Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 538 Killer Peng Hua

After the "9.18" murder case, there were many rumors about the case in Xinleng County.

Someone said: Li Hong was usually too arrogant and aggressive, which angered several nearby coal mine owners, and they jointly hired someone to kill him;

Some people also said: Because Li Hong often seduced other people's wives, he cuckolded many prominent people in Xinleng Street, so one of them hired a professional killer to "kill" him;

Another said: Li Hong sent a lot of money to local government officials.However, this guy is not strict with his mouth, and his arrogance is too arrogant. He often threatens the officials who got his money with this, and he talks about the fact that he gave money to the officials. He talks about it and offends many powerful people. .In order to kill people, these big men arranged for someone to destroy him and seal his mouth forever...

All in all, among the various rumors of Xinleng people, although this Li Hong is a victim, no one sympathizes with him. In the rumors, it is all about his bad deeds and unscrupulous behaviors, which belong to the ranks of those who deserve to be killed...

In fact, Li Hong was indeed such a nouveau riche who started his business by relying on coal mines, then collected money by various means, and finally relied on his wealth and power to run amok. Then fast.

Gu Yixin, then director of the Public Security Bureau, personally commanded and participated in the investigation of the "9.18" major case.After collecting all kinds of on-site investigation evidence, collecting a lot of reporting clues, and learning about various rumors, he and the people in the task force, and the suspects in their hearts, all pointed to two people-Gong Zhichao and Chen Yuanqiao.

At that time, Chen Yuanqiao had just moved from Xin Leng to the provincial capital.Gu Yixin and others learned that the reason why Chen Yuanqiao left Xinleng suddenly was because the contradiction and conflict with Li Hong had reached a fever pitch.In order to compete for the mining rights of a high-grade antimony mine in Jinhai Village, Shishan Town, the two have confronted each other openly and secretly many times. On the hillsides of the Chinese Communist Party, the site was marked, drill holes were drilled, and there were even multiple incidents of crowd fighting between the two parties.

On the night before Chen Yuanqiao left Xinleng, his only daughter Chen Mengqi was kidnapped by a group of people.But in the process of being tied up, Chen Mengqi was miraculously rescued by a high school student again, and a statement was recorded at the police station.But Chen Yuanqiao didn't seem to want to bring this matter to the public security organs at all.After his daughter finished recording the statement, he immediately took her home, and the family moved out of Xinleng the next morning.

At that time, many people speculated that the kidnapping of Chen Mengqi was manipulated by Li Hong behind his back. Competing for antimony ore resources in Jinhai Village, Shishan Town.

As for Chen Yuanqiao, the power at that time was far inferior to Li Hongda.Among his subordinates, only Gong Zhichao was able to get along relatively well on the street, but he hadn't formed his own strength yet, and he was far from being the opponent of Li Hong's "Four King Kongs".

Therefore, Gu Yixin and the others speculated: in order to avoid misfortune and to prevent his daughter from being threatened again, Chen Yuanqiao first moved away from Xinleng and hid far away in the provincial capital to avoid Li Hong's sphere of influence.Then, he commanded by remote control in the provincial capital, and asked Gong Zhichao, who was meticulous and neat, to find several killers, and took advantage of Li Hong's relaxation of vigilance to get rid of him in one fell swoop.Then, Chen Yuanqiao paid for several killers to escape without leaving any clues for the Xinleng police...

Gu Yixin thinks this guess is very reasonable, and it is also very in line with Chen Yuanqiao and Gong Zhichao's behavior style.Unfortunately, this is just a guess and an idea to solve the case.They later followed this line of thought, wasting a lot of manpower and material resources to find evidence and find the murderer, but found nothing. In the end, they had to suspend the case and deal with the backlog and unsolved cases...

Now, when Gu Yixin heard Li Botang's words, he immediately understood that he and the people in the "9.18" case task force had the right idea to solve the case.Now, if Zeng Qiang can be used to find a murderer who participated in the shooting of Li Hong back then, and let him come out to testify against Gong Zhichao and Chen Yuanqiao, no matter how good Gong Zhichao's relationship is and no matter how strong the background is, he will definitely not be able to escape the crime of murder...

However, Gu Yixin still had some doubts about whether Zeng Qiang could really provide the whereabouts of a killer, so he asked Li Botang: "Mr. Li, what kind of character is this Zeng Qiang? Why did he come forward to testify against Gong Zhichao? His Are people reliable?"

Li Botang smiled and said, "Old Gu, do you still have doubts about my ability to do things? Well, since you are curious, I will explain the ins and outs of this matter to you clearly!"

It turned out that Zeng Qiang had been hating Gong Zhichao, Tietuo and others ever since he was scolded by Gong Zhichao for tax collection last time, and was scared to pee his pants by Tietuo's forehead with a gun.Although Gong Zhichao later provided him with 50 yuan in funds to make profits in the building materials market, he is a villain who only holds grudges but not gratitude, and his hatred for Gong Zhichao and others has never been eliminated.

Moreover, Zeng Qiang himself was a big gambler.Since receiving the 50 yuan subsidized by Gong Zhichao, on the one hand, he has given up interest to make money, and on the other hand, he has boldly gambled.As a result, the money he loses from gambling every day is often several times the money he earns by cutting interest rates.In just a few months, he lost all the principal of the interest rate and the interest he earned.

And one of his gamblers is Li Zhi.

Knowing that he was one of Gong Zhichao's subordinates, Li Zhi intended to win him over and get acquainted with him.When he lost money, he borrowed 30 to [-] yuan as a gambling capital, and did not ask for his interest, which made Zeng Qiang feel grateful to him, and then told Li Zhichao some things about Gong Zhichao one after another. , Let Li Zhi know Gong Zhichao's past many illegal and criminal facts that were not grasped by the political and legal organs.Especially when Zeng Qiang told him about Gong Zhichao's murder of Li Hong by Chen Yuanqiao's order, it made him feel like a treasure.

According to Zeng Qiang: Back then, he, Tietuo and others were the "Five Tiger Generals" under Gong Zhichao.However, Gong Zhichao did not trust him very much.Therefore, when Li Hong was murdered, Gong Zhichao deliberately left him aside, and selected three ruthless and outstanding marksmen from Tietuo and others' younger brothers to play the role of killers.

After killing Li Hong, Gong Zhichao immediately arranged for the three killers to escape from Xinleng and hid in several cities in the southwest region. Come back to Xin Leng.

Among these three people, there was a killer named Peng Hua who had a very good relationship with Zeng Qiang.And it was this Peng Hua who told Zeng Qiang who had no knowledge of the whole process of the "September 9.18" murder without reservation.

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