Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 596 Difficult choices

Sure enough, when Xia Chuchu heard that Li Jingya wanted Ye Ming to go back overnight, she immediately became anxious, and she couldn't care less about her reserve and shyness, so she hurriedly said to Li Jingya in a coquettish tone: "Godmother, why are you in such a hurry? I just said I didn't come to your place because I was afraid that I would get angry when I met that bastard Ye Ming. In fact, I miss you very much and want to chat with you. Otherwise, let's go to the Tianxiang Tea House in front of the provincial bureau. Sit down, I invite you to drink the high-quality Grain Rain tea there, okay?"

Li Jingya knew that she had deep feelings for Ye Ming, and, for a girl like her who seldom fell in love with boys, once she fell in love with him, it would be difficult to let go and discard it.Although, now she kept calling Ye Ming a hypocrite and a big bastard, and said that she never wanted to see him again.However, she was actually not reconciled...

Precisely because of Xia Chuchu's mentality, she just dared to take Xia Chuchu's army and said that Ye Ming would go back overnight to see how she would react.

Sure enough, as she expected, after hearing what she said, Xia Chuchu's attitude softened immediately, and she made an excuse, saying that she missed her, and wanted to go to the teahouse to have a chat with her...

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Li Jingya's face, and she went down the donkey and said to Xia Chuchu: "Chuchu, let's go to the teahouse now. The Grain Rain tea in Tianxiang Teahouse is very famous, and I haven't tasted it until now." pass!"

Xia Chuchu agreed, immediately hung up the phone, picked up the small satchel on the bed, held it in her hand, hurriedly rushed out of the bedroom, opened the door and ran outside.Her father Xia Bicheng even called her a few times in the living room, but she ignored him.

In a small box in the "Tianxiang Teahouse", Li Jingya sipped the crystal clear Grain Rain tea, and looked at Xia Chuchu who was holding her head silently with a smile, and suddenly asked straightforwardly: "Chuchu, what are you doing?" Answer a question from the godmother: If the godmother decides for you to get engaged to Xiaoye, would you like it?"

When Xia Chuchu heard the word "engagement", she felt her heart pounding, her face turned red to the base of her neck, she raised her head to take a quick look at Li Jingya, then lowered her head again, her fingers kept moving her clothes Buttons on the hem, but has been silent.

Li Jingya knew that she was willing, but she was embarrassed, so she struck while the iron was hot and said, "Chuchu, I know you are still struggling with the matter between Ye Ming and Chen Yi. My godmother told you a word: Everyone has a past, and everyone has a past." Maybe you made a mistake on the relationship issue, or you went astray! Even if Ye Ming and Chen Yi had something in the past, this matter is over now."

At this point, she thought for a while, and continued: "Chuchu, to tell you the truth: it was your Uncle Li's intention to get you engaged to Ye Ming, and it was also to get Ye Ming out of the current predicament—you know: this The rumors about him and Chen Yi will have a great impact on his reputation and will directly affect his future prospects and progress. And if you can get engaged to him, with your fame and influence, those rumors about him and Chen Yi The rumors of an affair will be self-defeating, and it will also be able to eliminate the bad influence of that incident on him to a certain extent."

Hearing this, Xia Chuchu finally understood that Li Jingya's real purpose of matching Ye Ming with herself was to help Ye Ming restore his reputation and eliminate the impact of the incident between him and Chen Yi. The cheeks flowed down.

Li Jingya saw that she was silent all the time, but shed tears. Knowing her inner thoughts, she touched her head lovingly, and said a little guiltyly: "Chuchu, I know that you will feel wronged if you do this. But , if you really like Xiaoye, don't worry about it so much. We all know Xiaoye. He is not the kind of frivolous and ruthless person, nor is he the kind of frivolous prodigal who sees one and loves the other. Even if he once had a relationship with Chen Yi Even if the things reported by Li Zhi are true, you can think about it in reverse: when Ye Ming had a secret relationship with Chen Yi, he didn't step on a few boats, and quietly had sex with Chen Yi. Yee keeps dating, and at the same time maintains an affair with other girls, right?

"Of course, you will definitely say that he has been maintaining a romantic relationship with Chen Mengqi. However, you should be very clear about what is going on between him and Chen Mengqi - that is not his original intention, and he has always said that he has a relationship with Chen Mengqi. Chen Mengqi is just an ordinary friend, right? What's more, if he is a low-behavior, chaotic prodigal son, when faced with the initiative of a big star like you, he will definitely go along with the flow, and he has already established a relationship with you. But instead of doing that, he politely turned you down, right?

"So, generally speaking, I think Xiaoye is a very serious and responsible boy for his relationship, and he is not a person who likes to mess around. If he agrees to get engaged to you, he will definitely treat you exclusively One, I will never get involved with other girls again. I can assure you of this!"

Xia Chuchu remained silent, but the tears on her face became more violent.

Li Jingya actually didn't want to be this "matchmaker".Because in her heart, Chen Yi, like Xia Chuchu, is her goddaughter whom she likes and loves very much.Moreover, from the bottom of her heart, she is more sympathetic to Chen Yi who is pregnant with Liujia, and she is more inclined to marry Ye Ming and Chen Yi in the future. In this case, it will be beneficial to the growth of the child in Chen Yi's stomach.

However, after listening to Secretary Li's analysis, she learned that Ye Ming is currently facing an extremely unfavorable situation, and it is likely that his career and future will be affected for the rest of his life because of his affairs with Chen Yi.She herself has worked in the agency for decades, and she knows the stakes of this matter, and understands that Secretary Li's words are not alarmist.Therefore, she finally turned the corner and decided to follow Secretary Li's instructions and try her best to do Xia Chuchu's ideological work so that she would agree to be engaged to Ye Ming...

At this moment, she saw that Xia Chuchu didn't express her opinion after she said such a big deal, she just shed tears of grievance, and she felt sad: With Xia Chuchu's good conditions and such a great reputation, now she is asked to do it for a man. It is indeed hard for her and wronged her to make a compromise with her child and rush to get engaged or even marry him.

Therefore, she said in an apologetic tone: "Chuchu, godmother knows your difficulties, and also knows that doing this is really unfair to you. Well, if you really can't pass this test in your heart, it doesn't matter. After all, like This kind of thing would be a bit unbearable for any girl, let alone a good girl like you? How about this: let's stop talking about this matter here, let's talk about a lighter topic. "

Xia Chuchu suddenly raised her head, looked at Li Jingya with wide teary eyes, and said in a very difficult tone: "Godmother, I promise you! I am willing to be engaged to Ye Ming!"

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