In order to ensure Zou Wenming's authority and status in the party group of the Xin Leng County Bureau, Xu Fei painstakingly arranged for two newly promoted deputy directors from other county and city bureaus to serve as members of the party group at the Xin Leng County Local Taxation Bureau. Huang Tanyi, the former director of the inspection bureau who was promoted, was transferred to Baozhu County Bureau as the leader of the discipline inspection team.

In this way, among the five members of the party group of the Xinleng County Bureau, the old deputy director Jin Chiliang had a good relationship with Zou Wenming, and Su Lihua was a peacemaker who was not very in charge. The deputy director of the bureau, one is that his qualifications are very low, and the other is that he has no foundation in the county bureau, so he can only consciously maintain the authority of the top leader...

Xu Fei did this because he wanted Zou Wenming to have less resistance in promoting Ye Ming, so that he could successfully complete his original plan to directly promote Ye Ming to the first branch office.

Zou Wenming is now grateful to Xu Fei and Ye Ming, so he understands Xu Fei's intentions. After only one week as the top leader, he began to select and appoint middle-level cadres.

In order to ensure that the position of director of the first sub-bureau can be vacant, and to clear the way for Ye Ming to actually take power, Zou Wenming spent a lot of thought when designing the middle-level executive selection and appointment plan, and finally formed a first draft of the plan.

Then, he went through the work of several other members of the party group one by one, and then asked the teaching department to print out the plan.

According to this plan, there are two positions in the county bureau's middle-level job selection: one is the position of office director vacated by Chen Weiping, and the other is the position of director of the first sub-bureau - because before that, the former director of the first sub-bureau has been transferred to the inspection bureau Director, to replace Huang Letian, the former director of the Inspection Bureau who has been promoted.

Program requirements: Cadres who participate in the middle-level full-time job competition must clarify which position they are participating in when signing up.At the same time, applicants are required to undergo a qualification review, and only those who meet the following points can apply for the competition for the position of director of a branch office:

One is to participate in tax work for more than 10 years;

The second is under the age of 40;

The third is a bachelor degree or above, and the major must be taxation or economic management;

The fourth is to serve as a middle-level deputy for more than three years.

As soon as the registration requirements came out, only three people met the requirements, namely Ou Yangming, the deputy director of the First Sub-bureau, Zeng Zhan, the deputy director of the Inspection Bureau, and Xiao Zhihui, the acting director of the office.

Xiao Zhihui, on the other hand, wanted to compete for the position of director of the office, so he did not apply for the position of director of the first sub-bureau.

In this way, only Ou Yangming and Zeng Zhan signed up for the competition for the position of the chief of the First Sub-bureau.

At the same time, the plan also clarified one item: adhering to the principle of "prefer lack rather than excess" in the job competition, if the candidate does not get the approval votes of three or more party members during the inspection process of the party group, then the position will be temporarily vacant. , to fill this vacancy in the future when there are people who meet all the conditions...

And this principle of "rather deficiencies than excesses" is the "ingenious plan" that Zou Wenming painstakingly researched to sway the position of the chief of the No. [-] Sub-bureau.

But Ouyang Ming and Zeng Zhan didn't pay special attention to this.Ouyang Ming, in particular, was so excited these past few days that he felt like he had been pumped with chicken blood. In his opinion, the conditions stipulated in this competition plan seemed to be tailor-made for him, and he met every one of them. All of them fit his experience.

From this, he came to a conclusion: the party group of the county bureau finally began to pay attention to himself, a talent who had a professional background and had been the deputy director of the bureau for five or six years.

Now, his only competitor is Zeng Zhan.As for Zeng Zhan, he was promoted later than him, has less qualifications, is younger than him, and is less capable than him.Moreover, he was an "old scalper" who only knew how to bury his head in doing things. He didn't know how to make connections or go through the back door at all, and he didn't have a very close relationship with the middle-level cadres of the county bureau.

The most important point is: Zeng Zhan will definitely not win the exam.And this competition plan clearly stipulates that candidates who participate in the competition must first take a professional test, and the test score accounts for 50% of the comprehensive score...

Based on these judgments, Ou Yangming felt that the position of the director of the first sub-bureau had almost been obtained!

Therefore, in the past few days, he has been running to the homes of those middle-level full-time cadres who have the right to vote for the evaluation. Every time he goes to a house, he brings two top-quality Furong Wang cigarettes-this is equivalent to buying the evaluations in the hands of these middle-level full-time cadres. votes, and he achieved his goal: the cadres he visited all agreed to vote for him.

In addition, he also used the evening time to visit several members of the bureau's party group with cigarettes and alcohol or red envelopes.Among them, Su Lihua and Jin Chiliang both accepted his gifts, but the other two new deputy directors firmly rejected his red envelopes.

Only the top leader, Zou Wenming, dared not give gifts, because he knew that Zou Wenming never accepted red envelope gifts from his subordinates or taxpayers.

Despite this, Ou Yangming is still optimistic about his prospects for the job competition: as long as he wins the exam and gets more votes than Zeng Zhan in the public assessment, and when it comes to the party group inspection, it is basically just going through the motions... …

On this day, he suddenly walked to Ye Ming's office, saw Ye Ming sitting there alone, and said with a smile: "Brother, your competition for the deputy position this time should be a sure thing. I think you are I have stayed in the office for so many years, and I still have to go down to do business, deal with taxpayers more, accumulate some contacts, and it will be more convenient for me to go out to do errands or do some business in the future. Let’s do this: If I compete for a The director of the sub-bureau is successful, I will ask the party group to transfer you to the first sub-bureau as my deputy, and our two brothers will work together to make the work of the first sub-bureau vigorously and achieve some results. What do you think?"

Seeing his smug expression, Ye Ming felt a sense of guilt inexplicably, and at the same time felt a little sad for him: he is such a smart person, but he didn't see the most important thing in Zou Wenming's plan. The key point is that he still thinks that the position of chief of a sub-bureau belongs to him...

Of course, he must not reveal this inside story to Ouyang Ming himself.Therefore, after listening to Ouyang Ming's eager proposal, he said calmly: "Thank you brother for looking up to me. If there is this opportunity, I will try my best to get it."

A week later, through the selection and appointment procedures such as business examinations, political assessments, and inspections of the party group, Xiao Zhihui was determined to be the candidate for the office director, and five people including Ye Ming and Chen Yi were identified as candidates for the positions of the deputy director of the first branch and the deputy director of the office.

As for Ou Yangming, who had the greatest expectations for this competition, although he passed both the exam and the public assessment, he was rejected because he did not get the approval votes of more than three party members during the inspection of the party group.And Zeng Zhan, who postponed the replacement inspection, also did not get the approval votes of more than three party members.

Therefore, in accordance with the principle of "rather deficiencies than excesses", the position of the chief of the first sub-bureau was vacated.

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