Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 570 The Match of Two Secretaries

After weighing for a long time, Secretary Lu finally made a decision that he didn't even dare to think about: when Secretary Li Runji arrives, he must tell him frankly that Ye Ming is his own son.And the child in the womb of the girl surnamed Chen is the only grandson of an old man who is nearly [-] years old, and also the only third-generation bloodline of the Lu family from himself!Therefore, no matter what difficulties and problems there are at present, this child must be born, and he must be brought up...

After making this determination, Secretary Lu gradually calmed down and sat quietly on the swivel chair, waiting for Li Runji to arrive.

About 10 minutes later, Li Runji knocked on the door outside and called out "Secretary Lu".

Xu Lizhong, who had been staying in the office next door, heard the movement in the secretary's office, and immediately came out of his own office, invited Secretary Li in, then made him tea lightly, and filled Secretary Lu's cup with water. He turned around and left sensibly.

In order to show respect to Secretary Li, after he came in, Secretary Lu quickly stood up from behind the desk and took his hand, and the two of them sat on the couch to the west together, sitting on an equal footing with Secretary Li say.

"Comrade Runji, I'm looking for you today because it's a private matter. This matter is related to Ye Ming, and it's also related to a very private experience when I was young. Therefore, I hope to have an open and honest talk with you, I hope I can get your understanding and support!"

Secretary Lu got straight to the point, and first pointed out the gist of tonight's conversation.

Although Secretary Li guessed that the content of Secretary Lu's conversation tonight might have something to do with Ye Ming, but when Secretary Lu said "It is also related to a very private experience when I was young", he still took a bite. Surprise: Secretary Lu's private experience?Is this private experience related to Ye Ming?This is too unbelievable!

Secretary Lu saw his eyes widen suddenly, showing an incredible expression, so he got up and picked up a soft leather diary that had been placed on the desk, and took out the farewell letter that Zhao Han had left for him from the title page. The letter, together with the photo of Zhao Han when he was young, was handed to Secretary Li, and he said in a very solemn tone: "Comrade Runji, you should read this letter and my photo first, and you will probably understand what I want to do with you." What did you say!"

Secretary Li took the letter and photo suspiciously, lifted the photo first, and looked at it carefully, with an expression of surprise on his face again: the facial features, demeanor and smile of the young woman in the photo are just like those of Mrs. Ye Ming. Like, almost as if carved out of a mould.However, because of the gender difference, this girl's facial features are slightly more refined and softer than Ye Ming's, and the expression on her face is also more kind and gentle than Ye Ming's...

Secretary Lu has been observing the expression on Secretary Li's face, seeing that he was as surprised as he expected, and reminded him before he read the letter: "Comrade Runji, you should be able to see that: This is an old photo from more than 20 years ago. The woman in the photo, surnamed Zhao and named Han, was a student of mine when I was studying in the Chinese Department of Capital University. And she is Ye Ming's mother!"

As soon as this remark came out, Secretary Li shook his hands in shock, and the photos in his hand almost fell to the ground - at this moment, he had already vaguely guessed what was going on: Secretary Lu invited himself over tonight, It turned out that he wanted to tell himself a big secret that he had hidden for many years, no wonder he said those inexplicable words to himself so solemnly as soon as he came in.

Thinking of this, he quickly regained his composure, picked up the letter paper again, and read the content on it word by word.

When he read the last sentence "Dear farewell, farewell! I will always love you Han!", Secretary Li, who usually seldom has any emotional agitation in the relationship between men and women, couldn't help being a little moved, and raised his head to look at the deer. Secretary, I already understood what was going on in my heart.

However, he still had a question in his mind, so he asked softly: "Secretary Lu, I would like to ask you a question: Is Ye Ming the child of you and this Ms. Zhao Han, or did she marry someone else after she broke up with you?" born of marriage?"

Secretary Lu showed a sad expression on his face, shook his head and said: "Run Ji, after Zhao Han separated from me, he never married again, but hid in a remote mountain village in Xin Leng County, and gave birth to me and her." and raised him alone. However, just a few years ago, she died of liver cancer at the age of 44. Therefore, Ye Ming is my biological son, there is no doubt about it!"

Although Secretary Li already knew that Ye Ming was an orphan and that his mother passed away a few years ago, when Secretary Lu said in a sad tone that Zhao Han died of liver cancer a few years ago, he still subconsciously "Ah", the tone is full of sympathy and regret.

At this time, Secretary Lu was immersed in infinite grief for Zhao Han, and he didn't bother to look at Secretary Li's expression, and continued: "Over the past 20 years, in order to fulfill me, Zhao Han, in order not to cause me trouble, even though She knew I was in the capital, and she knew I was getting promoted, but it never occurred to her to come looking for me, and it never occurred to her to ask me to take some of the responsibility. She was such a kind person, a strong The person who sacrificed her life's happiness for me, but never had any intention of asking me to pay back, and repeatedly told our son not to hate me, and not to try to find me, lest Caused me unnecessary trouble... Yunji, every time I think of her kindness and selflessness, every time I think of her sacrifice and devotion, I feel extremely regretful and ashamed!"

Speaking of this, Secretary Lu finally couldn't control it anymore, tears rolled down from his eyes, and his voice began to be hoarse and choked...

Although Secretary Li is as hard as iron in his heart, he is rarely moved by this kind of love for his children.However, after hearing the tragic story told by Secretary Lu, I also felt sore in my heart, and tears welled up from the corners of my eyes unconsciously.

After a long time, he comforted him in a sad tone: "Secretary Lu, my condolences! Judging from your description, that Ms. Zhao Han is not only steadfast and unrepentant in dealing with her feelings, but also has great foresight and ideas, and she is also very strong in her heart. Acting very decisively, she is a rare woman in modern society. She is able to raise Ye Ming by herself, and let him have the quality and ability he has now, which is indeed worthy of admiration and admiration! You don't have to blame yourself too much After all, judging from this letter, this is the choice she made, the path she chose, and you have more than enough heart and strength. I believe that she will never treat you badly under the nine springs. Not the slightest bit of resentment."

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