Seeing Gong Zhichao bursting into tears suddenly, Ye Ming couldn't help being startled. He patted Gong Zhichao's shoulder at a loss and said, "Brother Chao, don't say these words! You have said many times: We are good brothers. Good brothers Don't say these words of thanks in between! Let me say it again: You have helped me so much before, if I want to thank you, I have a bunch of thank you words to tell you...By the way, is your case all right? Didn't the leader of the inspection team of the Provincial Public Security Bureau come to embarrass you?"

Before Gong Zhichao could answer, Tao Yong showed a smile all over his face, and interjected: "Director Ye, Xiaogong and I came here specially to thank you, so don't be modest. We didn't expect that one of you, Director Ye The phone call has such great power that it not only changed the nature of Xiao Gong's case, but even the so-called task force was withdrawn."

Speaking of this, he restrained his smile, made a look of regret, patted his face lightly, and said, "Director Ye, in addition to thanking you, I also want to express my deep gratitude to you. My apologies. Just now at the Blue Moon Karaoke Hall, because Director Bi and I were in a mess at the time, and there was no sense of proportion between words, I said some very excessive and hurtful things to you. Looking back now, I am so ashamed that I wish I could be more organized. The cracks in the ground can be drilled in. I know that Director Ye is a big man. Although he is young, his capacity is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Therefore, Director Ye, please understand the anxious mood that Director Bi and I just had, and don't care about our impulsiveness and rudeness. words."

With that said, he cupped his fists and made a bow to Ye Ming.

What Ye Ming hates the most is this kind of snobbish person, and he doesn't want to accept his apology, so he said coldly: "Mayor Tao, you and Director Bi are both big leaders in the county, teach me a lesson. Such juniors and civil servants are also very normal. Although what you just said is ugly, but you are the superiors, no matter how ugly you are, I have to listen and endure, right? So, you said you apologize to me, I really I dare not take it."

Tao Yong saw that he didn't give him face at all, and his face was extremely embarrassed, but he didn't dare to get angry with him, so he rubbed his fat palms and said, "Director Ye, I am even more ashamed when you say that! How about this: Tonight, I invite Director Ye to dinner, punish myself with three cups on the wine table, and apologize to Director Ye, how about it? Captain Chen from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Provincial Public Security Bureau and Director Liang from our city bureau also came. At that time, we will drink a few glasses of wine together and eliminate all the unhappiness on the wine table. From now on, you will still be my little brother, and I will still be your big brother. In the future, in Xinleng County, as long as your brother has something to do, As the eldest brother, I will take the lead and solve your problems. Please give me this face tonight, Captain Chen and Director Liang just want to get acquainted with you, a young talent!"

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "Major Tao, you are serious. It's not that I don't give you face. I really have other things tonight. I have already made an appointment with someone, so I can't break the appointment. Also, I am now An important document is being drawn up, and it will be reviewed by Director Zou before we get off work. Therefore, I can’t chat with the two of you right now, and I must quickly revise this document...Brother Chao, wait for me to settle this matter. I will treat you to dinner in two days, and then I will toast you with a few glasses of wine to calm your shock and dispel your bad luck. I am really sorry today, and I don’t have time to accompany you and County Magistrate Tao.”

Tao Yong saw that he had begged him humbly for so long, not only did he not show face, but even started to order him to evict the guest, he couldn't help but blushed, and was extremely annoyed in his heart, and wanted to reprimand him on the spot.However, when he thought of his great strength, and thought that Captain Chen Guitian and Director Liang Tanghua were still waiting to meet him, the anger in his heart disappeared invisibly, and he smashed his fat lips unwillingly, and wanted to say a few nice words Fight for Ye Ming to agree to attend the dinner he held for Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua tonight.

However, before he could say anything, Gong Zhichao took his hand and said, "Major Tao, you have also seen: Brother Ye Ming is indeed drafting documents now, and he has an appointment tonight, forget it today! If you want to invite Ye Ming brother 1 drinks, there will be opportunities in the future, there is no need to rush, right?"

Gong Zhichao knew that Ye Ming didn't come against him, but had an opinion on Tao Yong, so he issued the order to evict him now.Moreover, he himself was very disdainful of Tao Yong and Bi Huafeng's ruthless performance in Blue Moon just now, and felt that Ye Ming's disrespect for Tao Yong was also part of the question.If it were me, if I had just been told that, I would definitely not agree to drink with Tao Yong again.

Therefore, he pulled Tao Yong out of Ye Ming's office in time.

The two drove to the Xinleng Hotel. Tao Yong asked Gong Zhichao to go back first, and went upstairs to accompany Director Liang and Captain Chen.

Seeing that he did not invite Ye Ming, Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian showed displeasure and disappointment on their faces.

Liang Tanghua asked dissatisfiedly: "Tao Yong, didn't you say that you have a good relationship with Director Xiaoye? Why didn't you invite him over when you went to his bureau in person?"

Tao Yong blushed, smiled embarrassingly, and continued to lie: "Director Liang, after Ye Ming returned to their bureau, he immediately went to the taxpayer for an inspection, and he couldn't come back for a while. I originally wanted to make an appointment. He had dinner, but he said that tonight was his girlfriend's birthday, and he had to accompany her, so he didn't have time to drink with the two leaders. But he said: Tomorrow, he must come to visit the two leaders in person and invite them Leader drink!"

While lying, Tao Yong had already made a plan: no matter what method he used tomorrow, he had to invite Ye Ming to accompany Captain Chen and Director Liang.If it didn't work, I went to Ye Ming's leader, Zou Wenming, as the deputy county magistrate, and asked him to come forward and pull him over to the banquet...

Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian naturally didn't know that what Tao Yong just said was a big lie, and they both shook their heads regretfully.

Chen Guitian smiled, and laughed at himself: "Director Liang, generally all promising and capable people have a lot of personality. That Director Xiaoye has such a good relationship, such a deep background, and outstanding abilities, so it's inevitable that he has some personality. How about this, let's wait patiently for another night, and tomorrow we'll have a good get-together with Director Xiaoye and have a chat."

Liang Tanghua smiled helplessly, and said to Tao Yong: "Well, since Director Xiaoye won't come today, we'll still get down to business. You can arrange for someone to go to the No. 07 Detention Center of the Municipal Bureau to take the four of Gong Zhichao's men over. At the same time, you inform the party committee members of your bureau that a meeting will be held at the county bureau at 30:[-] tonight, and I will inform everyone about the Gong Zhichao case."

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