According to the rules of the game, there is no limit to the number and identity of the red and blue players on stage.That is to say: as long as they are in the red and blue camps, for their own benefit, before the two sides decide the winner, they can participate in the competition, not necessarily pre-selected players.

Because of this, when the audience on the red side saw Ye Ming displaying a superb lightness kung fu, they were full of hope for him, and they kept encouraging him to fight Wang Feng with shouts and applause—because the situation is not right now. The red team is extremely unfavorable: a total of five games have been played, and the blue team has a three-to-two lead.Moreover, Wu Xiaofeng, his secret weapon, was seriously injured and lost the role of Longkong.The rest of the contestants, seeing Wang Feng being so fierce, showed timidity on their faces. Several contestants couldn't help but shrink back, not wanting to challenge Wang Feng.

Ye Ming ignored the audience.He is now full of anger. Even if the audience doesn't want to coax him, he will find Wang Feng's bad luck and fight him today. On the one hand, he will teach the arrogant guy opposite him a lesson, and on the other hand, he will protect the reputation of Wu Family Boxing and status, and to avenge his senior brother.

Wang Feng was taken aback when he heard that Ye Ming claimed to be a closed disciple of Wujiaquan. He looked up and down Ye Ming suspiciously. Revealing a bookish air, a scholarly appearance, not like a martial arts practitioner at all, he couldn't help "giggling" and said with a sneer, "Boy, you are still a baby, what kind of hero are you here on this stage? You say you You are a closed disciple of Wujiaquan. Even if you started practicing martial arts from the womb, what kind of kung fu can you develop at your age? Let me tell you: this is not the stage for so-called martial arts competitions that show off beautiful fists and legs, but a life-and-death competition. Fighting field. Seeing that you are young and have a good skin, I am showing kindness today. I will not hurt you. Get off the stage quickly! If you continue to babble here, I can kick you Go to foreign countries in Kyushu, believe it or not?"

Hearing his wild words, Ye Ming's heart was burning with flames. At this moment, he couldn't hold back anymore. He suddenly took a step forward, kicked Wang Feng's head with a flying kick.

Wang Feng didn't expect him to move so fast. Ye Ming's toe almost kicked his nose before the threatening words in his mouth fell. He leaned back in a panic and crossed his hands, trying to support him. Ye Ming kicked over the leg.

Ye Ming's move was a false move. When Kankan kicked Wang Feng's face, he saw that his body was leaning back and his foot was not stable. He suddenly retracted his right foot, changed from kick to kick, and kicked with one kick. On Wang Feng's calf.

Wang Feng was retreating, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in the shin of his left leg, and fell on his back on the carpet.

It was the first time for Ye Ming to engage in this kind of life-and-death struggle with others on the martial arts arena, although he knew that on this stage, he had to be ruthless, without the slightest hesitation or compassion.However, after all, he has obstacles in his heart and dare not hurt others easily.So, after Wang Feng fell to the ground, he didn't immediately jump up to patch him up or break his legs and ribs, but stood still, waiting for Wang Feng to get up and continue beating.

Wang Feng was teaching Ye Ming a lesson just now, and he didn't guard against his sudden attack. He was kicked to the ground all of a sudden, and couldn't help being furious. Hit his iron-hard head straight into Ye Ming's belly.

Ye Ming has never seen this kind of desperate fight, and he didn't know that he had practiced "Iron Head Kungfu". Seeing him running straight into his arms, he thought to himself, aren't you looking for death?

So, without dodging or evading, when Wang Feng bumped into him, he raised the palm of his right hand and also used the "five thunders to strike the top", aimed at the top of Wang Feng's head and slapped it down.

However, this palm of his only used three parts of his internal energy - in his mind, even if he doesn't use internal energy on the head of an ordinary person, if he just slaps him like that, he will still be slapped dizzy, and even if it is serious, he will be dizzy. Got a concussion.

Wang Feng is a martial arts practitioner, and his ability to resist blows is relatively strong.However, as long as he uses three-point internal force in his palm, he probably won't be able to bear it—at this time, he still has concerns in his heart, fearing that he will maim or kill Wang Feng, and if something happens in the future, he will be punished. responsibility.

Unexpectedly: People don't hurt tigers, but tigers can eat people's hearts!Ye Ming's unbearable moment was just taken advantage of by Wang Feng.

I saw that after he received that slap, the speed of the impact did not slow down, and he still slammed his head straight into Ye Ming's abdomen.

The moment Wang Feng's head hit Ye Ming's abdomen, Ye Ming only felt that his lower abdomen was hit by a huge boulder flying head-on. The burning sensation made him almost vomit.

At the same time, his body was pushed back by the huge impact force, and he almost fell to the ground with his feet in the sky.

Fortunately, he reacted very quickly. The moment he felt that he was about to fall backwards, he suddenly volleyed back and performed several "backflips" one after another, and then stood firmly on the right edge of the competition platform. He didn't fall down, and avoided Wang Feng's subsequent heavy punches.

The audience on the red side of the stage first saw that he was hit by Wang Feng's iron head, and his body was staggering, as if he was about to fall to the ground, they all exclaimed "ah".Especially Zhang Yan, he had seen Wang Feng's method of dealing with Wu Xiaofeng who fell on the ground just now, seeing that Ye Ming seemed to be about to fall, his face turned pale all of a sudden, he stood up from his seat with a whimper, only feeling that his own The heart almost jumped to the throat.

Just when the audience in the red square was sweating for Ye Ming, they saw that he was not afraid of danger. Although he was frowning and sweating profusely from the pain, he turned his body back in the air like a martial artist on the Peking Opera stage. , There were several beautiful "backflips" one after another, not only standing upright, but also avoiding the stormy "Wind and Thunder Palm" that Wang Feng immediately used.

After he landed on the ground and stood firm, and stared at Wang Feng on the opposite side, thunderous applause and cheers immediately erupted from the red camp.

At this time, the leader of the Red Party had already seen Ye Ming's potential, and saw that he was worried and did not dare to attack Wang Feng harshly, so he ran to the right side of the stage and shouted to Ye Ming: " This hero, I assure you: You don’t need to take any responsibility for injuring or killing people on this stage, and you won’t leave any troubles behind! You can’t be soft, this is a life-and-death arena, not a formal martial arts competition. You have to For the sake of your money, you must not be soft-hearted. Do you understand?"

It turned out that he thought Ye Ming was also a boss who had placed a bet, so he used winning words to stimulate his fighting spirit!

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