Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 61 Competitors

Xia Chuchu suddenly remembered how she felt when she met Ye Ming for the first time, and also felt that he had a different quality from other men, which attracted her very much, so she nodded understandingly and said, "Qiqi, if you say this, I will I think I can understand your feelings. Tomorrow's program, we want to create a little surprise for you at the end, hoping to make you happier and happier. Of course, if you can save him a light, we will be even happier .”

Chen Mengqi shook her head, and said emotionlessly: "Sister Chuchu, I may let you down. I said: My love is a dead end, and I will not leave a lamp for someone I don't like. I think that, in that case, It’s deceiving myself and others. However, I still want to thank you and the program team for doing so much for me. Tomorrow is my last show, and my parents will come to the scene to watch me record this final episode. One episode. However, whether I stay or not, before I leave, I will ask my father to sponsor your program group with 300 million yuan, which is a kind of gratitude to you for your concern and care for me."

Xia Chuchu saw that she was so resolute, and knew that she would definitely not leave a lamp for anyone, and heard that she still promised to sponsor the column team with 300 million yuan. Force her.

At eight o'clock in the evening the next day, the recording of the program "Lang Man Holding Hands" started in the studio of the provincial TV station.

The five male guests were waiting in the lounge, watching the scene on live TV while waiting for the host to call them on stage.

The first male guest has already walked into the studio and is introducing himself.

Ye Ming looked at the other three people. On the opposite side was a fat man with a smile on his face, staring at the TV intently, watching the interaction between the male guest and the female guest, with a rather excited expression on his face; on the left was a well-dressed The middle-aged man, estimated to be 35 or [-] years old, has a calm face, glances at the TV from time to time, and looks at the other three people in the room from time to time;

On the right was Xia Haoyu who was about to confess his love to Chen Mengqi for the second time.

This time, Xia Haoyu was wearing a brown suit, with a full bow tie, and his hair was combed neatly. He was leaning his junior back on the chair, not watching TV, and squinting his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

During this period, some well-dressed people kept coming in, standing respectfully in front of Xia Haoyu, some reported to him, some asked him to sign the document, and some told him that the diamond rose was ready...

Judging by his busy appearance, he seems to have more affairs than the president of a certain country.

Ye Ming thought to himself: This must be another pretentious thing - it's night, how can there be so many company matters that he needs to handle personally?Don't you want to show off his power and superiority in front of these men who might be competitors in the room?

Ye Ming had a fairly good impression of this handsome rich man at first, but now seeing his demeanor, a sense of disgust arises spontaneously: No wonder Chen Mengqi despises him, it turns out that under his gentle appearance, there is still Containing such an unbearable heart...

Of course, he did achieve a certain purpose by acting like this: the fat man has been looking at him with envy and admiration, and couldn't help but want to strike up a conversation with him several times, but in the end he might be afraid of hitting a wall, so he held back up.

The middle-aged man is probably also a relatively successful businessman, with a very calm personality, and has been sitting there silently, without any expression on his face.

When Ye Ming was watching TV, he noticed that the TV camera was always cast on the four people sitting in the front row.These four people, if I guessed correctly, the couple in their fifties should be Chen Mengqi's parents, and the other two sitting beside them with smiles on their faces should be the deputy director of the Provincial TV Station and Chen Mengqi. The team leader of the "Lang Man Holding Hands" program.

Chen Mengqi's parents stared worriedly at their daughter standing at No. [-]. There were concerns and anxiety in their eyes, as well as concern and love. Obviously, they were very concerned about their daughter who was suffering from lovesickness, and hoped that she would be in the In this last episode of the program, I can see a boy, let her recover quickly under the nourishment of love, and it is best not to go abroad...

On the stage, Chen Mengqi was still in a depressed state. When the other female guests interacted with the male guests, she kept silent, and as always, she turned off the light of the first male guest in the first round.

Seeing that Chen Mengqi had turned off the lights, Xia Haoyu heaved a sigh of relief, with a gratified expression on his face - what he was most afraid of now was that before he played, a dark horse would be killed out of thin air among the male guests, and Chen Mengqi would be taken away in advance.Then, I came today for nothing...

Next, Xia Haoyu looked around at the remaining three male guests in the room: the fat man knew at a glance that he was a poor dick who came to the stage to try his luck. It didn't pose the slightest threat; and that middle-aged man, although he looked calm and capable, was a little too old, and Chen Mengqi probably wouldn't give him a light.

All that was left was the young man who looked as handsome as himself.Although he played behind him, he didn't seem to pose a threat to him, but if Chen Mengqi rejected him again, this young man would still pose a certain threat.Therefore, it is necessary to inquire about his situation.

So, he turned his eyes to Ye Ming, with a smile on his face, and asked, "Brother, where did you come from? Where did you get a job?"

Ye Ming smiled and said, "I'm from Xinleng County, a small civil servant."

"Oh? Civil servants come to this stage to go on a blind date. It seems that the chance of success is very slim! I remember that not long ago, two deputy township heads went to a blind date show, and the lights were all turned off in the end-I'm right! "

As soon as Xia Haoyu heard that Ye Ming came from a small county that he had hardly heard of, and that he was also a small civil servant, his guard was lifted immediately, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Ye Ming didn't mind the irony in his words, and followed his words: "That's right, the chances of success for civil servants in small cities who come to the stage for a blind date are indeed very small. I have also analyzed the reasons for this: although civil servants Life is stable and comfortable, but there is no chance to become rich. Moreover, it is impossible for civil servants in small cities to be transferred to big cities. It is impossible for those female guests to be willing to go to a small city to live an ordinary life. So , It is normal and understandable for them to turn off the lights. I came to this stage today just to show myself and try my luck!"

Xia Haoyu nodded and said: "You little brother is very sensible, and you can be regarded as self-aware. Not bad!"

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