Tao Yong saw that lean man talking endlessly about the benefits of his razor, and kept walking around the table, asking the guests to try the effect of the razor on him. He shouted angrily: "What, the sales are in the private room, get out!"

The thin man seemed to be startled by his yelling, and stared at him blankly with the bag in his hand, then blushed and said aggrievedly: "Boss, don't be so fierce! Let's start a small business and earn money." It's not easy to earn hard money. If you don't want to buy it, you can call me out, but don't scare me!"

Liang Tanghua saw Tao Yong's staring eyes and wanted to get angry, so he waved his hand and said, "Tao Yong, don't scare him like this. As he said, it's not easy to make money in business now, and he is earning some hard money. Don't make it difficult for him."

Then, he turned his head and said to the man with a pleasant face: "You go out first! No one here wants to buy a razor."

After the man had left, Gong Zhichao went out, called the manager of the hotel over, gave him a harsh reprimand, and asked him to arrange for the waiters to watch over the door of the box, and not to let any salespeople in.

The manager scratched his scalp after his seizure, and said strangely: "A salesman? What kind of salesman? We have never seen a salesman enter the guest box here! Brother Chao, I'm really sorry." , our hotel is newly opened, and the waiters have not been fully recruited, so we can't arrange special box attendants. However, this is a mistake in our management, and we must improve. I will arrange a waiter to come over for your private room right away. Serve!"

Gong Zhichao didn't think much about it, so he waved his hand to let the manager go back, walked into the box by himself, and continued to toast.

A few minutes later, the waiter brought another soup and reported the name of the dish to the guests: Black Chicken Soup with Cordyceps and American Ginseng.

Liang Tanghua, Chen Guitian and others are all middle-aged, and they usually pay more attention to health preservation. They heard that the last dish was black-bone chicken stewed with cordyceps and American ginseng, and they were very interested. The taste of the dishes is full of praise.

Next, they discussed with Tao Yong how to maintain their health. When talking about food supplements, they all said that Cordyceps is the most effective supplement. Unfortunately, the price is too expensive. A gram of good Cordyceps costs more than 800 yuan, more than gold They are twice as expensive, and you have to worry about not being able to buy the real thing, so even if you have money, you don't dare to buy it rashly.

Gong Zhichao had been listening to their conversation in silence, and at this moment he suddenly interjected with a smile: "Captain Chen and Director Liang, to tell you the truth, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child. It’s a bit of research. Cordyceps sinensis is a precious Chinese medicinal material in China. It is listed as the three major Chinese tonics together with ginseng and velvet. As early as [-], "Materia Medica Congxin" has Cordyceps ganping, protecting the lungs, nourishing the kidneys, and nourishing the essence. , hemostasis and phlegm, fatigue cough, and good records for treating diaphragmatic diseases. According to traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps (Cordyceps food) enters the two meridians of the lung and kidney, which can not only nourish the lung yin, but also nourish the kidney yang. back

Weakness, chronic cough weakness, spontaneous sweating and night sweats, etc., is the only Chinese medicine that can balance and regulate yin and yang at the same time.I have also done years of research on Cordyceps. For a while, I even wanted to specialize in the acquisition, processing and sales of Cordyceps.Coincidentally, not long ago, I just went to the northwest border, where I bought a few catties of high-quality Cordyceps, and put them in Tongrentang for processing and brewing, so they can be eaten directly.If Director Liang and Captain Chen don't dislike it, I'll go home and get some for the two leaders to take back. I don't know what the two leaders want? "

Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian heard that his family had real Cordyceps harvested from the place where the Cordyceps was produced, and their eyes were full of surprises. For them, it might not be unusual for them if Gong Zhichao gave them 10 yuan.However, if you can get a few taels of real caterpillar fungus, it is a great thing that you can't wait for.

Chen Guitian has a straightforward personality. Seeing that Gong Zhichao's attitude is very sincere, he did not pretend to be polite, and said to him: "Xiao Gong, I am a straightforward person, and I will not pretend to be polite to you. If you really have Cordyceps brought back from the place of origin at home, I really want to take some back home. On the one hand, I can nourish my body, and on the other hand, I can also send some back to my 80-year-old father, so that he can eat a little too. This thing can prolong life! Lao Liang, what do you mean? Woolen cloth?"

Liang Tanghua agreed to see Chen Guitian, how could he disagree?Then he also nodded and said: "Xiao Gong, thank you. You don't need to go back to get it now. After finishing drinking, let my driver go home with you to get it! Come on, let's continue drinking."

The drink lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, and Liang Tanghua, Chen Guitian, and Tao Yong were all a little tipsy.Ye Ming drinks a lot, but he still doesn't feel like drinking.

The five people came out of the restaurant and chatted a few more words outside. When they were about to say goodbye, Chen Guitian suddenly fixed his eyes on a person not far away. After a few seconds, a sharp light gradually flashed in his eyes.

Just when Ye Ming was about to say goodbye to Chen Guitian, he suddenly rushed to the side of a car on the left, grabbed a person who was huddled beside the car, and shouted loudly: "Boy, you Who is it? What do you want to do?"

Ye Ming and the others were all taken aback when they saw him suddenly attacking a stranger. They thought he was drunk, so they hurriedly chased after him, and took a closer look at the person caught by Chen Guitian, only to find that he was the one who had just The lean man who went to the 999 box to sell razors.

At this moment, Chen Guitian's powerful palms grabbed him tightly by the collar, and he couldn't move for a moment. He struggled and shouted: "What do you want to do? Why grab me? Do you want to rob?"

Chen Guitian ignored him, continued to grab his collar with one hand, and grabbed the black bag in his hand with the other.

The lean man continued to struggle while desperately protecting the bag in his hand.After struggling a few times, he found that he couldn't break free from Chen Guitian's palm, so he suddenly shouted: "Help! Help! Someone is robbing!"

Just at this time, six or seven policemen who came out of Wangjianglou and had dinner here, heard the thin man's shout, and ran over quickly.

Due to the dim light outside the hotel, these policemen did not notice Tao Yong and Liang Tanghua who were standing aside. Seeing that Chen Guitian was snatching the bag of the man calling for help, they thought that he was really a daring robber, so they all surrounded him.

Two policemen who had drunk a little put their arms around Chen Guitian, punched him on the back of the head, and punched him several times in succession.

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