In accordance with the practice of superior leaders' research and investigation, Xu Fei first listened to Zhang Dongfang's work report on behalf of the party group of Xinleng County Bureau in the conference room on the fourth floor.

After Zhang Dongfang waited for Xu Fei to sit down, he took out the report materials written by Zhang Lihuan yesterday, and began to read:

"Dear leaders:

In the golden autumn and October when the golden wind brings coolness and sweet osmanthus fragrance, Director Xu, Director Nie and other municipal bureau leaders came to our bureau for inspection and investigation. We are deeply honored and encouraged.Here, on behalf of the 130 five cadres and workers of the Xinleng County Bureau, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Director Xu and other leaders, and express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau for their long-term concern, care and concern for the Xinleng County Bureau !

In recent years, the Xinleng County Bureau has closely focused on the center of organizing tax revenue, firmly established the taxation work concept of "gathering wealth for the country and law enforcement for the people", going all out to grasp revenue, leading the team with integrity, and promoting Management, changing the style of work and establishing the image, all aspects of work have achieved certain results..."

Hearing this, Xu Fei saw that Zhang Dongfang was staring at the report draft, guessing that the following were the achievements and main practices of the Xinleng County Bureau in recent years, so he frowned and interrupted him politely Said: "I'm sorry, Director Zhang, let me add a few words: I have a bad habit, I don't like others to follow the script when listening to reports, and I don't like stereotyped essays piled up with gorgeous rhetoric and parallel sentences.

In my opinion, the main tasks of our grassroots taxation bureaus, unless there are two: lead a good team and collect good taxes!You are an older deputy director in the party group of Xinleng County Bureau, and now you are the acting director. You should know the situation of your county bureau very well.Therefore, I suggest that you do not read from the manuscript paper when you report, but focus on the following aspects:

First, what is the current tax source situation of the Xinleng County Bureau, and is there any difficulty in completing the annual taxation task.If so, what are the difficulties and how do you deal with them? Second, after the incidents of Li Li and Chen Weiping came out, did the party group of your county bureau use these two negative examples to strengthen the education of cadres and workers on clean governance.If so, what are your measures?How is the effect?Third, what innovative measures have you taken to strengthen tax collection and management and improve tax service levels, and what are the results?You just need to report these three key points clearly, preferably concisely.Because I came down mainly to do research. "

Zhang Dongfang didn't expect Xu Fei to give him a warning at the beginning, and he was a little flustered all of a sudden, so he had to follow Xu Fei's request, put aside the report draft in his hand, and began to stammer and report according to the three key points pointed out by Xu Fei ...

At this time, Ye Ming was lying down in the dormitory reading a book.

He turned off the phone on purpose.It was a bit of a prank to do this: he knew very well that when Xu Fei arrived at the Xinleng County Bureau, he would definitely look for him.Turning off the phone now is purely to play tricks on Zhang Dongfang and the others, making them anxious...

Soon, his dormitory door was knocked "bang bang bang".Then, I heard Xiao Zhihui, the acting director of the office, shouting anxiously outside the door: "Ye Ming! Open the door quickly! The new Director Xu from the Municipal Bureau wants to see you!"

Ye Ming opened the door, leaned lazily on the doorway, and asked pretendingly puzzled: "Director Xu from the Municipal Bureau wants to see me? Didn't you tell him I'm on vacation?"

Xiao Zhihui grabbed his hand impatiently, and dragged him to the office building involuntarily...

When Xiao Zhihui dragged Ye Ming to the office building, the report meeting on the fourth floor was over.

Xu Fei carried his briefcase between his hands, and while walking towards the stairs, he asked Zhang Dongfang in displeasure: "Director Zhang, is Ye Ming still here? Did you call him?"

"Called. His mobile phone was turned off. We have arranged for someone to go to his dormitory to find him."

At this moment, Ye Ming and Xiao Zhihui appeared on the corridor.

When Zhang Dongfang saw Ye Ming, if he met a savior, he ran over quickly, grabbed Ye Ming's hand, and said, "Xiao Ye, come quickly, Chief Xu has been looking for you."

At this time, Xu Fei also walked up to Ye Ming with Zhang Dongfang, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ye, you knew I was coming today, so you hid on purpose, didn't you? I heard from Director Zhang that you are not feeling well, do you have a cold?" gone?"

Ye Ming looked at Zhang Dongfang who was nervously standing aside, and said with a half-smile: "Director Xu, I am indeed a little uncomfortable. However, it is not physically uncomfortable, but a little uncomfortable in the heart. Director Zhang is out Out of concern and love for me, let me rest at home for a while."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Dongfang's tense heartstrings relaxed.

Xu Fei took Ye Ming's hand affectionately, and said, "You are on vacation for a few days, that's just right, just accompany me to visit several key tax source households below, and then visit some party and government leaders in several towns. Listen to their views and suggestions on your Xinleng County Bureau."

Then, he turned around and asked Zhang Dongfang: "Director Zhang, please tell the office: Don't open a single room for me when you rest at night, just open a standard double room for me. Ye Ming will sleep in my room at night, and me and He has something to talk about."

Zhang Dongfang, Zou Wenming and the others were all dumbfounded when they heard Xu Fei say that they would sleep with Ye Ming at night. You looked at me and I looked at you...

Zhang Dongfang reacted quickly, and immediately thought of the relationship between Ye Ming, Deputy Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the daughter of Director Xia of the Provincial Bureau. After careful consideration, he understood: the legend helped Xu Fei win the position of Director of the Local Taxation Bureau of City K. The mysterious person in front of him is probably this Ye Ming.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Director Xu to be so affectionate with him, and it would be impossible for him to be so polite and polite to a subordinate who has no position...

Once he figured this out, Zhang Dongfang regretted so much that he wanted to slam his head against the wall next to him to death: Why was he so impulsive and blind?I clearly knew that Ye Ming had a strong background, and he easily brought down Li Li. Not only did I not make friends with him earlier, but I wanted to kick him out in the selection of middle-level deputy positions. Isn't this just muddle-headed?

Fortunately, I have not clearly revealed my intention to kick Ye Ming away and promote Zhang Lihuan, nor have I offended Ye Ming, everything should be in time...

Zou Wenming and the other three deputy directors were also in doubt: what is the relationship between Director Xu and Ye Ming?A dignified head of the Municipal Bureau, in front of so many subordinates, offered to sleep with an ordinary cadre at night, what a deep relationship it must be!

Among them, Zou Wenming and Ye Ming have the best relationship, so after seeing this scene, his heart suddenly moved: he has always been good to Ye Ming.He has such a good relationship with Director Xu, isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him?

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