Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 587 Posts

After eating and discussing everything, Lu Nianzi asked Ye Ming to take Chen Yi back to Secretary Li's house, and made an appointment with Chen Yi to fly back to the capital tomorrow morning.Then, she and Zhang Linjiang went to the Provincial Party Committee to meet her father, and did not ask Ye Ming to arrange accommodation.

Ye Ming originally wanted Chen Mengqi to go to the capital with them to find Zhang Yan, but on second thought, if Chen Mengqi and Chen Yi were flying together, maybe they would be a little awkward with each other.Moreover, when Chen Mengqi saw Chen Yi's big belly, she might feel sad, so it was better not to let them go on the same journey.

Therefore, he just made a phone call to Chen Mengqi, told her to ask her to return the presidential suite, and said that he was going to Secretary Li's house, then hung up the phone.

The next morning, Lu Nianzi and Zhang Linjiang took Chen Yi with them to the capital by plane.Ye Ming sent them all the way to the airport, and returned to the city after they passed the security checkpoint.

In the afternoon, Ye Ming sent Chen Mengqi to the airport again, and called Zhang Yan, asking her to pick up Chen Mengqi at the Capital Airport. He was relieved to see Chen Mengqi pass the security checkpoint.

After coming out of the airport, he was about to call a "return taxi" nearby to rush back to Xinleng County overnight, but suddenly received a call from Secretary Li, telling him to hurry to his home.

Hearing that Secretary Li's tone was rather hasty, Ye Ming didn't know what happened, so he couldn't help being surprised. He hurriedly called the driver who took Chen Mengqi to the airport and told him to turn back to the airport and pick him up to the city.

Secretary Li was waiting for Ye Ming in the study, with a rare anxious expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Ming walk into the study, Secretary Li just nodded slightly to him, then beckoned him to go over, pointed to the computer screen on the desk, and motioned him to look at it.

Ye Ming moved his head closer, and when he saw the title, he was stunned for a moment——on the dark blue computer screen, a line of big bold characters suddenly appeared: "A person dressed as a "moral model" and engaged in indecent and shameless deeds Director of the Land Taxation Bureau", the name of the poster is "One Leaf Flying Dagger".

This is a post posted on a certain portal, and it was published last night.In just a dozen hours, the number of posts has reached more than 2.

This post is basically the same as the report letter written by Li Zhi.However, this "One Leaf Flying Dagger" changed Li Zhi's No. 1 name on the report letter to the third person, and replaced Li Zhi's name with "Li Mou".But Ye Ming and Chen Yi are both real names.

Moreover, in order to sensationalize and attract attention, he deliberately did not mention that Ye Ming is the deputy director of the Xinleng Land Tax Bureau No. [-], and vaguely referred to him as the "Director of the Land Tax Bureau" in the title.

Different from that report letter, he added this paragraph after the text revealing the relationship between Ye Ming and Chen Yi: "As a victim of this matter, I have reported to the K City Commission for Discipline Inspection and k City many times in my real name. The Municipal Local Taxation Bureau and the Tianjiang Provincial Local Taxation Bureau reported Ye Ming's despicable behavior. However, because Ye Ming has great powers, it is said that he is sworn brother with the director of the Local Taxation Bureau of City K, and is also the godson of a major leader of the provincial party committee. It can be said that he has a deep background , The backing is strong. Therefore, my several real-name reports were like a bull in the sea, and I didn’t get any reply, and Ye Ming didn’t get any treatment. Moreover, I can say responsibly: Ye Ming’s bad behavior is far more than this one thing He still has many violations of laws and disciplines, such as colluding with underworld bosses, taking bribes during tax inspections, and brutal law enforcement that caused serious injuries to taxpayers, etc. I will continue to expose them in future posts, please pay attention to all netizens."

Ye Ming picked up the mouse on the table again, and clicked on the posts, and saw that there were all kinds of posts, some gloated and said that "Li Mou" wore a cuckold, some said "someone in the court is easy to be an official", and some It is not shallow to say that Ye Ming is beautiful.

However, the vast majority of the comments were to scold Ye Ming for being a "beast in clothes", scolded the dark officialdom, scolded Director Xu Fei and a major leader of the provincial party committee for their despicable behavior of protecting Ye Ming, and supported "One Leaf Flying Knife" to continue breaking the news .There are also many comments asking the discipline inspection and supervision department to immediately investigate and deal with Ye Ming and the umbrellas and backers behind him, and "Li" who is wearing a cuckold to give justice...

Secretary Li waited for him to glance through the posts, and then asked with a sullen face: "Xiaoye, let me ask you a question: In addition to listing your problems with Chen Yi, this post also said that you accepted bribes during the tax inspection, Colluding with the boss of the underworld to do evil, are these all facts?"

When Ye Ming heard Secretary Li's more serious question, Gong Zhichao's figure flashed in his mind involuntarily, his heart throbbed, and a flustered expression appeared on his face.

However, this flustered expression was fleeting, and Secretary Li didn't notice it, so he quickly calmed down again, raised his head and said, "Uncle Li, don't worry: the matter of accepting bribes during tax inspections is purely Li's fault." Zhihe Li Botang's slander is to pour dirty water on me! As for their accusation that I colluded with the boss of the underworld, this is also the crime they imposed on me for granted. The boss of the underworld they are referring to should refer to a private entrepreneur in our Xinleng County , called Gong Zhichao. He is Chen Mengqi's god-brother, so he has a good relationship with me. However, he has long been out of society. He is now a formal and legal successful businessman with tens of millions of assets and several companies. Competitor. Therefore, Li Botang involved me in order to kill two birds with one stone, accuse me of colluding with the underworld and attack his competitors."

What he said was actually said boldly - because he already knew that Li Botang had urged Zeng Qiang to surrender himself and explained many of Gong Zhichao's illegal and criminal problems, especially the case of organizing the murder of Li Hong. Can't escape the title of "underworld leader".Therefore, now he only hopes that Gong Zhichao can escape smoothly and not be captured by the public security organs. In that case, there will be no proof.Otherwise, once Gong Zhichao was arrested and confessed that he had entrusted him to teach Li Botang and Li Zhi a lesson, and that he had helped call Xu Lizhong to excuse Gong Zhichao, then he would definitely not be able to escape the conspiracy of the gang leader. charge...

Secretary Li didn't know about Gong Zhichao's investigation, so after hearing Ye Ming's affirmative answer, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Well, if you just have this matter with Chen Yi It's also a matter of style to talk about breaking the sky. And now that Chen Yi is gone, they can't get evidence. Therefore, what they said is just one-sided words, which are not credible. I will call the people in the propaganda department now and ask them to come forward Contact this site and ask them to delete these posts. I just checked, and some other sites and community forums have not reposted this post, and the impact is not too great, and it should be too late to delete posts now!"

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