Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 401 I'm Pregnant

Ye Ming knew that Gong Zhichao was sincerely doing his own good, and he was grateful. He nodded and said, "Brother Chao, don't worry. I now know that Li Botang is investigating Chen Yi, and I will be more careful in the future. Thank you!"

Gong Zhichao asked: "Brother, do you want to investigate Li Zhi's mistress? If you want to investigate, I can ask my brother to do it."

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Investigate! Because I think: now Chen Yi must divorce Li Zhi as soon as possible. Because I know very well: Chen Yi will never live with Li Zhi, they will divorce sooner or later But now, Li Zhi and Li Botang have grown suspicious of her, so, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, Chen Yi should cut through the mess quickly and get rid of Li Zhi as soon as possible, so as not to be hurt. Therefore, Chen Yi must get Li Zhi's mistress as soon as possible. The evidence is used as the basis for the court to judge the divorce. I think that as long as there are these evidences, and Chen Yi does not want a penny from Li Zhi's family, she can leave the house completely, so it is estimated that the court will rule that she and Li Zhi divorce."

Gong Zhichao nodded and said, "That's good too. It can avoid a lot of trouble. If you take these photos, it's best to destroy them as soon as possible. Of course, you can also show Chen Yi first, so that she can be more vigilant."

Two days later, Ye Ming finally saw Chen Yi coming to work at the county bureau.However, after seeing him, Chen Yi remained calm and did not greet him.

In order to avoid suspicion, Ye Ming didn't dare to go to the office to find her at noon, so he waited impatiently until evening, and went straight to the place where Chen Yi lived in Baxianqiao after eating.

At this moment, he had a lot to say to Chen Yi, and he also had many questions to ask her: Where did she go these days?Why not tell yourself beforehand?What is she thinking?

When Ye Ming knocked on the door of Chen Yi's room, she had just finished eating, and the dishes on the table were not cleared away.

As soon as Ye Ming entered, he turned around and locked the door, then hugged Chen Yi, bowed his head and wanted to kiss her.

Chen Yi raised her head, not allowing him to kiss her, and at the same time pushing him with her hands, she said angrily, "What are you doing? Sit down for me and don't move your hands or feet. If you do this again, I will drive you out. Do you believe me?" Do not believe?"

Ye Ming let go of his hand reluctantly, staring at Chen Yi's delicate cheeks and alluring red lips, he smiled unwillingly and said: "I haven't seen you for a few days, what do you think I want to do? By the way, you Where have you been hiding for a few days? Why has the phone been turned off? I thought you didn't want to see me anymore!"

Chen Yi blushed inexplicably, glanced at him, and said, "You guessed it: I just don't want to see you, a little pervert, so I turned off my phone and went on a trip to other places. Also, starting today, you It's best not to come to me in the future, do you hear me?"

Ye Ming glanced at her in surprise, and asked, "Why? Is there something wrong? Is Li Zhi or Li Botang threatening you? Sister Chen, I thought about it, you must divorce Li Zhi as soon as possible. I I have entrusted someone else to find evidence for you that Li Zhi raised his mistress, you can sue in court now and ask for a divorce from Li Zhi. I will find those evidences for you soon."

To Ye Ming's surprise, after hearing what he said, Chen Yi shook her head and said, "Ye Zi, don't look for evidence that Li Zhi raised his mistress. I don't want to divorce him now!"

Ye Ming was taken aback, looked at Chen Yi like a monster, and shouted: "Why? Didn't you still say that you were determined to divorce Li Zhi last time? What happened these few days? Are you really hurt? What threat?"

Chen Yi shook her head again and said, "No reason! I haven't been threatened either. If you don't want a divorce, you won't get a divorce. There's no reason!"

Hearing her indifferent tone, Ye Ming thought that he had guessed correctly, Chen Yi was determined to leave him, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in his heart, staring at Chen Yi's calm pretty face with unwilling eyes , I suddenly had an impulse in my heart, walked over and picked her up, and walked into the bedroom.

Chen Yi didn't expect him to be so impulsive all of a sudden, she struggled hard in his arms, blushed and shouted in a low voice, "You bastard, let me go! Not now..."

Ye Ming's heart is burning right now, why care about her struggling and shouting?After walking into the bedroom with her in his arms, he put her on his back on the bed and frantically tried to take off her clothes.

Chen Yi desperately resisted his attack with her hands, and shouted out of breath: "Yezi, you bastard! You are like this every time, and you don't respect me at all. If you don't stop, you will regret it..."

When she said this, tears suddenly rolled out of her eyes, her hands stopped resisting, and Ren Yeming stripped off her shirt.

Ye Ming saw that she couldn't stop crying when he undressed her, and he couldn't help feeling flustered. He didn't dare to force her anymore. He reached out to cover her skirt, got up from her in frustration, and said dejectedly: "Sister Chen , I'm sorry! I know you want to break up with me, but I'm always unwilling. Now I know your attitude. You don't want to divorce Li Zhi, you must be afraid that I will pester you again, right? If this is the case, Then I'm leaving now."

With that said, he turned around and wanted to go outside.

Seeing his depressed and sad appearance, Chen Yi couldn't help feeling distressed, got up from the bed, hugged him from behind, sobbed and said: "You little fool, little enemy, when did I say Want to break up with you? Do you know why I suddenly didn't divorce Li Zhi? Because now I don't dare!"

Ye Ming turned his head, looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Why? Didn't you say you must divorce him last time? Why don't you say no now?"

Chen Yi's face turned red, and she felt shy for a long time before she pointed to her abdomen and said in a low voice shyly: "Because I'm pregnant now, and I'm pregnant with your baby! If I file a divorce lawsuit with him now, I will The pregnancy is likely to be exposed. Therefore, I want to bear with it for a while and maintain the status quo with him for the time being, and talk about it in a few months."

It turned out that last Sunday, Chen Yi was cooking at home. While frying a dish with a strong oily smell, she suddenly felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom to vomit for a while.She thought she had a cold, so she didn't care.

But on the second and third day, she was still sick. When she went to the clinic, the doctor said she had no symptoms of a cold.

At this time, she began to wonder if she was pregnant.So, she bought a pregnancy test paper herself, took a test, and it actually showed that she was pregnant.

To be on the safe side, she took a public holiday the next day and went to live in an aunt's house in a neighboring county for a week, and had a B-ultrasound at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of that county.The doctor told her: She was more than 40 days pregnant!

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