Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 591 Ye Ming, I Hate You

It turned out that ever since Secretary Lu agreed to be a matchmaker for herself and Ye Ming when she had dinner at Secretary Li's house, Xia Chuchu had been waiting for the opportunity with hope—she knew: Ye Ming didn't love Chen Mengqi.Although the two of them now call themselves boyfriend and girlfriend, this is all an illusion and appearance.Therefore, she judged: Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi will separate sooner or later.At that time, I will hold the "shangfang sword" of "Secretary Lu as a matchmaker" in my hand, and Secretary Li Runji and Aunt Li Jingya like me very much, so I will definitely stand on my side to match her and Ye Ming.

In this case, no matter how stubborn Ye Ming's temper is, the country bumpkin must obediently listen to the arrangements of Secretary Lu, Secretary Li and others, and even get engaged to marry him.

Thinking of this, she felt happy in her heart, and began to calm down, patiently waiting for the day when Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi broke up.

Therefore, during this period of time, she rarely took the initiative to pester Ye Ming anymore, she just made a phone call occasionally to "harass" that country bumpkin, talk to him a few words, make a few jokes, and talk about her love for Ye Ming suffering.

Before the Spring Festival, she suddenly learned that Chen Mengqi had returned to the provincial capital.Moreover, from Ye Ming's words, she learned that he and Chen Mengqi really broke up.This made her ecstatic, and felt that her original analysis and strategy were completely correct, and now everything was proceeding according to her plan.

Therefore, in recent times, she has been very happy and happy. Many times, her dreams are sweet scenes of embracing and kissing with Ye Ming, and sometimes she even wakes up from her sleep with a smile.

After the Spring Festival, she has been waiting for the opportunity, ready to express her heart to Ye Ming at any time, and she is going to find Secretary Li and his wife, and ask them to tell Secretary Lu, asking him to fulfill his promise and come out to give herself and Ye Ming matchmaking.

However, just when she was about to put these thoughts into action, there was a rumor that Ye Ming had a relationship with Chen Yi, and this rumor was actually posted on a certain portal in the form of a post.

And this rumor seemed to have given her a blow to the head, making her dizzy and dizzy when she was full of longing and hope.Especially when she saw the post that said: Ye Ming not only had an affair with Chen Yi all the year round, but now made Chen Yi pregnant with his child, she was so angry that she almost passed her breath— —If these things are true, then this country bumpkin is not only lustful, but also has no sense of morality and no bottom line!If it was Chen Mengqi who conceived him a child, he would have better think about it.But now, the one he's having an affair with is a married woman who is several years older than him. Isn't that shameless and morally corrupt?

Therefore, after reading that post, she immediately called Ye Ming, hoping that he would give herself a reasonable explanation and firmly deny it.In that case, at least I will feel better psychologically.

Unexpectedly, this guy admitted the matter in one go, which made her lose all hope. She wanted to open her mouth to scold him, but before she opened her mouth, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, and tears flowed down her cheeks. , actually choked up and didn't know what to scold him...

After Ye Ming said what he said just now, he immediately regretted in his heart: Why is he so naive and stupid?Secretary Li Qian Dongnan insisted that no matter who he was facing, even his closest brothers, friends and classmates, he could not admit to his face that he had any substantive relationship with Chen Yi.Because in this case, even if others heard about it from other people, as long as the person concerned firmly denies it, then those people can only hold a skeptical attitude in the end, and dare not confirm that it is true.In this case, it will be of great benefit to both himself and Chen Yi.

But now, because he was worried that Chen Mengqi would tell Xia Chuchu the truth, he admitted it on the phone.And Xia Chuchu is the daughter of Xia Bicheng, the leader of the Provincial Bureau.If she relayed what she said to Xia Bicheng, then she really wouldn't be in the local tax system anymore.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help regretting Mo Di.Especially after hearing Xia Chuchu on the other side of the phone began to weep slightly, his heart was like fifteen buckets fetching water—ups and downs: With Xia Chuchu's quick talk and clear love and hate When she confirmed that she had an affair with a married woman and made her pregnant, would she immediately change her perception of herself and feel that she was a despicable hypocrite with no moral bottom line?

He could feel that Xia Chuchu really liked him better before, and this kind of liking came from her heart.Then, after the matter between herself and Chen Yi was exposed, would her liking go to another extreme and turn into a strong hatred for herself?You know, a woman's heart and a sea needle.There are a lot of girls, if they fall in love with a man, but in the end they don’t get what she expects in return, she would rather destroy the person she likes than make him happy. There are countless such examples in real life raised.

If Xia Chuchu also turned love into hatred towards herself like this, and wanted to destroy herself because she couldn't get herself, it would be easy to do - after all, her father was Xia Bicheng, the director of the provincial and local taxation bureau, and she herself She is also a nationally famous star. She wants to destroy a person's reputation and political future. It is very simple and very easy...

As if to verify Ye Ming's worries, after Xia Chuchu sobbed for a while, she suddenly yelled hoarsely into the microphone: "Ye Ming, you bastard! Hypocrite! Old man! Country bumpkin! Big pervert...I hate you, I hate you to death! Get out! Get out! I never want to see you, big pervert, hypocrite again... Get out of here! Go far away!"

In desperation, she actually forgot that she was not talking to Ye Ming face to face, and kept telling Ye Ming to "get off", and then hung up the phone with a "snap".

Ye Ming didn't expect Xia Chuchu's reaction to be so intense, and he was a little dazed for a while. After she hung up the phone, she still stood in the living room with her mobile phone in her hand. She didn't come back to her senses for a long time...

At this moment, there was a rustling sound of keys turning the lock at the door.Then, the door of the living room was opened, and Secretary Li stepped in. When he saw Ye Ming, who was covered in sweat and looked weird, he asked a little strangely, "Xiao Ye, what's going on? Why is your face so ugly?"

Ye Ming wiped the sweat off his face with a tissue, and said with a wry smile, "It's okay, I just had a phone call with a friend."

Secretary Li didn't delve into it any further, and waved to him, saying, "Come with me to the study, and I'll ask you something."

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