Due to changes in the declaration of resource-exhausted cities, when Ye Ming accompanied Zhang Yan to the "Cloud Club" the next day, he was not very interested. Enthusiasm and cheerfulness are very different.

While driving, Zhang Yan looked at him strangely from time to time.After being bored for more than ten minutes, she finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Ye, why do you look so bitter today? Did you go back late yesterday and was criticized by your leader? No, I'm just worried about going to the underground boxing match today, afraid of being taken over by the police?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "Miss Zhang, our county's declaration of resource-exhausted cities may be ruined. We thought that the National Development and Reform Commission had a flexible indicator, so I would like to ask you to find your brother and sister-in-law. Can we win that target? But today we got news that that target has already been won by a resource county in the Northeast. So now we only have Huashan Road, which is the only target to compete with Zinan City in our province. But , you also know that Zinan City is your hometown. They should have contacted your brother and sister-in-law long ago. If we compete with them again, we will be asking for trouble. Therefore, our trip is for nothing. --well!"

Seeing him sighing, Zhang Yan comforted him and said, "Mr. Ye, don't be discouraged! The key to this matter is not with my brother, but with my sister-in-law. You may not know: at my brother-in-law's house, I My sister-in-law has absolute authority. My brother is very good at work, but at home, he is obedient and obedient to my sister-in-law. And my sister-in-law has a very good relationship with me, and you should know this. So, you don’t have to Completely desperate, everything will be discussed when my sister-in-law comes back."

Hearing what she said, Ye Ming felt a little relieved, and joked: "Miss Zhang, Zinan City is also your hometown, you are turning your elbows away! When you convince your sister-in-law, you won't be afraid of your brother Blame you?"

Zhang Yan curled her lips and said: "I was born in a military compound since I was a child, and I have no impression of Zinan at all. When I was in my twenties, the number of times I went back to Zinan can be counted on the fingers of one hand." Besides, when we arrived in the capital, the so-called hometown is Tianjiang Province. Recognizing fellow villagers also recognizes everyone in Tianjiang Province as fellow villagers. Therefore, in my eyes, you, Xin Leng, are my hometown just like Zinan. Who I'll help whoever is good to me. As for whether I can help in the end, that's another matter."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Thank you, Ms. Zhang. We can't make it too difficult for you, let's talk about it later!"

Half an hour later, the car drove to the foot of Huangdonggang Mountain in the eastern suburbs, and drove into the parking lot of a splendid antique building.

Zhang Yan took Ye Ming into the "Cloud Clubhouse" under the guidance of a doorman.

At this time, the clubhouse was already crowded with people and extremely lively.Many people saw Zhang Yan coming in with a pretty boy, and greeted her with a smile, while looking up and down Ye Ming with a little surprise.A few singers and movie stars dressed in fashion even pulled Zhang Yan aside and quietly asked her if Ye Ming was her boyfriend.

While Zhang Yan was explaining to them, she looked at Ye Ming proudly from time to time: Obviously, some friends who had a good time with her were praising Ye Ming, which made her feel very honored.

Next, in order to let Ye Ming learn more, Zhang Yan took Ye Ming to the lounge, oyster bar, cigar bar, banquet hall, coffee bar and other halls for a few laps.In the lounge, they tasted the world's top famous wines; in the cigar bar, Ye Ming smoked a Havana premium cigar imported from Cuba for the first time in his life.

Then, they sat in the coffee bar for another half an hour and drank a cup of coffee each.Zhang Yan also chatted with a few acquaintances.

At around seven o'clock, Zhang Yan brought Ye Ming to the French restaurant and had an authentic French dinner.

At 45:[-], Zhang Yan took Ye Ming, each with a ticket for an underground boxing match, through two security doors controlled by computers, to the third floor door, and entered the men's and women's locker rooms respectively. change clothes.

It turned out that in order to prevent those who entered the underground arena from sneaking in with mobile phones or video recording equipment, male and female guests who entered the basement had to change into uniform clothes at the third door.This kind of clothing is in Tang suit style, divided into red and blue colors, representing the color of the camp that the guests bet on.In the dressing room, everything on each guest's body must be left behind, and only a plastic hand card can be used to enter.

Zhang Yan's camp is the red team today.Therefore, both she and Ye Ming wore fuchsia Tang suits.

After changing their clothes, the two gathered at the third door and entered the final passage.At the end of the passage, take the down elevator to the basement.

At this time, the basement had been divided into two sides, and hundreds of spectators were neatly seated.The one on the left is a patch of purple, the one on the right is a patch of dark blue.All the people showed excited expressions on their faces, and they were all talking or exchanging greetings in whispers.

Zhang Yan took Ye Ming to the left and found two seats in the front row to sit down.

After Ye Ming sat down, he raised his eyes and glanced at the audience, roughly estimated the number of people on both sides, and couldn't help being surprised: Judging from the crowds of spectators sitting on both sides, there are at least six people who came to watch the game and bet today. More than a hundred.Based on the average bet of 100 million yuan per person, and excluding people like myself who follow the bettors to watch the game, the total bets for this boxing match should exceed 3000 million yuan.And the boss who organized this boxing match can receive [-] to [-] million yuan in management fees alone.

In addition to being surprised, he glanced at the stage in the middle again.This platform is similar to those used in other martial arts competitions and boxing competitions. It is a wooden platform.It is about 0.8 meters high, square in shape, with a side length of about 10 meters.The underside of the countertop is upholstered, and the upholstery is covered with canvas.In the center of the countertop, a yin-yang fish pattern with a diameter of about 0.3 meter is drawn.Around the platform, it was raised by about [-] meters, and it was covered with protective pads to prevent people on the platform from falling and falling to the concrete floor.

At this time, several staff members on the stage were already busy checking the stage, using detectors to detect around the canvas, for fear that someone might hide a deadly hidden weapon inside, or that an insider might install a secret weapon on the stage. camera or recording device.

In front of the two camps, there is a long row of chairs, like the coach's bench for a basketball game or a football game.The heads of the two camps, martial arts coaches, doctors, and service personnel all sit here.And behind them are the players who are going to play tonight.These players are also wearing Tang suits, the same color as their own camp.It's just that their trousers are all loose bloomers, and their feet are all brand-name martial arts shoes.

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