Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 582 Zhang Yan's Anger

Ye Ming hugged Chen Yi silently, wiping the tears on her face with a tissue from time to time, and only after she calmed down a little, said in a low voice: "Qiqi, I'm sorry for you! In my heart, you Always my best sister and always one of my dearest and dearest people! Hope you cheer up soon and don't keep wallowing in this melancholic state. If you keep doing this, it will break your body .At that time, I will really have nothing to redeem!"

Chen Mengqi smiled sadly and said: "Brother, you should know: I don't want to be your sister, I just want to be your wife and your lover! I also figured it out: If I really can't be your wife and lover, Then I will be your lover, lover for life! I don’t want any status or family, as long as I can see you often, get together and play with you once in a while, I’m satisfied! Otherwise, I’m worried Sooner or later, I will die of depression, or go crazy! I have already felt the signs of this! Moreover, my hunch has always been very strong and accurate!"

Ye Ming knew that Chen Mengqi tended to go to extremes sometimes, but he didn't expect that she was so obsessed with him now, his mind was confused for a while, and he didn't know what to say to comfort her.

After a long time, Ye Ming decided to avoid that very sensitive and embarrassing topic, and instead talked about the purpose of his visit to her this time: "Qiqi, you should have thought of it when I came this time, and I came to persuade you to follow you. Dad went abroad. The situation is very dangerous now. Brother Chao and others are already preparing to flee Tianjiang Province. If you and your father do not go abroad, they are likely to become the main targets of arrest and summons by the public security organs. If you enter the Public Security Bureau, Not only will you be at a disadvantage, but you may even be unable to escape with Brother Chao. Because you also know: Brother Chao is a man of affection and loyalty. Once he learns that your father and you have been arrested, he will probably not escape alone. You may even come back and turn yourself in, and take responsibility for you. So, no matter how you look at it, you should be obedient this time, and go out and hide with your father for a while. When the limelight passes, you can come back immediately."

Chen Mengqi lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing that Chen Mengqi was still very reluctant, Ye Ming knew that she still didn't want to go abroad, so he could only say, "Qiqi, let me tell you the truth: brother Chao is facing such a big predicament now, it is probably because of me. Some people want to kill Brother Chao, but their real target is me. So, if you and Uncle Chen don't go abroad, I will also face great danger."

Ye Ming originally didn't want to tell Chen Mengqi these things, but seeing that she was so stubborn, he had no choice but to decide to tell her the truth - he knew: Chen Mengqi might not think about other people, but once he knew he was in danger, She is likely to be another attitude.

Sure enough, when Chen Mengqi heard Ye Ming say "I might be in danger too", her eyes widened immediately, and she asked in horror, "What's going on? Why is it all about you again?"

Seeing the doubts on her face, Ye Ming gave a wry smile, and said that he had conflicts with Li Botang and his son over the issue of tax reduction and exemption, that Li Botang planned to frame Ouyang Ming and forced him to commit suicide, and that Li Botang sent people to follow him and Chen Yi, and report to his superiors. Writing a report and exposing the letter and other things, I told Chen Mengqi in detail.

The more Chen Mengqi listened, the more frightened she became. When she heard about Ouyang Ming's suicide, she screamed "Ah", and her eyes filled with tears—she had been with Ou Yangming many times, and she also knew Ye Ming's suicide. I have been trying to save him, but I didn't expect this tragic ending in the end.Therefore, she was both surprised and sad, and at the same time felt that Li Botang was really insidious and vicious...

At the end of the hearing, she finally understood: Ye Ming is now competing with Li Botang and his son, and Gong Zhichao is the key figure in it.Because Li Botang knew that Ye Ming and Gong Zhichao had a close relationship, the two helped each other a lot.Once they are convicted of Gong Zhichao's crime as the leader of the underworld organization, then Ye Ming will not be able to escape the charge of colluding with members of the underworld and providing shelter for the leader of the underworld...

Thinking of this, Chen Mengqi finally showed a look of hesitation on her face. She lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Brother, if this is the case, then I will follow your orders and go abroad with my father in two days. But , I have a request: After I arrive in Australia, every three months, you have to go there to see me, even for a day. Moreover, I will return to China in a maximum of two years. At that time, where are you work, I will move to live. You should always take time to accompany me, okay?"

Ye Ming was a little overwhelmed by her childlike demands, after thinking about it, he had no choice but to agree first.

At this moment, Ye Ming's cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number, it turned out that it was Zhang Yan who was far away in the capital.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhang Yan said angrily inside: "Ye Ming, let me ask you: Is my sister-in-law with you? If so, give her the phone, and I will spit on her first." face!"

Ye Ming was taken aback when he heard these inexplicable words, and hurriedly said: "Miss Zhang, what's going on? Are you talking about Director Lu Nianzi? Why is she with me? Why don't you call her directly?" ?”

Zhang Yan said angrily: "Of course I know that I can call her directly, but both her and my brother's cell phones are turned off! This heartless person, I asked her several times when she would go to Tianjiang and asked her to take me. Come and play. She always promised well that if she came to Tianjiang, she would definitely bring me with her. However, this afternoon, the two of them quietly flew to Tianjiang by plane, but deliberately concealed it from me until I found out when I went back and asked the nanny! I guess, when they come to Tianjiang, they will definitely come to see you. So I called you first to ask you. Since you don’t know yet, it is estimated that they are still flying at the moment. You remember : If my sister-in-law finds you later, you must ask her to call me back! I have to ask her why she is so secretive, and she came over after deliberately throwing me off—hmph!"

Ye Ming heard her angrily say that Lu Nianzi would definitely come to find him when he came, but he was still a little puzzled, so he asked: "Miss Zhang, your brother and sister-in-law may be here on business, why are you so sure they are here to find me?" of?"

Zhang Yan snorted again and said, "Of course I know: last night I went to their house for dinner, and as soon as I walked to the door, I heard the couple discussing something furtively in the living room. When I opened the door, I just Hearing the words 'Tianjiang', 'Ye Ming', etc., they saw me go in, so they stopped talking. You said: They were still discussing about you last night, and they came to Tianjiang today, not to find Who are you looking for? Besides, they are not from the same department, if they are on a business trip, they will not come out together!"

Ye Ming heard that her analysis was indeed reasonable, and he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so he said to Zhang Yan: "Miss Zhang, if Director Lu Nianzi and Director Zhang really come to me later, I will I'll definitely call and tell you, okay?"

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