When Ye Ming called Xu Lizhong for help on the afternoon of June 6th, the inspection team sent by the Provincial Bureau and the law enforcement monitoring team sent by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had actually checked the accounts at Xin Leng Hotel for two days.

In order to ensure that the audit will not be disturbed, to find out the results, and to keep confidential, when entering Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company to audit the accounts, the audit team adopted the method of "account adjustment audit".The specific method is: instead of stationing in Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company, the inspection team first contacted the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau and asked the county inspection bureau to issue a "Tax Inspection Notice", and then asked Director Zou Wenming to issue a He sent two cadres from the County Inspection Bureau to drive to revitalize the company, transferred back the company's financial account books and all vouchers for the previous three years, and quietly transported them to a room where the inspection team lived in Xinleng Hotel. inside the room.

Then, the members of the inspection team of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau and the people from the Law Enforcement Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection sealed themselves off, turned off all communication tools, and went all out to start checking the accounts.

Knowing that this matter is of great importance, Zou Wenming personally stayed at the hotel these days to help the inspection team.If the audit team had any questions during the audit and needed to ask the financial staff, Zou Wenming would arrange for people from the county audit bureau to call to inquire, making sure that the people from Zhenxing Company would not know the identity of the auditor.

However, although members of the inspection team and the monitoring team did a good job of keeping secrets, the old and cunning Li Botang still smelled a bit ominous from this unusual audit.

Li Botang felt: This time the inspection operation was a bit hostile and mysterious, which was not a good sign.

There are several reasons why he came to this conclusion: First, not long ago, that kid Ye Ming just led a few people from the first sub-bureau to conduct a thorough assessment of the tax payment situation in the first three years of revitalizing the iron and steel plant, and put it into the warehouse tens of millions in taxes.According to the routine, the county inspection bureau should not carry out a comprehensive inspection of the company - because Ye Ming checked very carefully that time, basically all the taxes that should be paid have already been paid, and they will not get any money if they check again How much oil and water.

Second, this time they adopted the method of account adjustment and audit, which is very puzzling.Because the Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant has only fully implemented electronic bookkeeping this year, the accounts for the past three years are all paper ledgers and vouchers.However, the County Bureau Inspection Bureau did not bother, and just used a car to drag these books and vouchers back, which is too abnormal!

Third, under normal circumstances, the audit of the tax bureau, especially such a major audit, must have the cooperation of the company's financial personnel - because they have to ask some doubts about the accounts at any time, and also check some data. Only the financial staff can check the accounts smoothly.However, this time, they did not ask the people from the company's finance department to follow them to the location of the account check. Instead, they took the method of telephone inquiry, which was obviously trying to hide something from the company.Perhaps, their purpose is not to let the company's financial staff meet with the account inspectors.

From this, Li Botang came to a conclusion: the tax audit against Zhenxing Company had a strong background, and it was definitely not organized by the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau.Their purpose is also very clear: they are rushing to the company's tax reduction and exemption for the past three years.Moreover, maybe they have another purpose, which is to implicate those leaders related to the company, such as Mayor Ji Yufei, Secretary-General Wang Hai, Minister Xie Hongda, etc...

Thinking of this, Li Botang couldn't help shivering, and quickly ordered Li Zhi to take people to the major hotels in Xinleng to investigate. He must find out where the people from the local tax bureau are conducting centralized inspections this time, and try to find out the identities of those inspectors. .

However, the people in the inspection team were prepared for this: when registering the accommodation, they secretly asked Director Zou Wenming to find the ID cards of several unrelated people to register.At the same time, Zou Wenming sternly instructed the manager of the hotel: for the guests in the rooms on the seventh floor, they must not disclose their information to anyone, nor can they tell anyone what they are doing.

Therefore, Li Zhi searched hard for two days, but found nothing...

After Li Zhi returned to the chairman's office of the company, he reported to Li Botang with a dejected expression: The inspection team was too mysterious, and they couldn't find any traces at all, and they couldn't figure out where they came from and what their identity was.

Li Botang had expected this kind of result from the beginning, so after hearing Li Zhi's words, he didn't panic too much. He squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly said to Li Zhi: "We don't care about this matter for the time being. Where did they come from? As long as we don't show them our internal accounts, and don't let them know the details of shareholders and dividends, what can they do to us? At that time, Secretary-General Wang, Minister Xie and others will naturally Come out and deal with this."

Speaking of this, he suddenly showed a fierce look, and said viciously: "I guess, this time, the kid surnamed Ye is playing tricks again, trying to force us to submit by checking accounts. We can't be led by the nose by him, Instead, according to our established policy, we must use our trump card step by step and send the kid to the detention center as soon as possible. At that time, I don’t believe that his godfather in the province will not rescue him. As long as the big fish shows his face and If you take the action to rescue Ye Ming, he will leave his handle and show his tail. Secretary-General Wang and Minister Xie can grab his tail and ruin him. At that time, the so-called father and son , they will fall down together, and we will kill them all together. Our ultimate goal will be achieved!"

Li Zhi nodded and asked, "Then what action should we take now?"

Li Botang thought for a while and said, "Now is the time for us to use our trump card! You can go to Manager Zhao of Qingquan Hotel later and ask him to report to the 5.16 task force immediately according to the plan we discussed before. The content of the report There are four points: First, Tao Yong, the former director of the County Public Security Bureau, and Shi Yingkai, the director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the County Procuratorate, who is still in office, bought shares in Qingquan Hotel and distributed dividends, and were suspected of accepting bribes. Second, Ye Ming, the director of the First Branch of the County Local Taxation Bureau , in the process of investigating and dealing with the tax evasion case of Qingquan Hotel, colluded with Tao Yong and Shi Yingkai, and accepted a bribe of 10 yuan from Qingquan Hotel. Third, Tao Yong, Shi Yingkai, and Ye Ming were all so-called brothers with Gong Zhichao, and they jointly served as Gong Zhichao’s Provide shelter and help for illegal and criminal activities. Moreover, that time Ye Ming deducted tax evasion and accepted bribes for Qingquan Hotel, it was Gong Zhichao who made the bridge, and Gong Zhichao played a key role in the end. Fourth, you want Manager Zhao to emphasize to the investigation team One point: According to Tao Yong, the reason why Gong Zhichao was shielded by Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua last time and the special case investigation was withdrawn was that Ye Ming came forward to find some leading cadres in the province to come forward and greeted the people from the Provincial Public Security Department, which led to Gong Zhichao is at large, and eventually led to the May 5.16 massacre!"

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