Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 485 Center Position

Because Ye Ming was thinking about Ouyang Ming all night, he was always worried about him, so he didn't fall asleep until after three o'clock in the morning, and woke up at seven o'clock in the morning, unable to fall asleep again.Therefore, when he went to sign for work at eight o'clock, his eyes were slightly swollen and his spirit was not very good.

At the sign-in office, Ye Ming found that Chen Yi had been standing there without going upstairs.When she saw him appearing at the sign-in counter, Chen Yi's eyes lit up, a joyful and shy smile appeared on her face, she couldn't help touching her stomach, then lowered her head, and glanced at Ye Ming from the corner of her eye After a few glances, he turned around and went upstairs with satisfaction.

These movements and expressions of Chen Yi are very subtle, no one will notice except Ye Ming.When he saw Chen Yi looking at him with loving and shy eyes, and subconsciously stroking her pregnant belly, Ye Ming only felt a burst of warmth and joy in his heart: When he was in the capital, every night at nine o'clock Chen Yi will definitely give him a call.

On the phone, she changed her usual dignified and reserved "Sister Yu" image, and like a little daughter-in-law, she babbled and tirelessly described to him what she did, ate, and thought every day...

She said: What she likes and enjoys the most now is lying comfortably on the bed after taking a bath at night, stroking her lower abdomen with both hands, feeling the subtle movements of the baby in her stomach, and humming some nursery rhymes to give Her little baby listened; she also said: She has a severe pregnancy reaction now, and often throws up whatever she eats.However, for the healthy growth of the baby in her womb, she insisted on eating three apples, three cups of milk, three eggs, and a bowl of chicken soup every day.If she vomits after eating, she will eat it again immediately, and she must keep the nutrition in her body and leave it to the baby...

Ye Ming felt extremely moved every time he heard such words.And what made him even more happy was that since she was pregnant, Chen Yi seemed to be a different person, she was almost obedient to herself, and she was no longer the same as before. Or scold yourself when you are unhappy.

Now, no matter in her home or when two people are talking on the phone, she is very gentle and obedient, just like those virtuous and gentle wives in a feudal family treat their husbands.Sometimes, she even started to take the initiative to call Ye Ming "husband" - and in the past, Ye Ming wanted her to call "husband", which was extremely difficult...

Just when Ye Ming was a little distracted and unable to control himself because of seeing Chen Yi, he suddenly saw Zou Wenming walking towards him from the door of the sign-in office with a smile on his face.

In front of many colleagues in the bureau, Zou Wenming patted Ye Ming on the shoulder affectionately, with a gentle smile on his face that is rarely seen by people in the bureau, and said, "Xiaoye, are you back? Tell you a good day." News: Secretary Shen of the county party committee called me just now. He will come to our annual summary and commendation meeting in person today, and present awards to cadres in the bureau who have won honors and honors above. This is the first time that the secretary of the county party committee has Participate in the annual summary and commendation meeting of our local tax bureau! Hehehe!"

Ye Ming didn't understand the meaning of Director Zou's sudden words at first, but when he thought about it later, he immediately came to his senses: Director Zou was making face for himself in front of the cadres who signed in: because all the cadres in the bureau knew Ye Ming During this period of time, he accompanied Secretary Shen to the capital for business.Therefore, after hearing Director Zou's words, they will understand: The reason why Secretary Shen came to the county bureau to attend a small summary and commendation meeting in person must be for Ye Ming's face—because the local tax bureau held a meeting in the past. , Whether it is the work meeting at the beginning of the year or the annual summary and commendation meeting at the end of the year, the highest-level leaders from the county party committee are at most the executive deputy county magistrate.But this year, Secretary Shen came to attend the meeting in person, which was an honor for the cadres and workers of the local taxation bureau.

The message Director Zou wanted to tell the cadres present was: this honor was earned by Ye Ming!This is also a means to indirectly increase Ye Ming's reputation among the cadres and his status...

Sure enough, after Director Zou said those words, some colleagues around the sign-in office all turned their attention to Ye Ming almost at the same time. Many people showed expressions of envy and admiration in their eyes, but they looked at Ye Ming a little bit. Sorry...

The meeting was originally planned to start at 08:30, but because Secretary Shen had to hold a short meeting in the morning, he waited until a quarter past nine before Secretary Shen and the executive deputy county magistrate rushed over.

Before the meeting, Zou Wenming took a closer look at Ye Ming's position under the rostrum, and found that he was sitting in the second row with some deputies. He couldn't help frowning, and called the office director Xiao Zhihui aside, and said a little dissatisfied: "Xiao Zhihui Xiao, how do you arrange this seat? Although Xiaoye is a deputy now, he is the actual person in charge of the first branch and enjoys full-time treatment. How did your office arrange him to the second row?"

It turned out that Zou Wenming was a very careful person.He knew: Today, Secretary Shen made an exception to attend the summary and commendation meeting of the county bureau, which was actually aimed at Ye Ming.Therefore, Ye Ming must sit in the first row, and must sit in the most conspicuous position, so that Secretary Shen sitting on the rostrum can see him at a glance...

Xiao Zhihui blushed when he heard Director Zou scolding him dissatisfiedly, and hurriedly explained: "Director Zou, this seat is arranged in a small section. I didn't explain to him, so I will make a review to you. The small section may arrange seats according to the bureau. It is customary to arrange the middle-level principals in the first row, the deputy in the second row, and the retired old comrades in the third row. He may not have thought of Director Ye's problem, and he is ranked in the second row according to the habit. Let's do this: I vacated my seat and let Director Ye sit in the middle of the first row on the right side of the aisle."

Xiao Zhihui's position is the most conspicuous and central position in the entire conference room except for the rostrum. Usually, he arranges for guests who are not enough to come to the rostrum from his superiors to sit, or the chief of human education and the director of the office sit. Very particular.

Seeing that Xiao Zhihui offered to give up his seat, Zou Wenming eased his expression, nodded and said, "Go and call Xiaoye to sit in your seat now. When Secretary Shen comes in, he will be the first one to shake hands." The person in question may be Xiaoye. Letting him sit on the right side of the aisle is also to make it easier for Secretary Shen to find him."

Xiao Zhihui hurried to the second row, pulled Ye Ming out involuntarily, and sat down in his central position by pressing him.

Sure enough, as soon as Secretary Shen walked into the meeting room, he began to search around with his eyes. When he saw Ye Ming sitting in the first row, he took two steps, came to Ye Ming with a smile on his face, and held Ye Ming tightly. up his hand.

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