Ye Ming didn't expect Chen Yi to be so passionate. He hugged her warmly and softly, and the fire of lust in his heart was ignited. After kissing Chen Yi at the door for a while, he picked up her body , holding her and hurried to the master bedroom on the right side of the living room.

When he put Chen Yi's hot body on the big Simmons bed, and was about to undress her, Chen Yi seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly opened her misty eyes, Resisting Ye Ming's attack, he begged in a low voice with his face flushed: "Yezi, can we not stay here? This is the marriage bed where Li Zhi and I got married. I have obstacles in my heart... Otherwise, let's go to The room next door to…”

Ye Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then said domineeringly: "No, I'm going to be are my woman now, and you will be in the future... If I go to the guest room, I will feel uncomfortable, as if I am a thief !"

Chen Yi began to struggle, panting while struggling, "Ye Zi, please... don't be on this bed, it's unlucky... How about we go to the living room and just sit on the sofa?"

Ye Ming didn't say any more, and disarmed Chen Yi directly, and then entered her body abruptly amidst her low exclamation...

As soon as the two people's bodies merged, Chen Yi was no longer able to think about auspicious or unlucky issues, and all the psychological barriers disappeared at once. She only felt that her mind was in chaos, and she couldn't help cooperating with her lover's impact, forgetting her feelings. Writhing and groaning desperately.At the same time, her hands were tearing at Ye Ming's hair, almost pulling out a strand of his hair...

Although Ye Ming is unmarried, because he has experienced several girlfriends, his experience in bed is far richer than that of married Chen Yi.

Therefore, in their second love, he made Chen Yi feel another more sensual taste.

During the whole process, he kept suggesting that Chen Yi, who has no experience and skills, should change his posture.

As for Chen Yi, although she was extremely shy about the requests he made.However, in order to satisfy her sweetheart, she suppressed her shyness and let him be at his mercy. Sometimes she clumsily climbed onto Ye Ming's body, and moved clumsily with her eyes closed according to Ye Ming's request...

In these different postures, she not only satisfied her lover, but also felt a novel and exciting pleasure...

When everything was calm, Chen Yi buried her head deeply in Ye Ming's arms, and suddenly couldn't help crying...

Ye Ming was startled, and hurriedly stroked her body with his hands, while asking anxiously: "Sister, what's the matter with you? Do you blame me?"

Chen Yi shook her head, suddenly raised her face, stretched out her hand to gently caress his face, sobbing and asked: "Yezi, tell the truth: Am I dissolute? Am I shameless? Li Zhi and I are still Husband and wife, but as long as I am with you, I completely forget this, I completely forget that I am a married woman...

I love you, I love you to the marrow... I know it can't be like this between us.However, as soon as you touch my body, my whole body becomes limp... I know I can't refuse you, and only when I'm with you can I feel like a real woman... You know?I used to hate this kind of thing in bed.With Li Zhi, I feel that I am purely fulfilling an obligation, the kind of obligation between husband and wife.So, every time I am very impatient, every time I hope that he will end quickly...

But, as long as I'm with you, I wish we could stay together forever like this, never to be separated... Ye Zi, am I sick?What on earth should I do? "

Ye Ming touched her with a kiss on the forehead, and said in a low voice: "Sister Chen, this is not a disease, but love... I feel that I am the happiest man in the world now - because I not only have my heart The most beautiful and holy goddess in the world, and she has received her wholehearted love! This kind of love, I will always treasure it in my heart and never forget it..."

When Chen Yi heard his words, tears became more violent, and she couldn't help but hugged her head, and kissed him on the cheek...

Ye Ming was so passionately kissed by her, he couldn't help but hugged her, turned her body over, and pressed her down again...

That night, Ye Ming and Chen Yi were like a newly married couple, lingering on the spacious Simmons bed again and again until both of them were exhausted...

When dawn was approaching, Ye Ming held Chen Yi, who was as tired as a puddle of mud, in his arms, and wandered over her sweaty body with his right hand, suddenly remembering the purpose of coming here tonight, so he whispered He smiled and asked, "Sister Chen, if someone wants to promote you to be the deputy director of office logistics, are you happy?"

Chen Yi was taken aback, looked up at him suspiciously, then shook her head and said, "Yezi, you know: I'm not interested in being promoted or being an official at all. I just want to love you well and do my best. I can take care of you, care about you, and be your woman well. I don't think about the rest at all, and I won't think about it!"

Ye Ming moved her head into his arms again, and said emotionally: "Sister Chen, thank you! However, if there is this opportunity, I think it would be nice to be able to step up. After all, we are an administrative agency , if you have a half-job, you will be less aggrieved, at least you won’t be called around by those directors and deputy directors. If you do a good job, it’s the leader’s credit, and if you don’t do it well, it’s your own responsibility... I used to Just like you, I have no interest in things like promotion and being an official. But since getting in touch with Director Xu Fei, especially after the last fight and censorship incident, my concept has begun to change As Xu Fei said: In administrative agencies, there is always only one criterion for judging whether a person is successful or promising: whether you are an official or not, and how big an official you are! Other than that, you are a failure , will suffer a lot of stares and humiliation! Don’t you think so?”

Chen Yi laughed softly, scraped his face with her hands, and said, "My little Ye Zi has finally grown up and wants to be an official...well, since you have said so in such a way I will listen to you no matter how reasonable it is. If there is such an opportunity, I will try my best to fight for it! But I have something to say first: you know me, and you don’t have any experience and ability in management, so you have to help me then!”

Ye Ming agreed to come down. Seeing that it was getting dark outside, he was afraid that he would run into Chen Yi's neighbors when he went out late, so he quickly got up and took a shower, and changed into the underwear that Chen Yixian secretly went to the supermarket to buy for him at home. , and hugged and kissed Chen Yi on the bed for a while, then hurriedly left "Biyuan Community".

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