Although Xia Haoyu tried his best towards Chen Mengqi, trying every means to get close to her and please her, but in his heart, Chen Mengqi just couldn't have any good feelings for him, let alone love.

Therefore, every time Xia Haoyu went to her office to pester her, she felt extremely irritable, always ignored him with a cold face, and sometimes walked away with excuses.

However, because Xia Haoyu is also the general manager of Huayu Heavy Industry, and his company also has some business contacts with Jinqiao Company, basically all the receptions and large order meetings are held in Jinqiao Hotel.Therefore, Huayu Heavy Industry can also be regarded as a major customer of Jinqiao Hotel.As the general manager of Jinqiao Hotel, Chen Mengqi couldn't drive away Xia Haoyu who came to her office in the name of a client - this made her most annoyed, annoyed but helpless.

What's worse: her parents saw that she had started to fall into that trance state again, sullen and taciturn every day, fearing that her depression would recur, so they wanted to urge her to get engaged to Xia Haoyu as soon as possible, and wanted to transfer her attention to Ye Ming. The feeling of longing made her rejuvenate and restore her health.

Therefore, they whisper good things about Xia Haoyu in Chen Mengqi's ears every day, saying that he is calm and capable, personable, has such a good family background, and has strong abilities himself, which can definitely guarantee your lifelong happiness.

Moreover, in order to completely dispel Chen Mengqi's fantasies about Ye Ming, Chen Yuanqiao also found an opportunity to tell her in detail the process and reasons why Ye Ming agreed to hold hands with Chen Mengqi, and told her: Out of sympathy and the psychology of helping her cure, he agreed to hold hands with her...

Chen Mengqi actually guessed the truth of this matter long ago, so after hearing her father's words, she was not very surprised, nor did she feel any resentment towards Ye Ming as her father expected. Emotions—In fact, since Xin Leng broke up with Ye Ming and returned to the provincial capital that day, she felt that her longing for Ye Ming not only did not weaken, but became more and more intense.

Every day, she would be caught up in the memories of the past.The bits and pieces of her relationship with Ye Ming in Xinleng in the past few months will appear in her mind over and over again like a movie.And Ye Ming's voice and smile are superimposed in her mind every day, occupying almost all of her thoughts.

This kind of painful and sweet memory made her heart unable to accommodate other men at all.Except for Ye Ming, she didn't want any other man to hold her hand, she didn't want to lean on any other man, let alone imagine that she would marry another man.

She felt: she was destined to be Ye Ming's woman, she was in the past, she is now, and she will be in the future.Not only his body, but also his mind and soul belong to Ye Ming for the rest of his life.Except for Ye Ming, making out with any other man will make her feel sick, and it will make her feel goosebumps all over...

Although she was madly in love with Ye Ming, Chen Mengqi did not lose her mind.She knew: The person Ye Ming really loves in his heart is Chen Yi.Moreover, he fell in love with Chen Yi before he knew himself.The reason why he agreed to associate with himself and to be his boyfriend for a period of time was purely out of good intentions, and it was to treat his depression - this point has been verified from his father's words.

Therefore, she didn't think that Ye Ming's choice of Chen Yi and abandoning her was because he was betrayed, and he was the one who "became confused from beginning to end".On the contrary, she thinks that this is Ye Ming's insistence on his choice and his insistence on being responsible for his feelings - because Sister Chen Yi also loves Ye Ming deeply just like herself.Moreover, there should have been a vow or a tacit understanding between them, to stay together for a lifetime.If Ye Ming finally abandons Sister Chen Yi and chooses himself, then it will be true heartlessness and "abandonment from the beginning to the end".

Moreover, his father also clearly told himself: when Ye Ming agreed to hold hands with him, he clearly told his parents: he would not be engaged to himself, and he would not give himself any promise of marriage.Moreover, as long as he finds the girl he likes, he will pursue it. I hope that his father and mother will not say that he has betrayed him or that he is a playful Chen Shimei.

It was precisely because of such a promise first, therefore, after he and Ye Ming broke up and returned to the provincial capital, although his parents were disappointed and sad, they did not criticize Ye Ming at all.Because they knew in their hearts that Ye Ming had said something beforehand: he and Chen Mengqi held hands, just as ordinary friends, and had no obligation to be loyal to Chen Mengqi, and he had the right to terminate this wishful "love relationship" at any time...

However, my mother still has some opinions on Ye Ming.The reason is that one day, she asked Chen Mengqi privately: Are you already with Xiaoye?Is there a reality of husband and wife?

Chen Mengqi had nothing to hide from her mother, so she admitted it openly.

In the end, the mother used this as an excuse to scold Ye Ming for being shameless, saying that since he knew it was impossible to be with his daughter, he should not take advantage of his daughter, and should not take away her most precious thing...

When Chen Mengqi heard her mother scolding Ye Ming like this, she felt angry and anxious. She shed tears and argued for Ye Ming: "Mom, how can you scold Ye Ming like that? I can't blame him for this. I did it willingly and on my own initiative." For him. I don’t regret it at all, and I don’t blame Brother Ye at all. If my experience with Brother Ye could be repeated, I would still do it..."

Her mother heard her defending Ye Ming like this, she didn't dare to say anything about Ye Ming anymore, she could only sigh in her heart, scolded her daughter a few times as "stupid child", and then began to persuade her not to be stubborn and accept Xia Haoyu's marriage proposal, And get engaged and married as soon as possible, and strive to get rid of the haze of breaking up with Ye Ming as soon as possible.However, Chen Mengqi resolutely refused to agree to her mother, and said resolutely: In this life, she will not marry anyone except Ye Ming...

Just because she still had reason in her heart, during the time she returned to the provincial capital, although Chen Mengqi spent every day in the torment of missing Ye Ming, she resisted not calling Ye Ming.

Just the night before yesterday, she was tossing and turning in bed, her mind was full of Ye Ming's shadow, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Ye Ming's number.

However, when Ye Ming's familiar and friendly voice came from the microphone, the tears in her eyes flowed uncontrollably, and she couldn't say a word.Moreover, she also felt that she didn't know what to say to Ye Ming, so she simply hung up the phone and turned off the phone...

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