Zhang Yan's hometown is in Zinan County, Tianjiang Province, and her parents are both native Zinan people.Although she lived with her parents in the army since she was a child and came to the capital when she grew up, her family still eats chili all the year round, so she is not interested in the so-called "Top Ten Famous Dishes of Xijing". After Zheng Manwa finished ordering, she Ask the waiter to bring her and Ye Ming a plate of fermented bean curd and a plate of chopped chili, so that they can eat later.

Zheng Manwa first asked the waiter to open three bottles of the hardcover version of "Huashan Lunjian" from the "Xifeng Wine" series.This kind of alcohol has a high alcohol content, but the taste is very good. When you drink it, you don't have that kind of hot feeling.

The reason why Zheng Manwa chose this kind of mid-range wine was because it was easy to drink. Girls like Zhang Yan were easily fooled into thinking that this kind of wine had low alcohol content, and ended up getting drunk after drinking it.The few female college students he seduced in Xijing were drunk by this kind of wine with a good taste, and then they were raped by him in their drunken dreams.

Seeing that he asked the waiter to open three bottles of liquor at the beginning, Ye Ming was even more sure that he was up to no good, so he said to Zheng Manwa first: "Mr. How about offering a few glasses of wine to the bosses instead of Miss Zhang?"

Zhang Yan was about to say these few words, but seeing Ye Ming speak out for her first, she felt a burst of relief and warmth in her heart, so she looked at Ye Ming with a smile, and her eyes showed a look of approval.

But Zheng Manwa stared at the big eyes of the copper bell, shook his huge head, and shouted with saliva, "That's not right! I came here specially to invite Miss Zhang to drink today, not to compete with you. What are you messing with? I brought the check today, as long as Ms. Zhang is happy with the wine, I will sign the check immediately, and the investment will be settled!"

As he said that, he really took out a check from his trouser pocket and threw it on the table with a snap.

Zhang Yan looked at the check and knew that if she didn't drink any wine today, the investment of 1000 million would probably go to waste, so she gritted her silver teeth and said, "Okay, since Boss Zheng is so sincere, the check is worthless." If I bring it here, then I'll go all out! Come, sieve the wine!"

Ye Ming didn't know how much Zhang Yan could drink, and thought that since she trusted him and called him over to solve her problems, he should take the initiative to share some difficulties for her.

So, he said to Zheng Manwa again: "Boss Zheng, Miss Zhang is a lesbian, and she is really not feeling well today. To show her sincerity, she agreed to drink, which is what she meant. But we are all men, here On the other hand, she should be tolerated a little, right? Let’s do it this way: Today, the bosses are toasting her wine. Out of every three glasses, I will drink two glasses for her, and she will drink one glass. At the same time, it is the same for her to reciprocate everyone’s wine. And , every time I drink two glasses of wine instead of her, I will offer a toast to the three of you to show my appreciation. What does Boss Zheng think of it?"

Zhang Yan was taken aback when he heard him say this: his drinking method is completely like one person fighting three people, one person competing with the other three people.And these three people are all big men from the Northwest, and they shouldn't be bad at drinking. Can he stand it?

So, she looked at him worriedly, and asked softly, "Mr. Ye, can you bear it if you drink like this? You won't get drunk!"

Ye Ming smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, as long as Mr. Zheng is happy, I'm worth it when I'm drunk!"

In fact, Ye Ming made a full estimate before he came up with the suggestion of one against three: He just took a look and found that the alcohol content of this wine is 52 degrees, which is not too strong. With his drinking capacity and physical fitness, he can drink Three bottles of wine are absolutely fine.Secondly, he could see that Boss Zheng and the two people he brought, although they were all tall and tall, and all of them looked majestic, but everyone had dull complexions, cloudy eyes, and dark hair. Hei, who has obviously been hollowed out by excessive drinking, is a typical thing that is strong on the outside but dry on the inside.According to their current physical condition, they will fall down after drinking a bottle of liquor at most.Therefore, there is no problem at all with one against three...

Seeing Ye Ming put forward such a suggestion, Zheng Manwa thought to herself: You kid is looking for death!In his mind, people in the south, especially young people, have a very poor capacity for alcohol. The average man would get drunk after drinking baijiu.

Although the young man in front of him looked strong and imposing, he probably could drink a catty and a half of wine at most, and he would be so drunk that he couldn't tell the difference between east and west.At that time, Zhang Yan may also be half drunk, and she can achieve her goal.

So, he nodded to Ye Ming and said, "Middle! You are brave, and you like it very much when you are hungry! Come on, come on, everyone, let's do a round first!"

Next, Zheng Manwa waited for the three of them to give you a cup and another cup, respecting Ye Ming and Zhang Yan in turn.

Soon, the three bottles of wine opened on the table had bottomed out. Ye Ming drank one and a half bottles by himself, and the other four drank about four taels each.

Zheng Manwa fully thought that Ye Ming would fall drunk to the ground when he had drunk seven or eight taels.Unexpectedly, after drinking a catty and a half of wine, his expression did not change. There was always an elegant smile on his handsome face, and there was no hint of drunkenness.On the contrary, it was himself, after drinking these few ounces of wine, his ears became a little warm and his heart started beating.

And Zhang Yan, as if intending to oppose him, ignored the other two people during the toast and picked him to drink, making him drink several more glasses of wine than the two people he brought.

What's more terrible: in order to enjoy and lash out at this beautiful woman after Zhang Yan got drunk, and let her feel his immortal majesty, he hid in the bathroom not long after entering the box, and took a pill of aphrodisiac "Viagra".And the reason why he wanted to take the medicine before eating was because he was getting older, and it took about an hour for the medicine to work in his body.He was afraid that if he took the medicine before he and Zhang Yan had to do something, the effect of the medicine would not be fully exerted, and Zhang Yan would look down on or make fun of him if he had "impotence" or "lifting without firmness", so he So he took the medicine in advance, so that he could get hard at any time, and could make Zhang Yan want to die...

But he didn't expect that after drinking a few ounces of wine, the medicine would take effect very quickly under the influence of alcohol.As a result, after a few rounds of drinking, his lower body swelled shamefully, until his crotch became a small yurt.

This time, he complained incessantly.When Zhang Yan was toasting, he was going to stand up, but his crotch was supported by the small stick underneath. If he stood up, he would definitely make a fool of himself on the spot, so he disregarded etiquette and sat on a chair with an embarrassed wry smile on his face. , just sat there and toasted Zhang Yan.

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