Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 622 Liang Tanghua's Pressure

Sure enough, as Gu Yixin expected, when he handed over the confession materials about Zeng Qiang's surrender to Liang Tanghua, and asked him to set up a special case team to file a new investigation on Gong Zhichao's gang, Liang Tanghua just took the case file in his hand and handed it over to him. They were placed on the desk, without looking at the content inside, and asked in a neutral tone: "Gu political commissar, I have a question: According to the division of labor, you are in charge of the overall team management and ideological and political work, In charge of the political work room, discipline inspection and supervision room, command center, and intelligence information center. The case of Gong Zhichao's gang involvement is a criminal case, and it belongs to Deputy Director Wu Daidong. Now, you, the political commissar, come to me with a file of a criminal case Isn’t it a little bit of overreach to set up a task force? What do you make Deputy Director Wu Daidong think?”

Gu Yixin had long expected that Liang Tanghua would question him like this, so he smiled and said calmly: "Director Liang, I can explain this to you. First of all, the suspect who surrendered himself, Zeng Qiang, is a new cold County. The reason why he avoided Xin Leng County Public Security Bureau and surrendered directly to the City Bureau’s Criminal Investigation Brigade was because he knew that Gong Zhichao’s gang had a complicated relationship with the political and legal system, and had bribed many people in the police and prosecutorial teams. Especially Xin Leng The County Public Security Bureau is said to have a close relationship with Gong Zhichao from top to bottom. Therefore, he did not dare to surrender to the county bureau.

"Besides, even if he came to the Municipal Bureau, he only believed in me as the political commissar, and he was not at ease with other leaders and police officers. Because he had heard of me in Xinleng County, he knew that I was a relatively honest person, and I was in Xinleng County. Gong Zhichao was investigated and prosecuted when he was the director of the county bureau, so when he surrendered, he asked me to personally take charge of his case. If it was someone else, he would not make any confession.

"Secondly, I would like to clarify your accusation that I exceeded my authority: You are right. My main responsibility is to do a good job in team management and ideological and political work in the city's public security system. However, I am also a member of the K City Public Security Bureau. Political commissar, if serious illegal and criminal acts are discovered, and criminals suspected of serious crimes are discovered, I should still have the right to request investigation and punishment in accordance with the law! I am here today to request you to file a case for investigation of Gong Zhichao’s gang, but in In fulfilling my duties and obligations as a political commissar of the Public Security Bureau, I don’t think there is any act of overstepping my authority. Please don’t misunderstand Director Liang on this point. Moreover, I will go to Deputy Director Wu Daidong and explain to him!”

Hearing his high-sounding words, Liang Tanghua smiled coldly, and said, "Political Commissar Gu, according to what you said, our entire public security system in City K, except you, seems to have been bought by Gong Zhichao's gang, just like "Yutang In Hongdong County in "Spring", there is no good person in the county government, right? Where did you come to the conclusion that there are no good people in Hongdong County? If it is really as serious as you said, then you, the political commissar What should you be responsible for? You have to figure it out: You, the political commissar, are responsible for the construction of the cadre team of the public security system in City K. If the entire team is corrupted and rotten, and they are all bought by gangsters, you, the political commissar, will not be responsible. Be alone, who will believe you when you tell it? At least I don't believe it!

"Secondly, you said that you did not exceed your authority, so let me ask you: Why didn't you give these case file materials to Wu Daidong, the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation, for review and approval first? Why did you show them to me? I set up a special investigation team to investigate, and I need to issue an arrest warrant for Gong Zhichao and others immediately? If you do this, it is a procedural error first. Let me tell you clearly: I will never look at the case files you are showing me now You must follow the procedures and ask the Criminal Investigation Brigade to send the case file materials to Deputy Director Wu Daidong for approval, and then discuss whether to reopen the investigation of Gong Zhichao's gang at the party group meeting! Please be clear about this point!"

Gu Yixin was blushed by Liang Tanghua's words, but he couldn't find a reason to refute him, so he picked up the case file on the table in embarrassment, turned and went out without saying a word.

After Liang Tanghua drove away Gu Yixin, he slumped down on the armchair, pressed his hands on both sides of his forehead, rubbed his aching temples vigorously, and fell into deep thought...

He just reprimanded Gu Yixin, but he was actually a bit harsh.Because he is very clear: Zeng Qiang's confession about Gong Zhichao's crimes are all real facts, and conclusive evidence can be found.Especially the case where he organized the murder of Li Hong will be exposed sooner or later.

However, due to Ye Ming's relationship, last time he and Captain Chen Guitian of the Provincial Department fought against all opinions, forcibly changed the nature of the case of Gong Zhichao's gang, and revoked the task force set up under the instructions of the K City Committee. This was a big risk. of.Once it is found out that Gong Zhichao is indeed the leader of the gang-related organization, he, Chen Guitian and others will definitely bear the serious responsibility of dereliction of duty in the future!

Although, he believed that Ye Ming must be backed by big shots.However, once Gong Zhichao was arrested and confessed all the crimes, it would be a shocking case.At that time, no matter how great the leader is, he will not dare to stand up to speak well for Gong Zhichao, nor dare to come forward to protect himself and Chen Guitian.At that time, if someone wants to accuse himself and Chen Guitian of dereliction of duty, he will be unable to hide...

Thinking of this, Liang Tanghua felt a hint of regret in his heart, and he also became deeply worried for himself: because he knew that those who wanted to punish Gong Zhichao and Ye Ming must not underestimate the forces behind them.First of all, the current leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of City K seem to be in their camp.If they insisted on filing another case against Gong Zhichao's gang, they would not be able to fight if they wanted to fight: after all, the Municipal Public Security Bureau is under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and their official status is also in the hands of the Municipal Party Committee.If he repeatedly disobeys orders and fails to comply, the municipal party committee can completely remove him from the position of director of the Public Security Bureau. At that time, Director Guo Guangwei will be afraid that he will not be able to protect himself...

As if to verify his idea, just as he thought of the K City Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, the phone on his desk rang suddenly. Looking at the caller ID, it was the landline phone of Mayor Ji Yufei's office.

He hurriedly picked up the phone, only to hear Ji Yufei ask in a very stern tone on the phone: "Comrade Liang Tanghua, I heard a report just now that there was a new situation in the Gong Zhichao case, and one of his former subordinates came to your city bureau on his own initiative. The Criminal Investigation Brigade surrendered and reported many crimes committed by Gong Zhichao. This person has surrendered for several days. Why hasn’t your city bureau taken measures to file a case against Gong Zhichao’s gang? I heard that Gong Zhichao and others have been removed from your public security system. The insiders got the news and fled in fear of crime. Why don’t you take action against them? Do you really want to commit crimes of covering up criminals and dereliction of duty?”

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