Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 437 Longyou Nine Days

When "Black Shark" Peng Zhanxiang raised his right leg high and slashed at Ye Ming's head, the strength and speed can be described by the words "fast as wind and thunder, as fast as lightning".

Ordinary people, after receiving two heavy kicks from the black shark in succession, are already dizzy and unable to distinguish east, west, south, north, and south, let alone respond to his third move.

Therefore, in the past, Peng Zhanxiang basically used the "three axes" of ruthless, accurate, and fast to fight against others in the past. He preemptively beat the opponent to the point where he has no power to fight back, and then made another fatal move to completely wipe out the opponent.

However, today's situation has changed: because Ye Ming happens to be not an ordinary person, but a person with superb martial arts, extremely sensitive and quick response, and much stronger endurance and resistance than others.

When he started to kick, Ye Ming was a little slow to react due to lack of on-the-spot experience, so he attacked him twice in succession and suffered a little injury.

However, when he used the third move, although Ye Ming's wrist and stomach were very painful, his attention had already been focused on his attacking legs.

When he raised his right leg and slashed at Ye Ming's head fiercely, Ye Ming turned his head to the side, pointing his toes on the ground, and his body shot out like an arrow from the string. It was more than a meter away.

Hearing a "bang", Peng Zhanxiang's right leg couldn't hold back, and kicked fiercely on the floor where Ye Ming had just stood, and actually kicked a dent several centimeters deep on it.

Seeing that his kick was so powerful, the audience in the audience couldn't help gasping, while many audiences on the red side saw that Ye Ming seemed to have only the power to parry, and had no power to fight back, and had already suffered one after another. Peng Zhanxiang kicked his feet, and his face showed a look of disappointment and frustration.

Especially Zhang Yan, seeing Peng Zhanxiang kicking Ye Ming on the wrist and the waist, and seeing Ye Ming frowning and sweating profusely, it seemed that these two kicks were not light, and it might be a burden. Injured, I was anxious and distressed, so I couldn't help standing up and shouting to the stage: "Mr. Ye, just come down and forget it, don't fight anymore, you have already won two games, and your physical exertion is too great , if you keep fighting, something will happen,"

However, Ye Ming could no longer listen to Zhang Yan's advice.

Since Ye Ming was an adult, he has had few opponents in fights or competitions, and he has seldom suffered such a loss. Therefore, after being kicked twice by Peng Zhanxiang one after another, the piercing pain on his wrist and abdomen The pain, not only did not make him feel afraid or shrink back, but on the contrary, it completely stimulated his fighting spirit and arrogance.

However, even though he wished to kick Peng Zhanxiang to the ground at this moment, stomp him dozens of feet fiercely on him, and let out the anger in his heart, he did not lose his composure, but remembered the time before he took the stage. The few words Mr. Gu said: "As long as you adopt delaying tactics on stage and try to avoid the stormy attack of the black shark at the beginning with dexterous steps and speed, his physical strength will be exhausted. , you can turn your defense into an offense and knock him down in one fell swoop."

As soon as these words came to his mind, his heart immediately calmed down, and he began to gather energy secretly, preparing for a protracted battle with Peng Zhanxiang.

When Peng Zhanxiang just kicked the third kick, he was sure to win. He thought that Ye Ming would be like the boxers he had defeated before, and he would no longer be able to resist his third kick, which condensed all his strength and explosive power. His foot will surely fall down like a bundle of firewood, and then he will go up and mend his foot again, which will end his life and add a new member to his death list.

However, he never expected that the young man who had been kicked by his second kick bent over and covered his belly and was sweating profusely suddenly, like a nimble civet cat, "swished" from the The left side of his body jumped out, the movement was unimaginably fast, he only felt a blur in front of his eyes, the young man who was clearly within the attack range of his right leg disappeared in an instant, and he kicked The right leg that went out couldn't hold back, and it slashed hard on the floor, making his leg numb from the shock.

Peng Zhanxiang is arrogant, bloodthirsty addicted, and has a perverted paranoia and mania. His favorite scene is to see his opponent hugging his broken arm after being chopped down by his "big axe" Or the situation of his thighs rolling on the ground, howling and moaning in pain, only such a tragic situation can make his heart, which is like dead wood and stagnant water, produce a strong sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

At this moment, when he realized that Ye Ming had escaped the chopping of his right leg, and the scene he had expected in his mind did not appear, he couldn't help being furious all of a sudden, turned around with a "huh", his eyes were bloodshot , with a ferocious murderous look all over his face, he aimed at Ye Ming, who was one meter away, and rushed over.

When he was about to rush to Ye Ming's side, he suddenly jumped in the air, kicking his legs continuously, aiming at Ye Ming's head, chest and other vital parts, and launched fierce attacks one after another.

Ye Ming was already on guard secretly when he was rushing towards him. Seeing him jumping in mid-air suddenly, he knew that he was about to perform "serial legs", so he twisted his body and performed the "Long You Nine Heavens" light-weight kung fu , and suddenly swam quickly around Peng Zhanxiang's body.

I saw him in front, behind, on the left, and on the right, like an extremely dexterous dragon, swimming around Peng Zhanxiang's body, making people dazzled and fascinated.

Peng Zhanxiang's "serial legs" kicked in the empty space again, and when he was looking for Ye Ming, he suddenly found that he was no longer in front of him. When he turned around, Ye Ming was like a spirit fox gliding on the snow. , slipped past him, and disappeared from his sight again...

This time, Peng Zhanxiang was so angry that his face turned purple and roared again and again, he kept changing angles and directions, kicking and sweeping at Ye Ming's sliding figure, but every time he swept into the empty space, it took a lot of energy.

The audience on the blue side below the stage, seeing that Ye Ming was avoiding blindly and not confronting Peng Zhanxiang head-on, all made noises and boos below.

The audience on the red side thought that Ye Ming was not Peng Zhanxiang's opponent at all, and now he was dodging Peng Zhanxiang's attack in embarrassment. Their faces were even more disappointed and frustrated, and they all silently watched the "cat catch" on the stage. In the game of "mouse", the red side was completely silent for a while, which was in stark contrast to the fanatical clamoring scene on the blue side.

Five or six minutes later, Ye Ming saw that Peng Zhanxiang was getting more and more manic, and the frequency of his legs was getting faster and faster, but the strength of his legs was getting weaker and weaker, and he no longer had the momentum he had at the beginning Feeling the coercion, it is estimated that nearly 6% of his physical strength has been consumed, and the strength of his legs should be less than one-third of the beginning.

So, after swimming around with him for two more laps, he suddenly stood upright, and stood face to face with Peng Zhanxiang, his eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp murderous aura shot out from his eyes, making him just about to raise his leg to attack again Peng Zhanxiang couldn't help but shuddered,

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