At this moment, Ouyang Ming already understood: Li Botang and his son came to him today to clear the relationship for their income tax relief.

Because Ou Yangming is very clear: Li Botang and his son have very deep relationships in the taxation department of the local taxation bureau of city k and the provincial local taxation bureau.As long as the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau reports their tax reduction and exemption information to it, the income tax of 1800 million yuan can be successfully reduced or exempted.

But now, their declaration materials are stuck at the first hurdle: Ye Ming does not agree with their application for tax reduction and exemption at all, thinking that they have falsely stated the reasons for tax reduction and exemption, and are suspected of defrauding the state tax—this point, the last time Li Ye Ming had clearly pointed it out when Zhizhi invited people from the key enterprise group to dinner.

Ou Yangming guessed that Li Botang and his son invited him to dinner today because he saw that he had saved Ye Ming's life in Kang Genxin's tax resistance case last time, and Ye Ming would be very grateful to him.Therefore, they want to open a gap in themselves, first do their own ideological work, and then they have to persuade Ye Ming not to embarrass them.

Moreover, they also know: Ye Ming is now a big hit in Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau.Especially Zou Wenming, the current top leader, admires and trusts Ye Ming even more.As long as Ye Ming signs the words "agree to report" on the tax reduction and exemption application for revitalizing the iron and steel plant, it is estimated that Zou Wenming will not do the work there, and he will happily sign the tax reduction and exemption application...

After figuring this out, Ouyang Ming decided to take a step at a time to see how Li and his son would convince him.

So, after Li Botang finished his dissatisfaction with Ye Ming, he smiled and said: "Uncle Li, I used to be in charge of the Jian'an real estate group and the individual group, so I don't know much about the income tax reduction and exemption for the revitalization of the iron and steel plant. However, I have also heard some rumors that in the tax reduction and exemption declaration documents of your Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant, there are many fake laid-off worker certificates. Forged. Director Ye heard these rumors, so he didn't give Brother Zhi an answer immediately.

"Besides, Brother Zhi should be very clear: Director Ye did not say that he will ask you to declare your tax reduction and exemption, but only said that your information should be strictly reviewed, and that you should conduct a tax reduction and exemption investigation based on facts to see if there are any rumors. The problems existing in the report, especially the false listing of the number of laid-off workers. If it is reviewed and investigated, your tax reduction and exemption are in full compliance with the tax reduction and exemption conditions stipulated in the tax law. With Director Ye's character, he will never intentionally I can guarantee this with my personality."

Li Botang nodded and said: "Xiaoou is right. I have always been very puzzled: I have always been good to Xiaoye, and he often goes to Li Zhi's house to play and eat at his house. He usually calls Chen Yi his sister." , Calling Li Zhi to be your brother-in-law, why is he suddenly turning his face and denying him? It seems that we still don’t have enough communication and contact!”

Speaking of this, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Xiao Ou, we are not outsiders, we can open the window and say something bluntly: You have worked in the tax bureau for so long, and you should also know that any unit or individual, if it is really in accordance with the tax law Pay taxes to the national treasury without any omissions. I estimate that few taxpayers can afford it. Many enterprises and self-employed people make money, but they actually earn national taxes. My view may be a bit extreme, but it is definitely not just talking about it. Absolutely not trying to accuse your tax authorities of not working properly. I wonder if you agree with this?"

Ouyang Ming nodded and said, "Uncle Li, there is some truth to your point of view. The current tax law of our country does have some loopholes in terms of tax rate design, preferential reduction and exemption, and thresholds, and some of them do not conform to the actual situation. locality. For example, a few years ago, our province stipulated that the threshold of self-employed business tax was levied: if the monthly turnover exceeds 5000 yuan, the tax should be collected in full. In fact, if the monthly turnover of a self-employed person does not reach 5000 yuan, His shop can only be closed. Therefore, in the actual collection and management work, there are many self-employed individuals with a monthly turnover of [-] to [-], and we set them as not reaching the threshold and not paying taxes. So we say: These self-employed people are actually earning national tax revenue. However, we cannot generalize and say that all taxpayers rely on national tax revenue to make money. It is unscientific and unobjective to suspect that there is a stick to kill a large number of people. statement."

An imperceptible sarcasm appeared on Li Botang's face, but the smile was fleeting, and he said to Ouyang Ming in a very sincere tone: "Xiao Ou, the reason why I want to tell you the point just now is to tell you: Any unit or individual will want to get some preferential treatment in taxation. To put it bluntly, they just want to take advantage of the country. I am no exception. I am a businessman, and the nature of a businessman is to always want Consider how to maximize your own interests.

"Therefore, I take advantage of the existing tax incentives to declare income tax deduction for my company, which is also a natural manifestation of my nature - I never deny this, and I never deny it. I tell you the municipal bureau When the leaders of the provincial and provincial bureaus were together, they all said the same thing.

"Since I called you here today, I will not hide some things from your nephew: In our tax reduction and exemption materials, there are indeed some irregularities, and there are indeed some borrowed re-employment benefits for laid-off workers. These things, if you turn a blind eye to them, can be completely ignored - that's what Li Li and the others did in the past. If you don't know how to do it, you can't find out if you want to check it. However, if your local tax authorities It is not impossible to find out if you have to carefully review and investigate. Therefore, the key is whether your sub-bureau is willing to turn a blind eye, and whether you are willing to help me.

"Of course, Xiao Ou, if you know me a little bit, you should know: I make money, and I never eat alone. Money is endless, and every penny I make comes from many friends and many partners. I earned it with the help of my friends. Therefore, my view has always been: if I earn 100 million myself, I should at least let those friends and partners who help us earn [-] or [-]. If I eat meat, I should at least let them Those friends who have helped me drink a little soup, this is the basic principle I have always followed.

"As far as this tax reduction and exemption is concerned, the amount of tax reduction I declared is 1800 million yuan. However, I cannot take the 1800 million yuan alone. Of this, at least [-]% will be given to those friends who have helped me. I The words are more straightforward and more explicit. With Director Ou's ingenuity, he should fully understand the meaning of my words."

Of course Ouyang Ming understood: this is Li Botang's blatant expression of bribing himself and Ye Ming!

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