Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 404 Heartbreak

Both Ye Ming and Chen Yi had just woken up from sleep. When they saw Chen Mengqi, their minds were a little dazed. They would think that they were dreaming. Both of them couldn't help stretching out their palms and rubbing them on their eyes. After a few times, to make sure that he was not dreaming, and that the figure they saw standing at the door was indeed Chen Mengqi...

It wasn't until Chen Mengqi covered her face and screamed, then turned around and ran outside, that Ye Ming and Chen Yi woke up from a dream-like state, and both of them had a thought in their hearts at the same time: Dongchuang incident happened!

Chen Yi reacted quickly. Seeing Chen Mengqi covering her face, she ran outside, fearing that something might happen to her, she quickly pushed Ye Ming, and shouted anxiously: "Yezi, chase me out! Don't let Qiqi do stupid things!" !"

Ye Ming understood what she meant, so he quickly pulled off his clothes to put them on, and quickly chased her out.

When he walked out of the elevator and came to the side of the road, he happened to see Chen Mengqi's red Porsche roaring out of the parking lot.He quickly stood at the entrance of the parking lot and waved for Chen Mengqi to stop.

However, Chen Mengqi ignored him, stepped on the accelerator with her right foot, and the Porsche accelerated and rushed past Ye Ming.

At this moment, a taxi with the sign of "empty car" passing over from the other side of the road, Ye Ming hurriedly waved his hand to stop the taxi. He overtook the Porsche sports car in front at full speed.

In the process of chasing, Ye Ming saw that Chen Mengqi was rushing to the villa in Taohuaao, not to the riverside or the cliff, so he felt a little relieved, but he still didn't dare to be careless, and told the driver to keep up , Don't be thrown off by the car in front.

The two cars arrived at the gate of Chen Mengqi's villa one after the other.

Chen Mengqi stopped the car, but instead of getting out to open the door, she turned off the headlights and stopped there quietly, as if waiting for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming quickly jumped out of the taxi, waved the driver to leave, came to the cab in front of the Porsche, knocked on the window glass, and shouted anxiously: "Qiqi, get out of the car first, I have something to tell you .”

Chen Mengqi held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, her body remained motionless, she neither got out of the car nor answered Ye Ming's words, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Ye Ming continued to tap the window glass with his fingers, then stared into the car with wide eyes.However, since the lights were turned off inside, he couldn't see Chen Mengqi's face clearly at all. He just felt that her body was still shaking, and the hand holding the steering wheel was also trembling, obviously very excited.

After several minutes of stalemate like this, Chen Mengqi finally took off the car key tremblingly, slowly opened the door, and walked out.

After closing the car door, she glanced at Ye Ming, who was full of embarrassment and worry, with teary eyes, then lowered her head, and walked into the villa without saying a word.

Ye Ming followed her closely, seeing her faltering, thin figure, walking in front of him lightly, like a sleepwalker, knowing that she was extremely sad and desperate, but he didn't want to speak out to condemn him or scold him , I couldn't help feeling guilty and bewildered, and followed her in with almost no emotion.

After stepping into the living room of the villa, Chen Mengqi stopped and shrugged her shoulders, not sure if she was crying or was too excited.

After the two stood silently for a while, Chen Mengqi suddenly turned around and threw herself into Ye Ming's arms, crying bitterly, and said in a heartbreaking voice while crying: "Brother, tell me : I had a dream just now, an absurd and illusory nightmare, right? I didn’t go to the Eight Immortals Bridge just now, and I didn’t see you and Sister Chen Yi together, right? Awakened, right? Brother, you answer me quickly, tell me quickly: Am I dreaming all the time? Am I suffering from somnambulism?"

Ye Ming felt sore, he hugged her tightly, and didn't know what to say for a while - he knew: when a person encounters something that makes him extremely desperate and sad, her heart will often have a feeling Fantasizing, hoping that what she encounters is not real, but a dream. Chen Mengqi is in such a state of mind now.

However, he didn't want her to live in such an illusory dream anymore, so he had to take this opportunity to speak clearly to her, clarify the relationship between himself and Chen Yi, and solve this problem quickly, instead of Procrastinate any longer.Otherwise, the degree of harm to her may be even greater in the future.

Therefore, although he couldn't bear it, he still hardened his heart and said to Chen Mengqi: "Qiqi, you were not dreaming just now. The scene you saw was real. I was in Sister Chen Yi's room just now, right next to her. You may not know: the reason why I rejected you on the romantic hand-in-hand show was because I was already with Sister Chen Yi at that time. You are also clear: Sister Chen Yi’s marriage is very unhappy, and her husband’s The relationship between husband and wife has existed in name only. I planned to hold a wedding with her after she divorced. As for why I later agreed to hold hands with you and date you, you can go back and ask your father and mother, and they will tell you something Things behind the scenes."

Chen Mengqi looked at him with wide eyes, his eyes became more and more confused and desperate.After a long time, she asked with a trembling voice: "Brother, I believe everything you said, and I have had such doubts before: you only feel sorry for me and want to help me when you associate with me. However, I have been Self-consolation, self-deception, always thinking that you really like me. Even if you don’t like me, as long as I treat you well, one day you will be moved by me, and one day you will fall in love with me. But now It seems that my thoughts are too naive and naive... Brother, I just want to ask you a question: Have you ever liked me? Have you always sympathized with me and pitied me, but never Have you ever had special feelings for me?"

Ye Ming knew that she was not reconciled. Like most girls who were hurt in love, before breaking up, she couldn't help but want to ask the other party if she loved and liked her before, so as to comfort her. Take a break from your broken heart...

Thinking of this, he sighed and said sincerely: "Qiqi, you are a very kind and gentle girl, and you are very kind to me, so good that I don't even know how to reject you. You are so good, you are so good to me, and you have paid so much for me. If you say that I have never liked you, it must be a lie. But, in comparison, sister Chen Yi and I have a deeper relationship, and I also I really think that Sister Chen Yi is more suitable for me, more in line with the standard of a wife in my mind. So, now I can only sincerely apologize to you, and wish you find your own happiness!"

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