Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 48 Infatuation

That night, on the sofa in her living room, under Ye Ming's crazy and rhythmic impact, Chen Yi had completely fallen into a state of madness.

She never expected that when she was with the one she loves, she would be so excited and so sexually exhausted.Just like the original situation in Chunmeng, under Ye Ming's body, she felt that her whole body was about to melt...

Originally, she had been suppressing her growing yearning and admiration for Ye Ming.She was afraid of the gossip in the society, and that once she crossed that line with Ye Ming, she would attract endless criticism and shame.

Moreover, the strong sense of morality and chastity in her heart has also made her struggle with contradictions and pains: she loves Ye Ming, loves it unforgettable, loves it to death.However, she is already married and has a family and a husband.This kind of love can only be buried in the heart, but can never be put into action...

But now, when Ye Ming tore through the chastity she deliberately guarded with a wild, compulsive action, she immediately fell into the vortex of lust and could no longer extricate herself...

At this moment, under Ye Ming's body, all her worries and shame no longer exist, and all her thoughts about chastity and morality have been driven away by the increasingly fierce lust.Driven by a kind of extreme pleasure that made her feel that she was about to ascend to the sky, she forgot her shame, her reserve, and everything. With the impact of the beloved man on his body, the two of them are gradually climbing towards the peak that makes people want to die...

At the last moment, Chen Yi, who felt that she was about to faint, arched her waist desperately, pressed Ye Ming's head between her full and upright breasts with both hands, and spoke incoherently in a crying voice. Ye Zi shouted loudly: "Yezi... Hurry up... Ye Zi... Sister is going to die... Ye Zi, I love you..."

Ye Ming originally thought that Sister Chen Yi would be like her husband Li Zhi said in bed, motionless and uninterested from beginning to end.Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered her body, she immediately had a strong reaction like a sensitive spring.Moreover, during the whole process, she was so excited and so ecstasy, not only moaned earth-shatteringly, but also her body cooperated with her, stretching and bowing constantly, her hands sometimes grasped and danced in the air, and sometimes hugged herself tightly waist...

Especially at the final peak moment, her crazy movements and incoherent shouts suddenly stimulated his blood to the top, and he almost fainted...

When the clouds cleared and the rain cleared and the two returned to calm, Ye Ming took Chen Yi's head into his arms, stroked her somewhat messy hair with his hands, and said apologetically, "Sister Chen, I'm sorry! Tonight I'm a little drunk, I can't help myself..."

After saying these few words, he himself felt that these words were hypocritical and disgusting, so he slapped his cheek severely with his hand.

In the dark, Chen Yi grabbed his hand that was smacking her cheek, raised her head, kissed him tenderly on the place where he was slapped, and said in a low voice, "Yezi, I don't blame you...I really know what to do tonight." The taste of a woman... I... I am very happy now..."

Ye Ming was moved for a while, and kept kissing him back.

Chen Yi curled up in his arms, pondered for a long time, and then quietly asked: "Yezi, let me ask you: Are you like me because of impulse, or because you like me? I hope you tell the truth!"

"Sister, I can swear to you: you have always been the goddess in my heart, and you have always been my criterion for choosing a mate! I admit that I was a little impulsive just now, but this impulsiveness has accumulated over time, and it is what I dream of. I like you, love you, this is my truth!"

Chen Yi let out a sigh of satisfaction, and said in a low voice: "I heard a saying before, that a man has sex before he can love, and a woman has love before she can have sex. I didn't quite understand this sentence at first, but now I finally understand it." : Li Zhi is my husband, but there is no love between me and him at all, so since I got married, I have been very cold and very annoying in that respect! But, being with you tonight, I feel that I Very excited, even, I feel a little slutty... Ye Zi, you won't look down on me because of this!"

Ye Ming knew that the main meaning of what she said was the last sentence. He was worried that he would look down on her when he saw her expression of forgetfulness on the bed, so he comforted her softly and said, "Sister, in my heart , you will always be the most dignified, the most chaste, and the most virtuous goddess! No matter the past, present, or future, you will always be like this! If you have no husband or family now, I can propose to you immediately!"

When Chen Yi heard his decisive answer, she was both moved and sad. With tears in her eyes, she choked up and said, "Ye Zi, thank you...don't worry, I won't ask you to marry me. I'm so much older than you, It's a married woman again. If you marry me, it will be too unfair to you, and you will definitely attract overwhelming criticism... I just want to be the woman behind you silently. As long as you want, I will do it for the rest of my life... Moreover, you also know: I am a clean freak. Now that I am with you, I will never let Li Zhi touch my body again! I think: if a woman is with two men at the same time , that is the most shameless and dirty act!"

Ye Ming asked worriedly: "If you do this, will Li Zhi suspect you? After all, he is your legal husband now!"

Chen Yi stretched out her hand and pinched his face fiercely, and said bitterly: "You little scoundrel! Since you knew that I have a legal husband, why did you treat me like that just now? Now we are all like this, he doubts What's the point of not doubting? If he thinks he can't make it through, then he should get a divorce! What's more, the relationship between me and him..."

She originally wanted to say that there was actually very little married life between her and Li Zhi, but after all she felt embarrassed to speak, so she stopped talking.

The two hugged silently for a while.Ye Ming knew that Chen Yi was obsessed with cleanliness, so he whispered, "Sister, go take a bath first!"

As he said that, he got up and prepared to press the light on the wall next to him.

Chen Yi grabbed his hand and said shyly, "Don't turn on the light, I'm not used to it!"

Ye Ming smiled, and lay down again, listening to Chen Yi "simply" putting on her underwear, and walked into the bathroom in the dark, before turning on the light.

Half an hour later, Chen Yi came out in her pajamas, and said softly, "I've put away the bath water for you, go take a dip. By the way, you're too busy drinking tonight, so you must be hungry. I I'll order some noodles for you, fry an egg, and leave when you're full!"

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