Over the past few days, newspapers, TVs, and major portals have been reporting the latest developments in the "5.16" massacre almost every day, and journalists from all walks of life have also flocked to Xinleng to conduct interviews on the streets and in various government departments. Investigate, strive to obtain first-hand information, and report the background and source of this major case in depth.

Ye Ming pays attention to these news reports every day, and obtains information from the reports in order to decide what to do next. He knows very well that he will be implicated in this big case sooner or later.Because there are various indications that: Zeng Qiang surrendered himself to the City K Public Security Bureau, and the directors and promoters behind the scenes are Li Botang and Li Zhi and his son.And the targets of Li Botang and Li Zhi are probably not just Gong Zhichao, Tao Yong, Bi Huafeng and others, but also themselves.Even, they may be their main target.

On May 5, the investigation team announced through the media: Chen Guitian, Captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Provincial Public Security Department, and Liang Tanghua, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the K City Public Security Bureau, have been double-regulated by the Disciplinary Committee for allegedly covering up and protecting the gang leader Gong Zhichao.At the same time, the investigation team also announced that the Ministry of Public Security has issued A-level arrest warrants for Gong Zhichao and other four main members of the underworld gang, and they are publicly wanted nationwide.

Seeing this message, Ye Ming's heart became more and more heavy, and at the same time, he felt extremely guilty: Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian were reduced to this situation purely because they asked Xu Lizhong for help, and they bought Xu Lizhong's face.It can be said that the crimes of cover-up and dereliction of duty they committed were purely due to their own reasons.If they are convicted because of this, I really can't redeem myself...

Therefore, after learning this information, his first reaction was to go to Secretary Li Runji and ask him to come forward and find a way to see if he could rescue the two leaders, Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua.But think about it again: this case is being investigated and handled jointly by the Provincial Political and Legal Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.With Secretary Li's temper and principles, if I go to intercede with him at this time, not only will it not work, but I may be severely criticized by Secretary Li, and may even harm Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua.

After thinking and weighing for a long time, Ye Ming decided to call Xu Lizhong to see if he could help Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua.

After the call was connected, Ye Ming briefly told Xu Lizhong about the situation of Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian being shuanggui, and then said a little apologetically: "Director Xu, Captain Chen and Director Liang are all here because of me. Therefore, I feel very guilty. I think that there were objective reasons and basis for them to change the nature of the case against Gong Zhichao’s gang and decide to cancel the task force against Gong Zhichao’s gang. Because there was no sufficient evidence at that time to show that Gong Zhichao had What new illegal and criminal behavior. Now, Director Liang and Captain Chen of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Shuanggui, based on the confessions of Tao Yong and Bi Huafeng, there is probably no definite evidence to prove that Captain Chen and Director Liang are guilty of malfeasance and cover-up crimes So, I have to take the liberty of calling you, and I would like to ask you to pay attention to the case of Director Liang and Captain Chen. If it is suitable, see if you can find the relevant case handling unit to explain for these two leaders! "

When Ye Ming made this call, he mustered up the courage to dial the number.Because he felt that the last time Xu Lizhong was asked to come forward to make it difficult for Gong Zhichao, it was already difficult enough for him.Now that I make such a request to him again, I don't know if he will think that he is too troublesome and too pushy?What's more, it was Xu Lizhong who shielded Gong Zhichao last time. I don't know if this has any effect on him!

Therefore, after making the request to Xu Lizhong, he held the microphone nervously, beads of sweat pouring out of his forehead, for fear that Xu Lizhong would say something that would embarrass him or accuse him of being ignorant...

However, to his surprise: after Xu Lizhong listened to his words quietly, instead of blaming him, he turned his head to comfort him and said, "Xiaoye, don't worry! I've been paying attention to this matter, and I know about it The investigation of Captain Chen and Director Liang. This incident was first caused by you, and then I was to be blamed. Both Captain Chen and Director Liang were entrusted by me. Therefore, the problems of the two of them, I I will find a way to deal with it, so don't worry about it."

Speaking of this, he paused, thought for a moment, and then said carefully: "Xiaoye, to be honest: I am most worried about you now. According to my guess, this matter is aimed at you from the beginning to the end. Someone The trap has been dug, and it is waiting for you to jump into it. The last time they threatened to investigate that businessman surnamed Gong, it was actually just a feint, or in other words, a trick to lure a snake out of the hole, just to lure you to rescue that businessman surnamed Gong The businessman involved me, Captain Chen, Director Liang and others. At that time, I was careless and didn't think deeply about this issue, so I made a rash decision, which ended up hurting Director Liang and others.

"So, my suggestion to you is: you must not act rashly now, and you must not go to any other leader to intercede or ask for help except me. For example, with Secretary Li, you must not talk to him for a while. He went to contact, and he couldn't ask him for anything. This is a critical moment, and there are probably many eyes behind you watching you all the time. If you are a little careless, you may harm those leaders who care about you—— Do you get me?"

When Ye Ming heard Xu Lizhong's elder brother's warning words, he felt a warm current flowing slowly in his heart, and his panic and restlessness became much more stable. He hurriedly replied: "I understand. Thank you Xu Chu Long caring!"

Xu Lizhong gave a "huh" and continued to say in a very calm tone: "I guess, since those people are targeting you, they must have a very powerful move and will use it one after another. Your current policy is Stop with stillness, stay in the bureau well, do your job well, and wait for their moves. Remember: no matter what happens, even if you are censored or even locked up in a detention center, Don't be afraid either. As long as you don't collude with that Gong gangster and participate in their underworld organization, as long as you don't take bribes, they won't beat you down, and someone will give you a fair word when the time comes! Remember! Remember! "

After saying this, Xu Lizhong hung up the phone.

After being comforted by Xu Lizhong, Ye Ming felt much calmer and calmer: he knew very well that people like Xu Lizhong could be completely trusted and relied on.Since he has been paying attention to Liang Tanghua and Chen Guitian's problems, and he has also guessed the sinister intentions of Li Botang and Li Zhi and his son, then he must have a way to resolve the current difficult and unfavorable situation.He firmly believed that Xu Lizhong had this ability!

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