After reaching this conclusion, Xia Bicheng jumped up from his chair in excitement, then blushed, with a happy and excited smile on his face, and began to pace back and forth in the office. He kept rubbing his palms together, and looked up at the ceiling from time to time, as if he could see a blue sky and dazzling sunlight from the ceiling...

That's right, Xia Bicheng's heart is full of sunshine now - if her judgment and guess are correct, if Ye Ming is really Secretary Lu's illegitimate son, if Chu Chu really married Ye Ming, then not only will she fall into the lucky nest, I, the head of the local tax bureau, will be the in-laws of Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee in the future, and he is a solid and out-and-out relative.As for Secretary Lu, due to his special relationship with the No. [-] head of the Central Committee, his career is now on the rise. It is said that at the party congress next year, Secretary Lu will join the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and may even join the Standing Committee.If I marry him as an in-law, then even if I am firmly connected with Secretary Lu's family in the future, it will be difficult for me to make progress or get promoted.

And, more importantly: Secretary Lu has only one daughter now.If Ye Ming is really his own son, then he will definitely do everything possible to help Ye Ming onto a rapidly rising career path.And, because of his relationship with Ye Ming, no one knows now.He can imply that his subordinates promote and train Ye Ming without any scruples, without attracting criticism.

Therefore, when my daughter marries Ye Ming, she will not only be the daughter-in-law of the secretary of the provincial party committee or even the central leadership in the future, but also, once Ye Ming is promoted smoothly, she will become an official wife that everyone envies in the future—and this The goal is exactly the best ending Xia Bicheng planned for her daughter.

Thinking of this, Xia Bicheng couldn't help but couldn't wait and even became anxious—originally, when he just came out of Secretary Lu's office, he was still a little disgusted and dissatisfied with the marriage between Ye Ming and Chuchu.But now, after he guessed that Ye Ming was most likely Secretary Lu's illegitimate son, he wished he could get engaged to Ye Ming and Chu Chu tomorrow, or even get married immediately.

He knew that once Ye Ming became Secretary Lu's secretary and someone close to him, he would immediately become one of the focal points and central figures in the province's official circles, and many officials, big and small, would try to curry favor with him.At that time, he will be a favorite, and there may be many officials who want to marry their daughters to him.If I don't snatch Ye Ming before those people realize the importance of him, maybe the cooked duck will fly away by then.

What's more, now Secretary Lu is personally proposing marriage to him, which proves that he is very satisfied with Chu Chu being his "daughter-in-law".If I don't seize this opportunity to climb this big tree, once Secretary Lu loses his mind in the future, I will regret it...

With the above guesses, Xia Bicheng's prejudice and views on Ye Ming disappeared immediately.Moreover, regarding the matter of Ye Ming and Chen Yi, he does not feel any disgust or discomfort at the moment—because he believes that, as Secretary Lu, he will never tolerate his The son finds a married woman to be his wife.He arranged for Chen Yi to go to the Ministry of Finance, which was in itself a ploy to draw fire from the bottom of the bag: on the one hand, to protect Chen Yi and prevent Li Zhi and the others from catching the real evidence of her having an affair with Ye Ming; on the other hand, to keep her away from Ye Ming. , and long-term isolation, so that they have no chance to be together again.

Moreover, Xia Bicheng also guessed: The reason why Secretary Lu is so eager to match Ye Ming and Chu Chu is to let Ye Ming get rid of the adverse effects of his ambiguous relationship with Chen Yi, and to clear the way for him in his official career. and completely eliminate Chen Yi's idea of ​​marrying Ye Ming - if he were Secretary Lu, he would definitely do something like this.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Yi received such care from Lu Nianzi and Zhang Linjiang, and was seconded to the Ministry of Finance within a few days...

After analyzing and analyzing in this way, Xia Bicheng felt more and more that his guess was correct, and it was also the only reasonable explanation for Secretary Lu's series of abnormal actions.

Xia Bicheng is a typical activist, he will implement whatever he thinks of, and he has a vigorous personality.What's more, the matter he is thinking of now is not only related to the happiness of his only daughter, but also to his own political future.

Therefore, after a series of analysis, he immediately picked up the phone and called Xia Chuchu's cell phone.

"Chuchu, are you at home now? Is there any other dinner tonight?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Xia Bicheng asked in a softer and more friendly voice than before.

Xia Chuchu heard that his father's tone was not quite right, and the question he asked was a bit inexplicable, so she replied: "Dad, I am at home, waiting for my mother to cook, where is the meal going? By the way, do you want to Invite me to dinner?"

Xia Bicheng smiled, and said in a softer voice: "Chuchu, tell mom to cook more delicious dishes. I'm going to invite a guest to dinner tonight, and you should also accompany this guest well. ! Hehehe!"

When Xia Chuchu heard his tone, he thought that he was repeating his old tricks and wanted to invite Wang Hai's son Wang Xu to "close the emotional distance" with her, so she asked very vigilantly: "Dad, who do you want to invite to dinner? Can I I have something to say first: If you call that Dr. Liude Sea Turtle to come over for dinner again, I will go out immediately, and I will not accompany you!"

Xia Bicheng laughed again and said, "Chuchu, guess who will Dad invite tonight?"

"I don't want to guess! It doesn't matter who you invite, and I don't have the obligation to accompany you. By the way, I remembered: Tonight, a colleague on the stage had his birthday and called me over for dinner. I almost forgot about it I'll tell my mother later, just say you have guests, and ask her to prepare a few more good dishes, and then I'm going out."

Xia Chuchu dislikes having dinner with her father's friends or subordinates at home.Because every time on this kind of occasion, Xia Bicheng would keep showing off to the guests all the excellences of his precious daughter, and would often force Xia Chuchu to tell some stories about her beauty and how her fans crazily pursued her , talking about the various host awards she has won in recent years.

And Xia Chuchu didn't like to show off her achievements to others.Every time Xia Bicheng forced her to speak, she kept a straight face and kept silent, and sometimes she even left the table early, embarrassing both the host and the guests.

So, when my father said that he wanted to invite a guest to dinner, and that he wanted her to accompany the guest, Xia Chuchu felt that his head was getting bigger, so he quickly made up an excuse for a colleague's birthday, thinking He took the opportunity to sneak out to see if he could invite that country bumpkin Ye Ming out for a meal.

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