Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 536 Voting

This Gu Yixin is also from Xinleng County. He had been the head of the Xinleng County Public Security Bureau for six years. He was Tao Yong's predecessor. , He was promoted to political commissar of the Municipal Council.

Gu Yixin had a very close relationship with Li Botang when he was in charge of the Xinleng Public Security Bureau.Later, his series of promotions were all related to Li Botang's funding and background.Moreover, this time he was promoted to the political commissar, it was Li Botang who found him Xie Hongda, the head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Department, and Xie Hongda found the director of the Political Department of the Provincial Department, so he became the political commissar smoothly.

Therefore, Gu Yixin has always been grateful to Li Botang.This time, the special strike against Gong Zhichao's gang was arranged by Gu Yixin himself, and Liang Tanghua only played a decision-making role.And the reason why he had to deal with Gong Zhichao so hard was because Li Botang had already greeted him in advance, asking him to find ways to beat Gong Zhichao to death.

Therefore, when Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua proposed to change the nature of Gong Zhichao's gang and abolish the task force, he couldn't wait to jump out, blushing and expressing his firm opposition.

Chen Guitian holds Director Guo Guangwei's "Shangfang Sword" in his hand, so why would he care about Gu Yixin's objection?Seeing that he was jumping three feet high, he was quite angry, so he looked at him with disdain, and said coldly: "Gu political commissar, as a leader who has been in the public security front for many years, how can you say such a lack of level, What did you say? According to your opinion, if the leaders of your K City Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government determine who is the leader of the underworld, our public security organs must follow their instructions and requirements and arrest them, right? If this is the case , then what use are we policemen for? The municipal party committee and municipal government just go to solve the case and arrest people, so what kind of detection work do we need?"

Having said that, he looked around at the participants and said emphatically, "Comrades, our political and legal agencies, including public security, procuratorates, courts, and even the reform-through-labor judicial system, are now facing one of the biggest difficulties and difficulties, that is, local governments and A small number of party and government leaders like to use power to interfere with the law, and like to put power above the law. They often use their personal will and personal likes and dislikes to dictate and interfere with our law enforcement behavior, and they also want to strengthen the leadership of the party committee and government in the name of euphemism. This behavior of putting power above the law has already caused great harm to our judicial justice and the construction of the legal system, and has also caused many adverse effects.

"Take the case of Gong Zhichao's gang in Xinleng County as an example. The reason why the Provincial Department set up an inspection team is because the leaders of the Provincial Department received complaints from some insiders, saying that your K City Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have no conclusive evidence. Under the premise of this situation, some leaders were instigated by others to charge Gong Zhichao and others with gangs of evil forces in the name of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and secretly arrested many people, even their families were implicated.

"After receiving the complaint, the leaders of the provincial department attached great importance to it, and asked me to lead a team to set up a supervision team to supervise the case. Judging from the supervision situation, the complaints we received are very credible Yes. Although Gong Zhichao and the others are suspected of forming a gang, their gang is mainly a group relationship in the business field and does not constitute the elements of a gangster organization. It is very arbitrary and extremely irresponsible to characterize them as gangster gangs That’s why we put forward a proposal to change the nature of this case. Political Commissar Gu, if you have any comments, you can keep them or report them to your superiors. But now, we must form a resolution by show of hands, and Report to the provincial department. Director Liang, please preside over this voting procedure!"

After listening to Chen Guitian's words, Liang Tanghua couldn't help secretly admiring: He attributed the reason for the establishment of the inspection team by the Provincial Department to "complaints from insiders", so that Gu Yixin and others could eliminate the sudden dispatch of the Provincial Department. The suspicion of the motives brought down by the inspection team can also deter Gu Yixin and the people behind him, making them scruples and stop entangled in this case...

Therefore, according to Chen Guitian's request, he said: "Comrades, according to the suggestion of the head of the provincial inspection team, Chen, we are now holding a vote on the gangster case of Gong Zhichao's gang in Xinleng County. Next, anyone who agrees to change the nature of Gong Zhichao's gang, And remove the comrades from the task force, please raise your hand."

As he spoke, he raised his hand first.

Chen Guitian and several members of the inspection team also raised their right hands one after another.

Seeing Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian speaking, the other members of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Party Committee present at the meeting, except Gu Yixin, also raised their hands hesitantly.

Gu Yixin had expected this result a long time ago. After voting with a show of hands, without waiting for Liang Tanghua to announce his decision, he stood up from his seat with a "huh" and said to Liang Tanghua with a livid face: "Director Liang, you Don't forget: the Public Security Bureau works under the leadership of the party committee and the government. You are refusing to implement the decisions of the K City Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and protecting criminals. I will see how you will shoulder this responsibility in the future!"

As he spoke, he turned around and slammed the door and walked out regardless of the astonished gazes of the participants.

After walking out of the meeting room, Gu Yixin immediately called Mayor Ji Yufei and told him what just happened in the meeting room.

After listening to Gu Yixin's report, Ji Yufei did not show surprise or anger, but said lightly: "Comrade Yixin, don't worry. Captain Chen of your provincial department is not wrong. We The municipal party committee and municipal government's anti-crime campaign is only a guiding opinion. The investigation of specific cases and the characterization of criminal gangs are still internal affairs of your public security organs. Our municipal party committee and government have no right to interfere and cannot interfere. Provincial departments Since the inspection team believes that Gong Zhichao's gang does not have the elements to constitute an organized underworld gang and cannot be identified as an underworld organization, they must have their reasons. The municipal party committee and the municipal government respect their conclusions. You don't need to Argued with them - after all, you are still under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security, right? You can keep your personal opinion, but don't make it too obvious, don't give people the impression that you are going to confront the Ministry of Public Security , it will be very bad for your future prospects. Do you understand what I mean?"

Gu Yixin was a little confused by Ji Yufei's innocuous words—according to his thinking, the case of Gong Zhichao's gang in Xinleng County was personally arranged by Ji Yufei, and he had already assigned the case to Gong Zhichao's gang. sex.If he learned that the investigation team of the provincial department changed the nature of the case and dismissed the special case team, he would definitely be furious, and maybe he would call Liang Tanghua immediately and scold him.

However, judging from Ji Yufei's current attitude, he seems to have expected this result a long time ago, and he doesn't really care about it. What's going on?

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