Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 490 An Excuse For Giving Money

Ye Ming heard what Shen Youbin said so firmly that Lu Nianzi and Zhang Yan would definitely come to Xinleng, so he asked: "Secretary Shen, if Director Lu really comes to Xinleng, I will tell her about your affairs as well." Having said that, where should she start to help you with this? Do you want her to tell her father Secretary Lu directly? If that's the case, Director Lu may not be easy to ask! Although she is Secretary Lu's Daughter, but with Secretary Lu's honesty and self-discipline, he must be very strict with his relatives and staff around him, and he will not allow them to go through the back door for others. Wouldn't that make Director Lu very embarrassed?"

Shen Youbin shook his head and said: "Xiaoye, you may have misunderstood me: I don't want Director Lu to go directly to Secretary Lu to ask me for an official. My idea is: when you are playing with Director Lu, you can watch Here is an opportunity to briefly talk to her about my thoughts. You have to emphasize one point to her: I was originally a deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League and then came down to practice on a temporary basis. Now I am transferred back to the provincial capital to work in the Development and Reform Commission, and my level has not changed. , is still at the deputy department level, but just changed to another department. Besides, my wife and daughter are both in the provincial capital. I transferred back to solve the problem of separation between the two places. As long as you say this, you can dispel Director Lu’s belief that I was looking for her to run an official idea.

"Secondly, if she wants to help me, she doesn't need to talk to Secretary Lu at all. She herself belongs to the Development and Reform Commission system, and is the leader of the higher-level organ of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission. With this status alone, she can basically take care of me. Things will be done. What's more, she is the daughter of Secretary Lu. As long as she says hello to the person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the leaders of the Development and Reform Commission will definitely agree to my transfer to them. Moreover, the leaders of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission will definitely agree He will personally do the work for me, and clearly appoint me to be the deputy director. Generally, when the leaders of the provincial party committee assign deputies to various departments, they will fully consider and respect the opinions of the leaders of the department, especially the top leaders. Therefore, as long as Director Lu is willing to help, even if Secretary Lu is not disturbed, she can help me."

Ye Ming heard that Shen Youbin's analysis was very logical, and it was only such a big thing to help him say a few good words to Lu Nianzi, so he nodded and said: "Secretary Shen, I promise you: as long as Director Lu comes to Xinleng Play, I will find a chance to help you convey your wishes."

In fact, there was another reason why Ye Ming agreed to speak to Shen Youbin: the last time he went to the capital, Secretary Shen represented Xinleng County Government and gave Lu Nianzi a sable fur coat and six bottles of expensive perfume.Lu Nianzi was very satisfied with these two gifts. Although he knew that they were given by public funds, he still appreciated Shen Youbin's affection.

Moreover, Shen Youbin came to him today and asked Lu Nianzi to help him. He must have thought that he gave Lu Nianzi a gift on behalf of the Xinleng County Government, which brought his relationship with Lu Nianzi closer. Because of the need to repay the debt of favor, he might help him, so I came up with this idea...

Seeing that Ye Ming nodded and agreed to his request, Shen Youbin immediately smiled. After subconsciously turning his head to look at the closed door of the meeting room, he suddenly took out a piece of paper from his briefcase wrapped in a delicate red paper bag. Passing his bank card to Ye Ming, he said in a low voice: "Xiaoye, I know you haven't been working for long, and you don't have a lot of money. If Director Lu, Director Zhang and Ms. Zhang Yan come to play, no matter what , you will have to spend a sum of money. This card is 5 yuan, and the password is six nines. You take it and use it first, and treat it as a personal matter for me. Regardless of whether Director Lu will help me or not, this Money well spent.”

Seeing that he suddenly gave him money, Ye Ming was startled, and quickly pushed his hand holding the card away, saying incoherently: "Secretary Shen, how can this work? Director Lu and the others came to play with me, why do you want to come out?" What about the money? Don't worry, although I'm not a rich man, I still have the money to spend a few days with Director Lu and the others in Xinleng. So, I absolutely can't take this card."

In fact, Shen Youbin had already thought about it: Lu Nianzi’s family came to Xinleng to play, and all the expenses would be paid by the County Development and Reform Bureau. At that time, as long as Ye Ming reported the number to Shi Xing, Shi Xing would think about it. Way to reimburse him.And just now he said that Ye Ming needed money to entertain Lu Nianzi, it was just an excuse for him to give money to Ye Ming - he is a person in the officialdom, and he understands the principle of equivalent exchange best: if he wants Ye Ming to help, he must let Ye Ming He gets a little something in return.This kind of return is either to find a way to promote him, or to actually give him money.

As for promoting Ye Ming, it is obviously difficult for him to do it: because Ye Ming is in the local tax system, he, the secretary of the county party committee, cannot get involved in their internal promotion, and Ye Ming is now under the care of Zou Wenming and Xu Fei. It's not his turn to be promoted.Therefore, the only way for him to repay Ye Ming now is to give him money, and he must find a good excuse to let Ye Ming accept it with peace of mind, and at the same time not make himself feel embarrassed-after all, a dignified county party secretary , To personally bribe a stock-level cadre who is much lower than himself, if there is no reasonable reason, it is still a bit embarrassing and a bit embarrassing.

But now, with the reason to entertain Lu Nianzi, it's much easier: I need Lu Nianzi now, so I should pay for the entertainment of Lu Nianzi's family.After Ye Ming accepted the money, he would ask Shi Xing to reimburse him in full for the expenses of taking Lu Nianzi's family to play in the future. The 5 yuan is the favor he gave to Ye Ming...

Therefore, when he saw Ye Ming's resignation, he put on a straight face, pretended to be angry and said, "Xiao Ye, you are wrong! In a sense, you are actually doing things for me by entertaining Director Lu's family. How can there be any reason to ask you to pay again? Besides, I don’t hide it from you: the 5 yuan is all the meal expenses and ribbon-cutting fees I got from participating in various meetings and ribbon-cutting activities. The flowers are all stored on this card. They are not money from improper sources, nor are they my wages and allowances. I used this money to entertain Director Lu and the others today. It takes."

Seeing that Secretary Shen seemed a little angry, Ye Ming thought that if he resolutely refused to accept this card, Secretary Shen would definitely lose face and would definitely be in a very embarrassing situation.

So, he stopped refusing, took the card and put it in his pocket, and said thank you a few times.

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