Ming was revoked the punishment of major demerits, the fact that he beat someone still exists.I didn't promote him, but I also considered that the impact of his beating was not good. This is a very sufficient reason.Even if Director Xia of the Provincial Bureau personally intervened, he would not be able to say anything...

Therefore, after he acted as the director of the bureau, he began to consciously hand over some overall materials to Zhang Lihuan for writing, and Zhang Zhanghuan was also required to keep the meeting minutes when the bureau affairs meeting was held.The reason he gave was: Ye Ming has just returned from the review, and it will take a while to adjust his status before he can start normal work.

But in fact, everyone in the bureau is well aware that he is going to replace Ye Ming's secretary position with Zhang Lihuan, and promote Zhang Zhanghuan in the upcoming selection of middle-level deputy positions, squeezing out the most hopeful to be promoted to secretary Ye Ming, the deputy director...

Seeing the question raised by Team Leader Zou, Zhang Lihuan replied: "Group Leader Zou, I don't have any prejudice against Comrade Ye Ming. However, we all know that Comrade Ye Ming has had a lot of things recently. Whether these things are right or wrong , we do not comment. My main consideration is: Comrade Ye Ming may not have recovered from the ups and downs of emotions, and he needs to rest for a few days to adjust his mentality and emotions. We do this because we care about and love our cadres Therefore, I told Director Xiao yesterday: Comrade Ye Ming can rest at home for the past few days and does not have to come to work. jobs."

"So, Ye Ming has been resting at home these days?"

Zou Wenming asked in surprise.

Zhang Dongfang nodded and said, "That's right. Well, we don't have to worry about this issue now, let's discuss the details of receiving Director Xu!"

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