Secretary Lu didn't know that Ye Ming accompanied Shen Youbin and the others to the capital, so when his daughter said that Ye Ming had just gone to her house and talked about his relationship with him, he couldn't help being surprised and fell silent on the phone for a long time , and then slowly said: "Xiao Zi, he is right: I have been with him several times, and I did stay at his house for one night. I don't know that he will come to the capital to look for you this time, otherwise , I will call you first."

Lu Nianzi seemed to be very concerned about Ye Ming when she heard the tone of her father's last words. She was also surprised and asked, "Dad, why do you pay so much attention to this young man? He is just a small civil servant in a small county. No matter how capable and capable he is, he is not worthy of your attention as the secretary of the provincial party committee! Besides, I just had a few conversations with him. He seems to have not yet started in the officialdom. He is a bit willful and naive, and even a few words of criticism I can't bear it all. I'm full of joy and anger, and I don't have a city at all. Moreover, just now he told me in detail about the process of your relationship with him. If he went outside in front of other people, he would do the same. Bragging about his relationship with you will damage your reputation."

Hearing her dissatisfaction with Ye Ming in her tone, Secretary Lu said, "Xiao Zi, you don't understand Ye Ming: he is not as you imagined, he is a person who likes to brag and make a big banner. On the contrary, He rarely mentioned my relationship with him in front of people. I guess, the reason why he wanted to tell you about my relationship just now is because you are my daughter, and he is eager to ask you to help them with county affairs , That's why I had to tell about my relationship with him.

"As for you saying that he has no entry in the officialdom, that he has no city government at all, this is true. However, you must understand and be considerate of him: he was only promoted to the position of deputy director of the first sub-bureau of their county local taxation bureau four months ago. In fact, I have never been in the officialdom before. Tell me, what official experience will he have? Moreover, he is a very individual child with strong self-esteem and a straightforward personality. You criticized him like that just now, saying that he wanted to borrow my Of course he will be angry if his fame climbs up—because he doesn’t have such thoughts and ideas in his heart at all!”

When Lu Nianzi listened to his father's words, the more he listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, and the more he listened, the more surprised he became - listening to his father's tone, it seemed that he not only had a good grasp of Ye Ming's basic situation, temperament, knowledge and experience, etc. It is clear, and he defends him, defends and defends him everywhere. What is going on?My father just went to Tianjiang for more than half a year, how did he make such a close "children"?

So, she asked full of doubts: "Dad, what is going on between you and that young cadre named Ye Ming? Is he particularly capable and capable, so you value him very much and want to make an exception to train him, Promote him? Judging from your tone, it seems that you are very fond of and protective of him. This is not your personality and behavior style! In my impression, although you treat subordinate cadres modestly and easily, you are very principled and have a bottom line , never establish any close personal relationship with subordinate cadres, and subordinate cadres are not allowed to come to you in private. But you seem to be too close to this Ye Ming, can you explain to me the reason ?"

Secretary Lu was silent on the phone for a long time, and then asked in a serious tone: "Xiao Zi, do you have to know the reason?"

Lu Nianzi heard her father's tone was a bit strange, and she became more curious, and hurriedly replied: "Of course, I really want to know the reason."

Secretary Lu was silent again for a moment, and then said word by word: "The reason is very simple: because this child named Ye Ming is the son of me and your Aunt Zhao Han, and also your half-brother!"

The reason why Secretary Lu wants to tell Lu Nianzi the truth is not because of his whim, but because he has been thinking about it for a long time.

Secretary Lu is very clear: Although his daughter Lu Nianzi looks trendy and powerful, but in fact, there are still some traditional concepts of their old Lu family: very filial to parents, and attaches great importance to family affection. Emphasis on friendship, morality, rules and principles in doing things.

It is precisely because of her virtues that she is highly valued by the leaders and respected by her colleagues in their unit. In addition, she is very capable and highly educated, so she became a supervisor in her thirties. level department heads.

Lu Nianzi knew about the past between Secretary Lu and Zhao Han, and she had expressed her sympathy for that unfortunate woman in front of Secretary Lu many times.

Therefore, Secretary Lu felt that he should have told Lu Nianzi that Ye Ming was his son earlier, so that she would have a clear idea first, so that she would not feel awkward and unacceptable when she and Ye Ming met in the future.

So, today when Lu Nianzi asked about his relationship with Ye Ming, Secretary Lu told Ye Ming's life experience...

After Lu Nianzi heard his father's shocking words, he screamed "Ah", his eyes widened, and the hand holding the phone shook, almost knocking the receiver to the ground.

Then, she touched her rapidly rising and falling chest with her hand, finally regained her composure, and asked in a trembling voice: "Dad, what were you talking about just now? Say it again, I didn't hear you clearly!"

Secretary Lu said again in a cadenced voice, in an unquestionable tone: "Xiao Zi, listen clearly: the young man who left you just now is the son of your Aunt Zhao Han and I, that is, your same father." Half-brother! Did you hear that clearly?"

Lu Nianzi heard clearly this time, but her doubts in her heart were even worse, so she immediately asked: "Dad, what is going on? I was confused by you, please tell me what happened !"

Secretary Lu gave a "hmm" and after careful consideration of his wording, he said that Zhao Han was pregnant at school, quietly dropped out of school for his future, and taught incognito for more than 20 years under Ye Ming in a remote rural middle school in Xinleng. Lu Nianzi told Lu Nianzi in detail about his death from liver cancer years ago.

During the listening process, Lu Nianzi kept crying silently.Especially when she heard her father say that Zhao Han wrote a desperate poem before he died, expressing his longing for her lover who had been with her all her life, and asked Ye Ming to engrave this poem on her tombstone, the gleam in her eyes The tears rolled down like a spring, and I couldn't wipe them off with a paper towel...

It wasn't until this moment that she realized why she had a familiar and friendly feeling when she saw Ye Ming for the first time.It turns out that this is a natural sibling relationship, a sense of intimacy and warmth connected by blood...

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