Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 541 Can't Kill Peng Hua

After the inspection team of the Provincial Public Security Department entered K City, Tao Yong, Bi Huafeng and others who didn't know the truth also learned the news from some channels, and immediately fell into a state of panic and panic all day long.

In their thinking, since Gong Zhichao's case has already alarmed the provincial department and sent a special inspection team down, it is very likely that this case has been listed as a listed supervision case in the province, so they will definitely pursue it to the end. It is not only necessary to investigate the crimes of Gong Zhichao's gang, but also to dig deep into the backers and umbrellas behind him.

If this is the case, then Tao Yong and Bi Huafeng will definitely not escape the fate of being investigated and prosecuted in the end - because they know in their hearts that each of them has obtained millions of benefits from Gong Zhichao in the past few years.Moreover, they all share dividends in some of Gong Zhichao's companies.If his umbrella is to be pursued, the two of them will bear the brunt.

Therefore, in the past few days, Bi Huafeng and Tao Yong are like two ants on a hot pot. They have no intention of going to work at all, and they are trying to find connections, ask acquaintances, and inquire about the progress of Gong Zhichao's case every day.However, both the special case team and the inspection team have done a very good job of keeping secrets, and the two of them couldn't find any useful information at all.

Moreover, Tao Yong and Bi Huafeng did not dare to meet with Gong Zhichao because they were worried that they had been secretly monitored by the special case team, and they did not even dare to call him, for fear that the special case team would accidentally monitor their relationship with Gong Zhichao .

On the contrary, as the person who bears the brunt of the incident, Gong Zhichao seems relatively calm. He still inspects the company under him every day as usual. As if nothing had happened at all, some friends who knew that he was facing a huge danger now admired him and felt that his mental quality was really different from ordinary people. No wonder he was able to sit on the title of "No. top spot...

Of course, Gong Zhichao's performance is just his appearance.In fact, his heart is more tormented and anxious now than anyone else.

He was very clear: once he was arrested, with the current police capabilities and investigative methods, many unknown things about him, especially the case of killing Li Hong, were very likely to be discovered.And once this case is solved, not only will he die, but Chen Yuanqiao will also be implicated, which is the last thing he wants to see.

Therefore, when Tie Tuo and the others were secretly arrested, he immediately called the three men hiding in the southwest, which suited their current situation.Of these, the other two reported to him that everything was fine and there was no sign of exposure.

The one who worries him the most is that Peng Hua in the border town.

From the mouths of the two guards who watched him, Gong Zhichao learned that Peng Hua was older than the two guards because of his seniority, and he had enough evidence to kill Gong Zhichao, so he did not Da obeyed the supervision of those two people and threatened them at every turn, saying that he would surrender himself to the police station and die with Boss Gong.

In order to prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Gong Zhichao had no choice but to order the two men to keep him a little more relaxed, and send him a few thousand yuan more every month for him to take drugs, but the two horse boys were required to strictly control the amount of drugs he took.

Just today, one of the two guards guarding Peng Hua made a phone call to Gong Zhichao behind Peng Hua's back, and suggested to him: Peng Hua is a useless guy now, and keep him. Your threat is too great, should you find a chance to get rid of him?

After Gong Zhichao heard the horseman's proposal, he said sternly without thinking: "Brother, this is absolutely not acceptable! You have to understand: Although I, Gong Zhichao, are cruel and ruthless sometimes, it is against my enemies or enemies! Yes! My brothers and friends, I have never been ruthless. What's more, Peng Hua was ordered by me to kill Li Hong. He was wandering outside for several years and could not return home. This is my debt to him. He is now He didn't betray me either. He said that he wanted to report me, it should be a moment of anger. Therefore, the two of you must not have such an idea. "

Speaking of this, he said with emphasis: "Brother, I am in a little trouble now. Your eldest brother Tietuo, Su Jiang, Hongbao, and Li Mengzi have all been secretly arrested by the K City Public Security Bureau. I guess, Their next step is to target me. Therefore, you must be steady on your side, and nothing will go wrong. During this period of time, you must strictly guard Peng Hua: First, never let him enter the casino, so as not to He was arrested by the local police for gambling; second, he should not be involved with some local people in the society, let alone any fights; The fourth and most critical point is that he should not be allowed to contact any outsiders with a Tianjiang provincial accent, nor should he be allowed to make phone calls here. Do you understand these four requirements? ?”

The boy said "hmm" on the phone, and then said unwillingly: "Brother Chao, I know you don't have the heart to attack Peng Hua. However, we see what this kid means, and he seems to have a lot of resentment towards you. If Keeping him, I'm afraid it will be a disaster sooner or later! I think: Brother Chao, you should be more ruthless. At this time, you must cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and never cause future troubles. Otherwise, we worry that you will be dragged down by this kid to death sooner or later!"

Gong Zhichao remained silent for a while, and was silent for more than a minute. Then he sighed and said, "Brother, this is not a question of whether I am cruel or not, but a question of my principles in life! I know, as long as I get rid of the Peng Hua, I can avoid a lot of future troubles. However, Peng Hua has not done anything to be sorry for me now. On the contrary, I owe him. If I want to kill him, he lied to me and took money from me. He will send someone to kill him, so why spend so much manpower and material resources, and arrange for the two of you to go there to monitor him? I think: If I kill him like this for my own safety now, I will have a conscience for the rest of my life. Uneasy... Okay, brother, let’s stop here! I’ll still say the same thing: You must keep a close eye on Peng Hua, but you must never try to kill him!”

After the other party agreed, Gong Zhichao hung up the phone, sat down on the sofa in the living room, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, trying to sort things out, but felt that his mind was in a mess and he couldn't think clearly about anything.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and when he answered it, it was Xia Feifei who called.

On the phone, Xia Feifei was uncharacteristically, and said in a delicate tone: "Brother Chao, I have something to do with you, hurry up and come to Blue Moon!"

As soon as Gong Zhichao heard Xia Feifei's words, he knew that it was Tao Yong or Bi Huafeng who had something to ask him for. In order to worry about being monitored, he asked Xia Feifei to call and ask him out.

So, he immediately went out and drove towards Blue Moon KTV.

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