Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 440 Ridiculous

Ye Ming was hugged by Zhang Yan in public, his face was quite embarrassed, he turned his head to look at Mr. Gu and others around him, and said to Zhang Yan in a low voice: "Miss Zhang, Mr. Gu and the others are all around, hurry up Let go of your hand... Now that the game is over and you have won money, this is a place of right and wrong, we'd better leave early, and please don't tell Mr. Gu and my name and identity tonight. Even if it never happened,

It turned out that when Ye Ming held his breath and defeated Peng Zhanxiang and kicked him off the ring, he stood on the stage and saw Peng Zhanxiang twitching in pain on the ground, he felt a little regretful and afraid: he was a State civil servants went to the black market boxing ring to fight, and caused two people to be seriously injured. If this is spread, it will cause an uproar.

Moreover, among the people at the scene tonight, there is a mixed bag of good and bad people, and there are all kinds of people. In case there are people on the blue side who have lost money, they hate themselves for blocking their way of making money, secretly go to human flesh, dig If you reveal your real name and identity, and then post this matter on the Internet, not only will you be dealt with severely, but it will also cause huge damage to the image of the entire local tax system.

When he thought of this, he felt like he was breaking out in cold sweat. He just wanted to get out of here quickly and disappear without a sound. He didn't want to enjoy the feeling of being a hero at all...

Mr. Gu, who was standing beside him, saw Zhang Yan jumping into Ye Ming's arms, and thought that he was Zhang Yan's boyfriend.

Therefore, after hearing Zhang Yan tearfully say to Ye Ming, "Mr. Ye, you are really good," Mr. Gu, who was in a good mood, winked at Zhang Yan and joked with a smile: "Miss Zhang , when a girl says to a boy 'You are really good', it is easy to cause ambiguity and make people think about it. I would like to ask: When you say that Mr. Ye is really good, do you mean that he is really good in the ring, or somewhere else? Really good, for example: In your boudoir, do you often say 'Mr. Ye, you are really good,', hahaha,"

As soon as this remark came out, some red square audiences around Ye Ming and Zhang Yan burst into laughter.

Zhang Yan naturally understood the meaning of Mr. Gu's words, and knew that he must have misunderstood the relationship between herself and Ye Ming. However, for some reason, she didn't want to point out that she and Ye Ming were just ordinary friends. He just wiped the teardrops from the corner of his eyes, glanced at Ye Ming with a shy smile, gave a "bah" to President Gu, and said with a blushing face: "Mr. , how do you know, do you often get into people's beds, eavesdrop on other people's private conversations, by the way, don't chat with us now, quickly give me the money I won, and Ye The appearance fees and bonuses for the three games of Mr. totaled 420 million yuan, please give him as soon as possible, Mr. Ye still has urgent matters to deal with, we have to go out as soon as possible, "

Mr. Gu laughed again, and said, "Miss Zhang, you have entered this venue several times, don't you believe in our reputation? Don't worry, we won't pay any money you won, Mr. Ye's appearance fee and bonus. No, I will transfer it to your account when I go out, and I want to tell you a piece of good news: After discussion with several organizers of our red camp, and with the consent of the team leaders, because you brought us Mr. Ye, the great savior, won three games in a row at the critical moment, reversing the winning pattern of the entire game and allowing us to win the game in the end. Therefore, we decided: You won’t be deducted from the 200 million yuan you bet on. The management fee and the player's appearance fee that should be shared will be distributed to you. At the same time, 100 million yuan will be taken out of the money everyone has won to reward you separately. Therefore, you can get 300 million yuan this time. Yuan, how about it, my old Gu can still be loyal, "

When Zhang Yan heard that Mr. Gu said that he would not have to bear the management fee and player appearance fee, and that he could also get a reward of 100 million yuan alone, his eyes widened for joy, and he asked in disbelief: "Really, you really decided that way." Yes, that would be great, thank you Mr. Gu, thank you other gentlemen, "

Ye Ming saw that Zhang Yan had received an extra one million yuan, and was also happy for her, so he said to Mr. Gu, "Mr. Gu, I didn't intend to ask for my appearance fee and bonus, because I started playing with Wang Feng. I just wanted to save my senior brother and use Wu Family Fist to teach him a lesson, so as to maintain the reputation of our Wu Family Fist. I didn't want to participate in your group arena and win any appearance fees and bonuses. However, since this There is this rule in it, and I also played three games, so I will not hypocritically refuse my appearance fee and bonus, but I will trouble you later, and send 100 million yuan out of the 420 million yuan to me. Brother Wu Xiaofeng's account, and the remaining 100 million yuan, please call me to Miss Zhang's account."

It turned out that he had already planned: In addition to giving his senior brother 100 million yuan, the remaining 300 million yuan, he planned to invest in Zhang Yan's movie, and he planned to withdraw the 20 yuan to buy a movie for Chen Mengqi in the capital. A more expensive birthday gift, go to the provincial capital to give her on her birthday, to make up for the apology I feel for her.

After Mr. Gu nodded in agreement, Ye Ming separated from the crowd, walked to the medical and nursing desk at the other end of the competition stage, smiled and said to Wu Xiaofeng who was undergoing infusion: "Brother, you are going to the hospital for surgery later, I still have things to do I can’t accompany you anymore. I’ll come to visit you after you go to the hospital. We two brothers have a good chat. I hope that after you recover from your injuries, you can go to Xinleng County to visit the old man who is your mentor and give him a Going to the grave, before the old man died, what he cared about the most was you. He told me to find you and express his apology to you. , will be very gratifying."

At this time, Wu Xiaofeng was extremely grateful and admired Ye Ming. After Ye Ming finished speaking, he stretched out his left hand tremblingly, and held Ye Ming's right hand tightly. Said: "Brother, God has eyes, let our Wu family punch out such an outstanding successor like you, I feel very relieved and satisfied in my heart now, don't worry, I did have misunderstandings and mistakes about my grandfather at the beginning. Resentment, but after more than ten years, I have only gratitude and miss for my grandfather, and since a few years ago, I have been looking for the whereabouts of my grandfather. Now that I know that his old man was buried in the new Leng County, I will definitely pay homage to him and go to his grave. At the same time, I also want to thank you, my junior, for saving my life today, and for maintaining the reputation of our Wu Family Boxing."

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