Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 57 Confession

At this time, Ye Ming, who had finished talking on the phone with Xia Chuchu, also leaned on Sim Mengsi's back, and watched the program with Chen Yi with great interest.

"Ye Zi, you may not go to the provincial capital. Look: there is a Mr. Pian Pian on TV now who is going to pursue Chen Mengqi. This Xia Haoyu is as handsome as you, and he is also the son of a wealthy family. He is a good match with Chen Mengqi, a talented man and a beautiful woman. Today, he let go of the airs of the general manager of the international group and came to this blind date show to confess his love to Chen Mengqi. I think Chen Mengqi is a fairy in the sky and the daughter of the Jade Emperor, and she will definitely be tempted. If they hold hands successfully, you will There is no need to travel to the provincial capital."

Ye Ming scraped her face with his hands, and said with a smile: "Do you really don't want me to go on that show? You just need to say something, and I will call Xia Chuchu immediately. I can't shirk it if I find a reason." .”

Chen Yi blushed, and spat: "Shameless! Who doesn't want you to go? I don't care! If you really want to find that Chen Mengqi, you will definitely work in her family's group company in the future, and the two of us have to say goodbye gone."

Ye Ming kissed her on the face, and said: "Sister, don't worry. No matter what happens in the future, I will never give up this relationship between us. I have said a long time ago: As long as you are willing and able to Li Zhi is divorced, I will marry you immediately!"

A longing and yearning light flashed in Chen Yi's eyes, but soon, the light disappeared, and she lowered her head and said sadly: "Ye Zi, we can talk like this, but we can't take it seriously. Li Zhi and I are divorced." That's for sure. But, I will never let you marry me! I don't know how long our underground relationship can last, and when you will get tired of me and dislike me. But as long as we can be together like this, I'm content with that, and there's nothing else I can ask for... Do you know what I mean?"

Ye Ming nodded and said, "I understand, of course I understand!"

Then, he hugged Chen Yi tightly into his arms again.

At this time, Xia Haoyu on TV had already started confessing to Chen Mengqi.Xia Chuchu, who hosted the show, was also very forthright. Knowing that Xia Haoyu came here specially for Chen Mengqi, he omitted all the female guests' lighting up and asking questions, and just asked the director to play Xia Haoyu's VCR, so that Chen Mengqi could understand his basic situation. Knowing some of the efforts he has made for Chen Mengqi, he asked Chen Mengqi to stand at the end of the stage and listen to Xia Haoyu's confession.

Ye Ming suddenly asked: "Sister, do you think this Xia Haoyu will succeed?"

"I think it will be successful. Unless that Chen Mengqi has psychological problems, otherwise, a young talent like Xia Haoyu is very suitable for her, so she probably won't refuse."

Ye Ming shook his head and said, "You're wrong! I can bet you that Chen Mengqi will definitely reject him later!"

Chen Yi raised her head and asked suspiciously, "Why are you so sure?"

Ye Ming laughed and said, "It's not easy to guess? If you think about it carefully, you will understand: the program we are watching now is rebroadcasted by the TV station, not live broadcast. That is to say: this program was broadcast in the past. It was recorded and played now. If Chen Mengqi and Xia Haoyu hold hands, would Xia Chuchu still need to call in the middle of the night to ask me to go on her show in two days? Why didn't you think of such a simple question?"

Chen Yi suddenly realized and nodded, then suddenly stretched out her fist and punched Ye Ming hard on the shoulder, gritted her teeth while laughing and said, "You are the only one who is smart... let you show off your smartness..."

Sure enough, after Xia Haoyu confessed his love to Chen Mengqi affectionately, Chen Mengqi was silent for a while, then raised her head, glanced at the audience aimlessly with melancholy eyes, and then said in a moody way: "Mr. Xia, I'm very sorry !Although you are excellent in every aspect, I don't have any feelings for you. I think the so-called love should be two loving hearts attracting each other and colliding with each other to produce sparks. Only in this way can it be called true love. You just said that you fell in love with me at first sight, and you have done a lot of things for me, including sending me 999 roses and recording the blessing video of 999 employees in your company. These things really touched me. But , moving is not equal to love. Therefore, I cannot accept your request to hold hands!"

When she said this, she paused for a moment, as if thinking about the next wording.After a long time, I looked around the scene and said slowly: "Everyone knows that I have been on this stage for nearly a year. Many audience friends scolded me on Weibo, saying that I never leave lights for male guests on stage. , and never gave any male guests a chance to hold hands. Therefore, they said that I came to this stage purely to show off, to pretend, to show off. Some words were very ugly... I told the host Miss Chuchu : I have completed the immigration procedures, and I will record one or two more episodes, and I will bid farewell to this stage. Before leaving, I want to make an excuse for myself in front of the national audience!"

As soon as she said this, the scene was suddenly silent: Chen Mengqi has been on the "Lang Man Holding Hands" program for nearly a year, but she has always cherished her words like gold, rarely revealing her feelings, and rarely interacting with male guests.Therefore, there are many misunderstandings and abuse on her Weibo.

But now, this rich and beautiful daughter who is as beautiful as a flower but as cold as ice wants to defend herself in front of the national audience, which naturally arouses the strong interest of the entire audience and even hundreds of millions of TV viewers across the country...

"Everyone knows: my family is relatively well-off, and I myself returned from studying in Canada. Therefore, many people think that my heart is higher than the sky, and that I must marry a foreign prince or nobleman or a wealthy celebrity, or I want to find a young talent who looks better than Pan An and is as talented as Zijian. In fact, their guesses about me are all wrong.

Many people may not be clear: Before I appeared on this program, I told the column team my three criteria for choosing a mate: one is to be from Xinleng County; the other is to look like Louis Koo; the third is to know martial arts.

You may be wondering: how can I have such a strange standard?Let me tell you now: My standard is actually set up for a specific person.And this person is the Prince Charming whom I have loved and admired since high school!Although, I never had a word with him, and he never knew that there was a school girl like me who was two grades younger than him, secretly liking and adoring him.However, after so many years, I still miss him, and the longer the time passes, the stronger this feeling of missing him..."

When she said this, there were crystal tears in her eyes.

And the audience was also moved by her affectionate narration, and many people began to wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes with their hands...

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