Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 647 The body is not afraid of shadows

Deputy Director Wang calculated: Ye Ming was summoned at 12:[-] in the afternoon, and if he was detained for [-] hours, the time limit would not expire until [-]:[-] in the morning.Of course, they couldn't keep him that long, and they couldn't wait until three in the morning before releasing him.

However, he and Deputy Director Liang could at least find an excuse to keep Ye Ming in until eleven o'clock in the evening or midnight, and use these few hours to seize the time to build a good relationship with Ye Ming on the one hand, and on the other hand, It is possible to resolutely resist further investigation and coercive measures against Ye Ming when the case analysis meeting is held at night, and force Yan Lian to release Ye Ming from custody. Ren told Ye Ming that he would remember the benefits of himself and Deputy Director Liang.

Therefore, after hearing Xu Fei's suggestion that he would take Ye Ming back now, Deputy Director Wang showed a perplexed look on his face, looked at Ye Ming, and said in a very tactful tone: "Director Xu, your request I was afraid that it would be difficult for a while. It’s not that we have to make things difficult for Director Ye, nor is it that we want to continue asking for something from Director Ye. There are two reasons for this: First, we are the ones who ordered Director Ye to be summoned. Comrade Yan Lian, the leader of the 5.16 special case team and deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, sent it. We are only following orders. If we want to release Director Ye now, we must get the approval of Team Leader Yan. However, Team Leader Yan Now he always thinks that Director Ye is suspected of breaking the law and committing a crime, so it is estimated that he will not agree to let Director Ye go out now.

"Secondly, regarding the issue of Director Ye, we have only conducted a preliminary interrogation. Although we have reported the results of the interrogation to Team Leader Yan. However, whether we can deny the suspicion of Director Ye's violations and crimes? After that, Director Ye will be released and no further investigative measures will be taken against him. A decision must be made at the case analysis and report meeting held by our special case team at night. Therefore, Director Ye has to wait until after our meeting is over before he can Decide if you can get out.

"Of course, Director Ye can't go out yet. However, Deputy Director Liang and I now have a general understanding of Director Ye's basic situation, and know that he is innocent, and it is impossible for him to be involved in Gong Zhichao's case. Therefore, in the At the case analysis meeting tonight, Director Liang and I will fight hard based on reason, and try to get rid of Director Ye's suspicion as soon as possible, so that Director Ye can go home as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, he showed Ye Ming a fawning and ingratiating smile, and said as if expressing his determination: "Director Ye, please stay safe here, it's only a matter of a few hours. Deputy Director Liang and I Wait a moment to come to accompany you in person, chat with you, and chat with you, and the time will pass quickly. Our case analysis will start at ten o'clock in the evening, usually for an hour and a half, and there will be more questions during the meeting. Make some decisions. Don't worry, I will contact several members of the special case team during the meal to defend you at the meeting and try to clear your suspicion completely at this meeting."

Deputy Director Liang was afraid that Deputy Director Wang would say all the good things, and he would not get a good impression from Ye Ming, so he quickly expressed his opinion in a flattering tone: "Director Ye, my opinion is the same as that of Deputy Director Wang. I think you are innocent and framed by some people with ulterior motives. Just now, Deputy Director Wang and I called the Deputy Secretary of our Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and reported your situation to the leaders. The two deputy secretaries both instructed us: You must be cautious in your investigation and handling, be highly politically sensitive, not follow other people's bullshit, and not copy what others say, and you must prevent those with ulterior motives from framing you. You Look, how much these leaders care about you! Hehe!"

Having said that, he smiled smugly.

When he said those last words, Deputy Director Wang kept coughing, trying to stop him from saying what he had reported to the leader of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, but it was too late——according to Deputy Director Wang's thinking, these words can only be said in the When facing Ye Ming alone, he can only talk about it as a topic of flattery and favor.But I didn't expect that this somewhat pedantic deputy director Liang, who has no patience and no city government, even told so many people what they called to report to their respective leaders in front of so many people. His intention to please Ye Ming was fully exposed.

So, he rubbed his palms together in embarrassment, and explained to Xu Fei and the others in an embarrassing manner: "Director Xu, Director Ye, our report to our deputy secretary in charge is just a routine, but by the way, we will report that Director Ye has been wronged." I explained the matter to the leaders. Unexpectedly, the two leaders paid great attention to this matter, and asked Deputy Director Liang and I to adopt a pragmatic attitude and never let a bad person go, but we must never wrong a good comrade. According to the instructions of the two deputy secretaries, we decided to fight for Director Ye at the case analysis meeting in the evening, and we must clear up his grievances."

After finishing the words to smooth things over, he subconsciously glanced at Deputy Director Liang with dissatisfaction, but seeing that his face was still full of color, he never thought that what he just said was actually a taboo, so he felt ruthless in his heart. He called him a "stupid pig".

When Xu Fei, Zou Wenming and the others heard Deputy Director Liang's words, combined with Deputy Director Wang's self-deprecating explanation, they immediately became clear: the deputy directors of the two Provincial Discipline Inspection Commissions must have known about Ye Ming. He knew that he was the godson of Secretary Li Yunji.Therefore, they are now scrambling to curry favor with Ye Ming.No wonder, when they were outside, they kept calling Ye Ming "Comrade", and when they came in, they called Ye Ming "Director Ye", as if Ye Ming was not the suspect they summoned, but rather their distinguished guest or leader ...

After figuring this out, Xu Fei and Zou Wenming felt relieved, and the expressions on their faces relaxed.

Xu Fei walked up to Ye Ming, patted him on the shoulder kindly, comforted him and said, "Xiao Ye, you stay here for a few hours first, and wait for Director Wang and Director Liang to give you an argument at the evening meeting. Clear. No matter when you are released, even if it is three o'clock in the morning, Director Zou and I will pick you up in person. Remember one thing: you are not afraid of the shadow if you are upright, and you are not afraid of the crooked shoes if you are upright! As long as you don't do those violations Illegal activities, no one can do anything to you. If anyone dares to mess with you, there is an organization behind you, as well as us leaders and brothers, right? So, you must always remember Live: If someone wrongs you, you will not fight alone, there are organizations that will appeal to you and defend you, and will never let you suffer innocent injustice!"

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