After hearing Chen Mengqi's cold refusal, the people in the box not only turned pale with shame and embarrassment for a moment, but even Chen Mengqi's classmates and friends felt that her words were too unreasonable and too much , Therefore, many people also showed embarrassment and disapproval expressions on their faces.

Of course, as Chen Mengqi's classmates and friends, they all know that she has always had such a personality: straightforward and casual, with a clear distinction between likes and hates!For the person she likes, she can give everything for him; but for the person she dislikes or hates, she will never pretend to be false!

So, after a moment of embarrassment, her classmates and friends were also relieved.

A few more mature classmates gathered around and pulled Xia Haoyu up who was still half kneeling on the ground like a wooden man. One of the female classmates smiled and comforted him and said, "Mr. Xia, don't mind, Qiqi has always been like this." She has a straightforward personality and never turns around when talking to people. It turns out that when we were studying together, some classmates were often choked by her. However, if she treats people nicely, she will be amazing. What are you doing today for Qi Everything Qi has done, I believe she will see it in her eyes and remember it in her heart. However, she still has lumps in her heart, and she hasn't turned around yet, and she is not ready to accept you. So, please Mrs. Xia gave Qiqi some time to let her think about and accept you slowly. Our classmates and friends will bless you and cheer for you!"

Xia Haoyu felt a little better when he heard Chen Mengqi's female classmate's comforting words, forced a smile on his face, and laughed at himself, saying: "It's okay! I came to propose to Qiqi this time, but she rejected it." Besides, it’s not the first time I’ve been rejected by Kiki. It’s not something to be ashamed of, is it? As for Kiki’s blunt personality you said, I don’t think it’s her fault On the contrary, in my opinion, this is her greatest strength and strength, and it is also her personality charm that attracts me the most. Dear students and friends, please rest assured that I, Xia Haoyu, am not a person who gives up lightly Although Qiqi rejected me again tonight, I will continue to work hard and treat Qiqi twice as well. I believe that with everyone's blessing and encouragement, Qiqi and I will have a happy marriage one day marriage!"

As soon as these words were said, those classmates and friends of Chen Mengqi applauded enthusiastically.

Chen Mengqi was not moved at all, she lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking in silence.

At this moment, Manager Jiang suddenly walked into the box with a bouquet of roses in his hands, walked straight to Chen Mengqi's seat, handed her the flowers in his hand, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Mr. Ye entrusted me to give you the flowers. He is in the lobby now, and he wants me to ask: Is it convenient for him to come to your banquet?"

Chen Mengqi didn't realize it all at once, and looked at the ribbon on the flower in confusion, only to see that it clearly said: "Happy birthday to Sister Qiqi!", and the signatures below were the two that made her dream in italics: Ye Ming!

At this moment, she only felt that the blood all over her body was rushing to her face, and she was so excited that she almost fainted...

After staring at the blessing and the final signature on the ribbon for a few times, she suddenly jumped up from the chair, clutching Manager Jiang's shoulders with both hands, her eyes filled with tears, The voice asked: "President Jiang, what did you just say? Is Big Brother Ye in the lobby?"

Manager Jiang's shoulders were in pain from her fingernails, but he didn't dare to show a pained expression. He nodded repeatedly with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Ye is in the lobby. If Mr. Chen doesn't mind him coming to your meeting For the banquet, I will go down immediately and invite him up!"

After Chen Mengqi was convinced that Ye Ming was in the hotel lobby, she suddenly pushed Manager Jiang away, turned around and ran out of the box.

When rushing to the elevator entrance, Chen Mengqi saw that the floor signal above the elevator showed that it was still on the first floor, so she tapped the button of the elevator angrily, then turned around and ran to the nearby "safety exit", and opened the spring door. Go directly to the first floor from the stairs of the safe passage.

At this time, Ye Ming was standing at the entrance of the lobby, holding the rosewood box containing the jade pendant in his left hand, and holding the mobile phone in his right hand, he was hesitating whether to call Chen Mengqi.

At this moment, from the bend leading to the elevator entrance, a pretty figure in a goose yellow coat suddenly rushed out, and then flew towards the door.Half a meter away, the figure opened his arms and threw himself into his arms, hugged his neck tightly, and began to cry with great grievance.

Ye Ming recognized this figure as Chen Mengqi when she rushed out of that corner.At this moment, seeing her throwing herself into my arms without any scruples in front of so many subordinates in the hotel, and crying loudly, I felt a little embarrassed and also felt a little sad, so I used the right hand holding the mobile phone to gently touch her. Patted Chen Mengqi on the shoulder, and said softly: "Qiqi, don't cry yet! Today is your birthday, and it's a day of celebration. How bad it is for you to cry like this! Let's go to the box first, and wait Next, I want to toast you!"

Only then did Chen Mengqi stop crying, raised her tear-filled eyes, stared at Ye Ming's face for a while, raised her hand again, touched Ye Ming's cheek affectionately, and said with a sob: "Brother, I thought you forgot my birthday! I thought you didn't want to see me again! You don't know, when I just heard Mr. Jiang say that you came down here, I was almost so happy Dizzy...Brother, do you know? I've been thinking about you, very, very much! I'm going crazy! If you don't come today, I'm going to collapse in a day or two... ..."

Speaking of this, tears rolled out of her eyes again, and she was so choked up that she couldn't speak anymore...

Ye Ming was also heartbroken, seeing the people around him, especially the security captain Chen Jiu, all with surprised and incredulous eyes, watching their young lady express their heartfelt heart to him, the "heartbreaker" in front of them , I felt a burst of embarrassment again, and my face turned slightly red.

So, he put his mouth close to Chen Mengqi's ear, and said in a low voice: "Qiqi, let go of me first, let's go upstairs to the box...Look, these subordinates of yours are all staring at me, look at them The look of hatred seems to want to swallow me alive! If you don't take me away, they may really come up and beat me up!"

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