Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 527 Containing Strength

After talking with Li Zhimi for a while, Li Botang called two strong security guards and ordered them to carry Li Zhi down from the other side of the stairs and send him to the hospital for further treatment.

Then, holding a magnetized glass teacup by himself, Shi Shiran came to the financial room with still limping steps.

Ye Ming and the other four were looking through the financial statements and account books of the steel plant. Seeing Li Botang coming in, they all just raised their heads and glanced at him. No one paid attention to him, the chairman, and continued to immerse themselves in the accounts.

Li Botang hated Ye Ming and the others extremely in his heart, but his face did not show any emotion, he said with a smile: "Director Ye, you came to our company today, because no one notified you in advance, and you didn't call me first, so it's a mistake." Yuan Ying, I would like to ask Director Ye and other leaders to forgive me."

Ye Ming had already seen his limping steps when he came in, and knew that this must be a good show directed by Gong Zhichao, so he felt happy, so he raised his head and said, "Mr. Qishen, you are completely different from your original aggressive demeanor! Is your body in trouble? We are conducting a tax assessment on your factory today, which belongs to the scope of daily collection and management. It can be done with the cooperation of your financial department No, there's no need to alarm Mr. Li, so I didn't notify you in advance. If Mr. Li is unwell, please feel free, there is no need to waste your precious time here."

Hearing that his tone was full of sarcasm, Li Botang gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, but he still said politely: "How can that be done? Five leaders of the First Branch Bureau came here at once today. I won't come to accompany you, isn't it?" Is it too rude? Minister Yang, have you arranged the meal for noon? Where is the arrangement?"

Before Yang Lujuan could answer, Ye Ming said coldly: "I'm sorry, we don't have lunch at the company at noon. This is the new regulation of our county bureau: If the workplace is within the urban area, you can't have lunch at the taxpayer at noon. Go back to the game. So, please excuse me from arranging the lunch."

Li Botang was not reluctant, chatted with Yang Lujuan for a few words, and then returned to the chairman's office.

A week later, Ye Ming and the others checked the accounts of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant for three years, and informed Yang Lujuan of the assessment results: After inspection and assessment, in the past three years, Zhenxing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has underpaid real estate sales tax and surcharges of more than 550 million yuan. When distributing dividends to shareholders, more than 400 million yuan of personal income tax was underpaid, and the total tax and overdue fines that should be paid were 10 yuan!

After Li Botang got the evaluation conclusion, he immediately called Wang Hai, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee.

"Secretary Wang, there is one thing I have to report to you: the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau came to the company to check the accounts a few days ago, and found that the bonus of more than 1500 million yuan distributed by your aunt Xiong Yanzhi did not withhold personal income tax. Order our company to pay more than 300 million yuan in taxes and overdue fees. You also know that the steel company has not been in a good business in the past two years, the company's profit margin has shrunk significantly, and the financial pressure is relatively high. Therefore, the more than 300 million yuan in taxes, we We can’t pay in advance at the moment, so I can only ask you to talk to Ms. Xiong Yanzhi to see if she can transfer the more than 300 million yuan of tax she should pay to our company’s financial account in the next few days, and we will declare and pay the tax. Really I'm sorry!"

It turned out that Wang Hai's shareholding in Zhenxing Iron and Steel Works had always been in the name of his sister-in-law's shareholding and dividends. In fact, his sister-in-law didn't get a penny.Li Botang also knew this in his heart, but he pretended not to know, and every time he talked to Wang Hai about buying shares or dividends, he only mentioned his sister-in-law's name to avoid embarrassment or doubts in Wang Hai.

Moreover, he knew that Wang Hai was in his own hands now, and he would never dare to do anything to him, so he was not afraid of him in his heart, and he directly asked him to pay the personal income tax back, the purpose was to anger him, It made him hate Xinleng Land Tax Bureau, Ye Ming and others—because he knew that Wang Hai was a money-hungry character, and the money in his hands would never be easily spit out.As long as he wants to punish Ye Ming and others, no matter how strong Ye Ming's backing is, he may not be able to jump out of his palm.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Wang Hai asked angrily: "Botang, what's going on? Didn't I ask someone to exempt Xiong Yanzhi's personal income tax for the past three years? Deal with it? Or is someone going to do it on purpose?"

Wang Hai's words hit Li Botang's heart, so he continued his words and said, "Secretary Wang, you are right: someone deliberately did this. This person is Ye Ming, a branch of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau. It is said that this person is the godson of Secretary Li Runji of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, so he is very arrogant in our county. account.

"Because there were some personal disputes between me and him, he went around and threatened to kill our new cold iron and steel plant. Not long ago, he blocked our application for income tax deduction, refused to approve it, and forced us to transfer the 1800 The tax payment of more than [-] yuan was put into the treasury, which caused our profit to drop sharply and caused a shortage of funds in the factory. This time, he brought people to do some tax assessment again, and stared at our current account. After receiving the dividends distributed by your aunt, we were ordered to pay personal income tax back. Look at his posture, he will not give up until we kill our company!"

Wang Hai was startled when he heard that the deputy director of the Taxation Bureau who opposed Zhenxing Company was Li Runji's godson.After listening to Li Botang's words, he pondered for a moment and said decisively: "Botang, I know that you are trying to defeat my army and deliberately create problems for me. You have been in the business world for so many years, and you have experienced all kinds of storms. It is impossible. You will be stumped by such a brat. Tell me clearly: What do you want me to do? How are you going to deal with that kid surnamed Ye? You don’t want me, the Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, to go shirtless and fight with that brat surnamed Ye Come face to face, boy!"

Li Botang smiled and said: "Secretary-General Wang, you really have sharp eyesight, and you are worthy of being a great leader! You are right: I am setting up a bureau now, and I want to put that kid Ye Ming in. But, I I am worried that Li Runji will take action to rescue his godson. Therefore, I would like to ask you and Minister Xie Hongda to pay attention, to contain Li Runji, and not let him destroy my chess game. In addition, I also want to ask you and Minister Xie to cooperate with City K Say hello to the leaders, let them support me, stand by my side at critical moments, and try to trample that kid Ye Ming to death, so that he will never stand up again. What do you think?"

Wang Hai said happily: "This is no problem! As long as there are no major loopholes in the bureau you set up and you don't get caught, Minister Xie and I will fully support you. Moreover, if we can't suppress Li Runji at that time, we will You can also ask Governor Qin to come forward. I don't believe that Li Runji is so bold to publicly protect his so-called godson. Of course, the premise of doing this is that you must catch Ye Ming's pigtails and his violation of discipline. Illegal clues, we can’t use empty words to punish him. In that case, we will be very passive.”

Li Botang replied very firmly: "Secretary Wang, don't worry. My plan is to attack at multiple points and confiscate on all sides. I can not only have evidence of Ye Ming's crimes, but also lure him to continue to commit crimes. If you can't run for fifteen, you will definitely fall into my gourd in the end."

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