Tie Tuo heard his younger brother say that Zeng Qiang has now proclaimed himself the "No. [-] Big Brother on Xinleng Street" and is about to throw a big banquet to celebrate. A sneer of disdain can't help but appear from the corner of his mouth. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Fengya?" Son, Changmao held a banquet, who did he invite, did he invite all the dignified people on the street!"

Feng Yazi nodded and said angrily: "Brother Tie, since Brother Chao left, many of our brothers have been threatened by Changmao's gang, asking us to express our allegiance to Changmao one by one, Changmao He also said that we are all involved in Brother Chao’s case, if we rely on him, he can find someone to help us get rid of our crimes; if we don’t follow him, then he will send us to prison one by one, No one can escape!"

Tie Tuo glanced at him, and suddenly saw that his left cheek seemed a little swollen, and there were some faint fingerprints on it, so he asked in surprise: "Feng Yazi, what happened to your left cheek, who hit it! "

Feng Yazi smiled wryly, touched that half of the cheek, and said in a low voice: "Brother Tie, I didn't want to tell you about this, for fear that you would be angry, but since you saw it, I'll tell you: Yesterday afternoon, Mr. The guy under Mao called Hu Dianzi brought a few people and ran to our pawn shop, saying that he was ordered by Chang Mao to come to collect gifts for the expenses of welcoming Chang Mao back tonight at Xindu Hotel , I asked him how much gift he wanted, and he asked for 3 yuan. I said at the time: Are you here to collect the gift, or to rob the pawn shop? Unexpectedly, Hu Zhanzi pulled out a gun all at once , cornered me, and slapped me a few times. I saw that there were a lot of them, and there were only two brothers in the shop, so I didn't fight back. In the end, they forced me to take away [-] yuan... Brother Tie, if things go on like this, our store will have to close. I guess: as soon as Changmao comes back, he will try every means to seize Brother Chao’s company and store, and we have no leader, so we can’t stop the counterattack. I am worried that one day Brother Chao’s property will fall into Changmao’s hands!”

Tie Tuo's brows were furrowed together, his face was angry and manic, and he subconsciously touched the pistol in his trouser pocket, finally managed to control his emotions, after thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly flickered. With a sharp cold light, he snorted softly and said to Feng Yazi: "Brother, you don't have to worry. In my eyes, Changmao is a dead person now. Remember: prepare a big red envelope at night." Go to the long-haired banquet. At the banquet, no matter how they humiliate you, don't talk back, let alone fight with them. After they leave the table, you tell me the whereabouts of the long-haired people. At that time, I will Let you vent your anger!"

It turns out that Tie Tuo has already made up his mind: he must get rid of Zeng Qiang this time, and eliminate this serious trouble for Brother Chao, because he has been in prison several times and knows that Zeng Qiang is currently Brother Chao's "stained witness". With him here, the police can pull him to testify against Brother Chao's many illegal and criminal acts at any time. Therefore, he is now a "living evidence" and poses a fatal threat to Brother Chao.

What's more, after Brother Chao escaped from Xinleng, he still has many companies and shops in the county, which are some lucrative projects. Zeng Qiang must have been coveting these projects for a long time, so he will definitely use Brother Chao If it's not the new cold time, if you take these companies and shops by any means and take them as your own, when the time comes, Brother Chao will probably have nowhere to stand when he comes back.

Therefore, from the moment he heard that Zeng Qiang surrendered himself to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Tie Tuo had actually made up his mind to get rid of him...

When Feng Yazi heard Tie Tuo's words, he immediately understood the meaning of his words, and also felt the murderous aura emanating from his body. He couldn't help but cheer up, gritted his teeth, and said to Tie Tuo: " Brother Tie, I will act together with you at night, we two brothers will advance and retreat together, live and die together, I will double the humiliation Hu Dianzi gave me yesterday!"

Tie Tuo shook his head, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you are different from me, don't take risks with me, I am nearly 40 years old, and I have followed Brother Chao all these years, I have to eat and play It's time to play, it's time to enjoy. Moreover, my wife and children have been sent to a very safe place now, and I have left enough living expenses for them in the future. I have nothing to worry about. Now it is me to repay Brother Chao It's time, but you are different, you are only in your 20s, you haven't found a girlfriend yet, and you haven't experienced many joys in life, so you have to live a good life, you can't do this with me, listen to me In a word: After I finish this matter, no matter what happens to me, you have to lead the brothers to manage Brother Chao’s property well, and wait for Brother Chao to return safely, okay?”

Feng Yazi seemed to have a sense of farewell in his words, looked at him worriedly, and asked: "Brother Tie, have you figured out a way to get out of your body? Don't you want to die with that shit of Chang Mao? Well, in that case, you are too unworthy!"

Tie Tuo didn't answer him, but patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, some things can't be judged by their worth or not. You don't need to think so much. I know what I said. You just need to remember what I said." That's it!"

That night, according to Tie Tuo's instructions, Feng Yazi took another red envelope containing a gift of 1000 yuan and went to Xindu Hotel to attend the banquet held for Zeng Qiang.

When giving the red envelope, Zeng Qiang just happened to be standing next to Hu Dianzi who was in charge of receiving the gift. He saw Feng Yazi, walked over, looked at the red envelope in his hand, and said with a smirk: "Feng Yazi, where is your iron boss? Where has he gone? I can't protect you now, right? I heard Hu Bin say: He went to the pawnshop you were guarding yesterday to collect gifts. You didn't want to give them at first, did you look down on Qiang? Brother, are you still thinking about your Brother Chao and Brother Tie coming back to protect you, let me tell you: Don’t have this dream anymore, today, the K City Public Security Bureau has set up a task force to start investigating Gong Zhichao’s rotten crimes again. What’s more, the City Bureau has already issued arrest warrants for your brother Chao and Brother Tie. It is estimated that within a few days, they will be locked in a cage and will never come out. Therefore, I advise you to be sensible. One point, you must recognize the situation, and follow me honestly in the future, to ensure that you are still popular and hot, and you will not be worse than following Gong and Tie Tuo!"

Feng Yazi remained silent, and handed the red envelope to Hu Dianzi, Hu Dianzi took the red envelope, weighed it in his hand, then tore open the seal and looked inside, suddenly threw the red envelope on the ground, his eyes bulging Shouted to Feng Yazi: "Little miscellaneous hair, you dismiss us as beggars, you come to drink with these few tickets, is it because you want to embarrass brother Qiang, don't you?"

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