At noon the next day, Ye Ming took a long-distance bus to the provincial capital.

Before leaving, he made a phone call to Xu Fei, the deputy director of the logistics center of the Provincial Bureau, and told him: In a fit of anger, he hit the director of the county bureau and was punished with a major demerit. The bureau visited him, chatted about his future work issues by the way, and asked for his opinion.

Xu Fei is a very young deputy director-level leader that Ye Ming met during his training at the Provincial Bureau. He has just turned 40 years old.When Ye Ming participated in the training, he was responsible for arranging the accommodation and living problems of more than 100 trainees. He admired the handsome and talented Ye Ming very much. Although he was more than ten years older than Ye Ming, the two hit it off and hit it off very quickly. They soon became good friends who talked about everything.

During the training period, Xu Fei often went for a walk with Ye Ming at night, or went to a quiet teahouse to drink tea, and the two of them talked very speculatively every time.By the time Ye Ming finished his training, they had become a pair of inseparable brothers...

After hearing what happened from Ye Ming on the phone, Xu Fei was a little surprised and regretful and said: "Little brother, why didn't you call me before your city bureau officially issued the punishment document? Although I'm just a logistics center The deputy director doesn’t have any real power, but he still has one or two friends in the provincial bureau’s supervision office. If you let them say hello to your city bureau, maybe the punishment won’t be so severe.”

Ye Ming said: "Thank you, Director Xu. My matter is more complicated. It involves some desires and pains of one of my colleagues. I don't want to stretch it further, so as not to hurt her further. I just want to get it over quickly For this matter, calm down those gossips as soon as possible, so I didn't look for you."

In fact, there was another reason why Ye Ming didn't look for Xu Fei: From Xu Fei's mouth, he knew that he was not very successful now.Although he is very capable and young, he is the former head of the provincial bureau. After the current director Xia Bicheng succeeded the old director, he was transferred from the position of deputy director of the human education department to the deputy director of the logistics center. It is a transfer at the same level, but the authority and status of the two are not the same: if he is the deputy director of the Human Education Department, the city and state bureaus below will buy his face very much, because their official titles are to a large extent , in the hands of the People's Education Department.However, once he arrived at the logistics center, he basically had no influence on the city and state bureaus below.

Therefore, he was afraid that asking Xu Fei for help would embarrass him...

It was already [-]:[-] when Ye Ming got off the car.When I called Xu Fei, I learned that he had just left for a coastal city to purchase logistics supplies.During the phone call, Xu Fei asked him to stay in the reception hotel run by the provincial bureau's logistics center for two or three days. After he came back, the two of them would talk in detail.

Ye Ming hung up the phone very depressed, and took a taxi to Jinfu Road where the Provincial Bureau is located. After getting off the car, he decided to go to the "Heji Steamed Vegetable Restaurant" near the Provincial Party Committee compound to have a light meal.

On the second floor of "Heji Steamed Vegetables Restaurant", Ye Ming chose a table by the window to sit down, ordered three steamed vegetables, a bottle of beer, and drank alone while looking downstairs at the passing pedestrians and the endless stream of people. vehicle.

He didn't expect that when he was sitting by the window and eating food leisurely with a bottle of wine, a bloody assassination operation was quietly going on...

At about twelve o'clock, a man in his fifties with gray temples and serious expression came out of the provincial party committee compound.With an old briefcase under his arm, he walked at a leisurely pace on the shaded sidewalk, frowning as he walked, as if thinking about something, without noticing what was behind him Followed by three gangsters with sharp blades and fierce eyes...

This middle-aged man, named Li Runji, is a member of the Standing Committee and Executive Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Tianjiang Province.His lover is the director of the Women's Committee of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, so now he lives in the family courtyard of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau.

Since the Provincial Party Committee Compound and the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau are only about two miles away, and Li Runji is a very simple and clean leader, every time he goes to and from get off work, he walks by himself and never needs a car to pick him up or accompany him with a secretary. .

According to him: If you insist on walking to and from get off work like this every day, your life span will be extended by several years.

Recently, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is investigating the violation of discipline by Su Wei, the executive deputy mayor of the provincial capital M City, and has set up a task force.Due to the seriousness of the case, it is likely that higher-level officials will be involved behind the issue of the executive deputy mayor Su Wei, so he personally served as the leader of the task force.

Through in-depth investigation, the task force found that many of Su Wei's violations of discipline and law were inextricably related to Lin Hai, the current mayor of City M.However, Su Wei stubbornly refused to confess Lin Hai.

For this reason, recently, the task force has intensified its interrogation and investigation of Su Wei.And those people above Su Wei also increased their efforts to "fish" Su Wei, and kept entrusting Li Runji's old friends and even his superiors to intercede for Su Wei, hoping that he would forgive him, at least stop chasing him fiercely .

Li Runji was very angry about this, and repeatedly reprimanded those "lobbyists" who came to intercede for Su Wei, and finally annoyed the force behind Su Wei.

Therefore, they hired three killers at a high price. After finding out about Li Runji's work and life patterns, they decided to create an accidental collision of pedestrians on the street, which led to a "sudden incident" of fighting each other and stabbing Li Runji to death during the fight. ACCIDENT"……

When Li Runji walked downstairs of the "Heji Steamed Vegetable Restaurant", the three gangsters who had been following him saw that he was relatively open and there were few pedestrians, so one of them quickened his pace, passed by Li Runji, and deliberately used his shoulder to slap him. Hit Lee Yoon Ki hard, almost knocking him to the ground.

"Young man, why are you so frizzy? Why don't you look at the front when you walk? Aren't you afraid of bumping into a telephone pole?"

Li Yunji didn't feel the danger at this time, he patted the shoulder of the gangster who bumped into him, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

The gangster turned his head, with a fierce look in his eyes, and cursed: "You old man, I like to walk like this, what's wrong? I hit you on purpose, what's wrong? How dare you bite my bird?"

Li Runji transferred from the army to work in the provincial party committee at the division level. How has he ever heard such ugly words?At this moment, seeing that the young man in front of him bumped into him, he was not only unmodest, but also made rude words, he couldn't help being furious, his face flushed all of a sudden, he suddenly slapped the killer with a round circle, aiming at the killer.

The killer was waiting for him to strike, and when he saw him coming towards him with a round slap, he dodged and dodged lightly, then suddenly took out a knife from his trouser pocket, and stabbed Li Runji in the abdomen.

Li Yunji only felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, covered the bleeding wound with his hands, and slowly fell limp to the ground.

At this time, the other two killers also rushed over, and each of them held a knife, aiming at Li Runji who was lying on the ground and hacking randomly...

When the killer in front deliberately bumped into Li Runji, Ye Ming, who had been observing Ye Ming from the upstairs window, felt something was wrong—he found that the young man who bumped into the middle-aged man was originally with the other two people behind. But he deliberately quickened his pace to catch up with the middle-aged man in front.Obviously, his collision this time was intentional, not accidental.

Moreover, it can be seen that the three young men who caused the trouble were all carrying weapons such as knives, which cannot be hidden from the eyes of Ye Ming, who has practiced martial arts since childhood.

From this, he judged that this was an organized and premeditated murder.And the target of their murder should be the middle-aged man who just walked out of the provincial party committee compound...

Just as he was thinking and judging nervously, the expected thing happened: the young man in front took out a knife and stabbed the middle-aged man.And the two accomplices in the back rushed over quickly, took out their knives and started hacking at the middle-aged man on the ground who kept rolling and trying to avoid the knives...

Although the middle-aged man stretched out his hands to hug the neck, head and other vital parts, his legs, back, and shoulders had been slashed and slashed with blood spattered by those young men.

At this time, when the pedestrians around saw such a bloody and brutal scene, they all ran away in fright, for fear that the city gate would catch fire and the fish in the pond would be affected...

In just an instant, the middle-aged man lost his ability to protect himself, and the hand holding his head slowly loosened because of the severe pain in his shoulder.

And those knives were all aimed at his forehead, and the middle-aged man was about to have his head cut...

Ye Ming only felt a rush of hot blood rushing straight to his forehead. Before he had time to think about it, he picked up a small round iron stool next to him, shrugged and jumped onto the window sill. With a loud roar, he waved the stool and jumped into the room surrounded by the three killers. In the circle of knives...

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