Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 425 One step to follow the clouds

When the player heard the cheers and applause from the red team audience, he turned around, a smile appeared on his cold and lonely face, he clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed to the crowd on his side, then turned around, suddenly Open your arms, stand on tiptoe with your right foot on the ground, lift your body flat, and fly over the coaches and staff sitting in the front row like a roc bird. A little above the pad, the body flew up again, and landed lightly on the competition platform.

His graceful posture and light weight lifting these few times made the audience on both sides dumbfounded.When he landed, the audience was suddenly silent, and it was not until he cupped his fists again to bow to the audience that thunderous applause erupted from the audience.Even the spectators from the blue camp were overwhelmed by his beautiful appearance, and they all applauded him desperately along with the spectators here.

At this time, the player from the blue team who had already stepped onto the stage first saw that the mysterious figure from the red team showed such superb lightness kung fu, and also saw that although he was short in stature and seemed a little wretched, when he stood on the stage and straightened his chest In the end, it actually gives people a feeling of Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, with extraordinary aura.Moreover, the fierce murderous look in his eyes also gave people a very heavy sense of oppression, which made him feel breathless for a moment, and there was a hint of cowardice in his eyes... …

At this time, among all the people on the field, Ye Ming was the most shocked and unbelievable by the amazing way of this mysterious master.

When the master stretched his arms and lifted his feet on the ground and pulled his body flat, Ye Ming opened his mouth wide in surprise: because he saw that this person's light-weight kung fu was called "" One step to follow the cloud", it is one of the unique skills taught to him by his mentor Wu Qixiong.What's more, I heard from my mentor: This move "one step to follow the clouds" is one of the top ten unique skills of his ancestral "Witch Family Boxing", and it is never taught to outsiders except for family children and direct disciples.

So, who is this mysterious master standing on the stage?What is the relationship between him and his mentor, Mr. Wu Qixiong?

Just when he was astonished and puzzled, the host on the stage began to introduce the names, nicknames and backgrounds of both parties, as well as each person's kung fu specialty.

The host first pointed to the team member of the blue team, and introduced: "The No. [-] player of the blue team, surnamed Huang, named Bin, nicknamed Iron Pincers, has a powerful arm and can break a cow's neck with bare hands. Mr. Huang Bin From Southwest Helin City, he used to be the chief coach of the local Guanghua Martial Arts Hall. He is currently working for the Blu-ray Group. He is the personal assistant of Mr. Lan Yingzhong, the chairman of the Blu-ray Group, and concurrently serves as the manager of the security department of the Blu-ray Group. Mr. Huang Bin has participated in the cloud club three times In the group arena, the record is two wins and one loss, he is a super fighter with outstanding strength, and also our old friend! Next, let us welcome Mr. Huang Bin with warm applause!"

As he spoke, he took the lead in applauding.

The audience from the blue camp followed him and applauded enthusiastically, and some people whistled and let out earth-shattering cheers.The audience on the red side remained silent as usual.

Next, the host pointed to the red square player again, and said in a sensational tone: "Bosses, audiences, and friends: Next, we would like to introduce to you this famous martial artist ten years ago, who was once known as The strange man of "Death Blade", his surname is Wu, and his name is Wu Xiaofeng. I believe that many people here have heard his name ten years ago. This Mr. Wu is the most mysterious southern sect in the current martial arts— ——The only descendant of Wujiaquan, and also the grandson of Mr. Wu Qixiong, the most powerful martial arts hero in the last century. Mr. Wu Xiaofeng lost his father since he was a child. His grandfather Mr. Wu Qixiong taught him all his martial arts. He has profound accomplishments in strange tricks and other aspects. Moreover, Mr. Wu Xiaofeng was specially recruited into the Langya Special Operations Brigade of the Southwest Military Region at the age of 17. He served in the Special Operations Team for six years and made great military exploits. After being demobilized, he entered boxing The game industry has played its own game. I believe that with the joining of Mr. Wu Xiaofeng, our game tonight will be more exciting, more intense, and will bring you more exciting enjoyment. Next, let us share the same enthusiasm Applause, welcome to Mr. Wu Xiaofeng, the deadly blade!"

As soon as his partial remarks came out, the blue team immediately aroused dissatisfied boos, while the red team applauded enthusiastically.

When Ye Ming was listening to the host's introduction, his eyes widened and his face became more and more excited and excited, so that his cheeks were so red that he wanted to bleed: how could it be such a coincidence?It was too unexpected that I met my senior brother today, and the grandson of my benefactor...

Amidst the applause and cheers on the field, Ye Ming fell into the memory of his mentor...

When Ye Ming was five years old, on a cold winter evening, Ye Ming met Wu Qixiong for the first time.

At that time, Wu Qixiong, who was about 55 or [-] years old, begged all the way because he accidentally injured a village official in his hometown, and wandered from his hometown to Xinleng County, and came to Wantou Town Middle School that winter.

Since he had been wandering outside for many days, his hair and beard had never been cut or shaved, so he looked unkempt, his clothes were tattered and tangled together, emitting a strong peculiar smell.

What's even more surprising is that in such a cold and windy weather, he actually only wore a denim shirt riddled with holes and a pair of polyester shorts that could barely hide his shame, but he didn't seem to be cold in the slightest.

Because of his strange dress, and his whole body was dirty and smelly.Therefore, when he went to a begging house, as soon as they saw him approaching the door, they quickly closed the door in disgust, or drove him out with a hoe or a wooden stick. After several days, he did not get a bite of food.When he arrived at Wantou Town Middle School that evening, he was already dizzy from hunger and almost collapsed.

At this moment, Ye Ming was waiting for his mother to come home from school outside the school wall, when he happened to see Wu Qixiong who was squatting in the corner of the school wall, sweating profusely from hunger.

Ye Ming has been very courageous since he was a child, and his mother has taught him since he was sensible: respect the elders, help others, and be a good boy who respects the old and loves the young.

Therefore, when he saw Wu Qixiong crouching in the corner trembling all over, he didn't feel very scared. He thought he was sick, so he walked over and asked with concern in his childish voice: "Grandpa, are you sick? What's wrong?" Why don't you go to the health center in the town for an injection?"

Wu Qixiong saw that although he was childish, he had clear bones and delicate features, and the childish and concerned expression on his face also made him feel warm in his heart.

So, he said intermittently in a weak voice: "Good boy, grandpa is not sick. Grandpa hasn't eaten for a few days, he is hungry, just eat something... Good boy, do you have anything to eat at home?" ? Just give me some sweet potatoes!"

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