Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 406 Unfavorable Situation

When the Spring Festival was only half a month away, one morning, Shen Youbin, secretary of the Xinleng County Party Committee, suddenly called Ye Ming and asked him to come to his office.

When Ye Ming arrived at Shen Youbin's office, he saw a capable middle-aged man sitting on the sofa inside. When Ye Ming came in, Shen Youbin and the middle-aged man stood up with smiles and shook hands with Ye Ming respectively.

Shen Youbin pointed to the middle-aged man and introduced: "Xiaoye, this is Comrade Shi Xing, the director of the County Development and Reform Bureau. I am looking for you today, and I want to trouble you to accompany me and Comrade Shi Xing to the capital to fight for our county. Make the final effort to become the second batch of resource-exhausted cities in the country."

Ye Ming had heard Shen Youbin talk about this before, but he didn't know why Shen Youbin asked him, a cadre from the Local Taxation Bureau, to accompany them to do such a thing, so he asked a little strangely: "Secretary Shen, I heard you say it last time. Note: To declare a resource-exhausted city in the country, you must go to the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Land and Resources. A few classmates are also working in the capital. However, they have nothing to do with these three units, and there is no benefit for me to go, and it is a waste of travel expenses."

Shen Youbin smiled and said, "Xiaoye, I asked you to accompany us. Naturally, I have my reasons. Now, the selection of the second batch of national resource-exhausted cities has reached the most critical time. We have two cities in Tianjiang Province. counties and cities have passed the evaluation by the National Development and Reform Commission's resource-exhausted city expert evaluation group, and are eligible for reporting. However, because our province belongs to the central region, it is not a national old industrial base. Therefore, the leaders of relevant ministries and commissions clearly stated: Tianjiang Province can only There is a county and city rated as a resource-exhausted city. And our competitor is Zinan City. Judging from the current situation, we are likely to lose in the competition with Zinan City.”

After speaking, he nodded to Shi Xing, motioning him to explain the situation to Ye Ming in detail.

It turned out that Shen Youbin had already learned through his own channels in the Provincial Party Committee that officials at all levels in Tianjiang Province would undergo major changes in the near future.The current mayor, Wang Xiuguang, is likely to be transferred to the director of the Department of Land and Resources.There is also a deputy mayor who may also be transferred from City K, and it is estimated that a deputy mayor position will be vacated.And Shen Youbin was already a cadre at the deputy department level, and also a member of the K City Municipal Committee.

Therefore, he really wanted to make some achievements before the major adjustment of the province's cadres, so that he could be in a favorable position when competing for the position of deputy mayor of K city.At present, the easiest thing to achieve is to strive for Xinleng County to be identified as a national resource-exhausted city by the National Development and Reform Commission. Obtain more than one billion yuan of financial transfer payment funds for cities with exhausted central financial resources, and can also obtain several hundred million yuan of support funds from the Development and Reform Commission.In addition, Tianjiang Provincial Finance will also allocate more than one billion yuan to support and assist Xinleng County to achieve industrial transformation.

And this will become the biggest achievement during his administration of Xinleng County—after all, with two or three billion yuan in aid funds, the future economic development of Xinleng County will be much faster and smoother, and the industrial transformation will also be smoother. It will be much smoother.With this political achievement, not only the people and cadres and workers of Xinleng County will be satisfied with him, but also the Municipal Committee of K City will give him a high evaluation.

Therefore, he is eager to make this happen as soon as possible, so he decides to personally accompany Shi Xing, director of the Development and Reform Bureau, to the capital to see if he can try to reverse the current unfavorable situation years ago...

Seeing that Shen Youbin asked him to introduce the situation, Shi Xing picked up a small notebook and began to talk: "At present, compared with Zinan City, our Xinleng County has three disadvantages in evaluating resource-exhausted cities: First, the coal resources in our Xinleng County are estimated to continue to be mined for more than 15 years, and the antimony ore resources are estimated to be mined for about 30 years. However, the lead-zinc ore resources in Zinan City are currently on the verge of depletion, and the coal resources They can only be continuously mined for five to eight years. They are truly resource-exhausted. Therefore, Zinan City is more urgent than us in terms of industrial transformation, and this is the first standard for evaluating resource-exhausted cities by the National Development and Reform Commission;

"Secondly, the degree of environmental pollution, vegetation and soil and cultivated land destruction in Zinan City is higher than that of our Xinleng County, and we are eager to obtain support funds to control pollution and protect vegetation and soil. Therefore, the expert review team is very concerned about this aspect. They are also sympathetic.

"Third, this is the most important point: the director of the Economic Transformation Office of the Old Industry Revitalization Department of the National Development and Reform Commission is called Lu Nianzi, the daughter of Secretary Lu Zhiyao. She is specifically responsible for the preliminary review of the application reports for resource-exhausted cities. She is also a key person who determines whether we can declare successfully. Her husband is Zhang Linjiang, a deputy director of the Ministry of Finance, and the leader in charge of approving and appropriating transfer payment funds for resource-exhausted cities. And this Zhang Linjiang is the capital People from Nanshi City. Therefore, our friends at the National Development and Reform Commission told me: Because of her husband, Lu Nianzi has decided to suppress our application report and only submit the application for Zinan City to the leaders of the Development and Reform Commission. That is to say: in and In the competition in Zinan City, we have basically lost.”

When Shen Youbin heard this, he interjected: "For this declaration, Director Shi has traveled to the capital many times in the past few months, and I want to report to Director Lu Nianzi the actual situation in our county, and see if she can help us save money. Let us strive for another indicator, let us be rated as a resource-exhausted city at the same time as Zinan City. However, Director Lu ignored him at all, and didn't even give him a chance to meet him, which made us helpless now. So, today I am looking for You came and asked you to accompany us to the capital, just to make one last effort. Because we know that you have a good relationship with Secretary Lu. Since then, you can ask Secretary Lu for help when you go to the capital, and ask Director Lu Nianzi to meet us. , listen to us explain the actual difficulties in Xinleng County and the necessity and urgency of industrial transformation. As long as she passes that test, our chances in Xinleng will increase a lot.”

Ye Ming heard that Shen Youbin said that he wanted to go to Lu Nianzi under the name of Secretary Lu. He was taken aback, and said a little embarrassedly: "Secretary Shen, I'm afraid this is not a big deal! Our Xinleng County and Zinan City are both Under the rule of Tianjiang Province. Secretary Lu, as the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, he must not take sides, and it is impossible to say hello to his daughter for our Xinleng County. Moreover, I am really embarrassed to say this."

Shen Youbin smiled and said, "Xiaoye, we are just making an effort, so you can go with us first! As for whether to ask Secretary Lu for help, we will see the situation at that time!"

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