Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 654 Case Analysis Meeting

Deputy Director Wang listened to Yan Lian's starting point, and according to his pre-designed ideas, he began to express his opinions calmly: "Comrades, just now Director He expounded his own views and opinions on Ye Ming's question. Opinions; Secretary Yan also combined Director He’s opinions to give some instructions on this issue. Just now I summarized the views of the two leaders, and the central meaning is three points: First, Ye Ming is suspected of accepting bribes and whoring , but there is no evidence yet; second, Ye Ming has a close relationship with Gong Zhichao, so he may have participated in the underworld organization led by Gong Zhichao; third, Ye Ming's biggest crime is to use his connections and backstage in the province , set up obstacles for the K City Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to investigate and deal with Gong Zhichao's gang, forced the task force to change the characterization of Gong Zhichao's gang, and made Gong Zhichao and others successfully escape the law.

"So, Secretary Yan and Director He think: In view of the special relationship between Ye Ming and Gong Zhichao, based on the clues provided by the whistleblower, combined with the results of the interrogation of Tao Yong, we should take measures to file a case for investigation against Ye Ming and order criminal detention or arrest. He—Secretary Yan, Director He, what I summarized above is not wrong!"

Both Yan Lian and He Zhi nodded, expressing their approval of his conclusion.

Deputy Director Wang continued: "The interrogation of Ye Ming and the interrogation of Tao Yong were completed by Director He and I together. However, through this interrogation and interrogation, I am different from Secretary Yan and Director He. the opinion of.

"First, I don't think Ye Ming's so-called bribery and whoring problems do not exist. It is not a problem of insufficient evidence, but that there is no such thing at all. Because according to Ye Ming's confession, although he was in a situation where he could not shirk Next, he accepted two bank cards totaling 10 yuan from Qingquan Hotel. However, he handed over these cards to the supervision office of his county local taxation bureau on the second day and registered them. This is a record. , and we also went to verify that this is indeed the case. Then, according to the relevant party rules and regulations, Ye Ming's behavior is not only correct, but also worthy of praise and promotion.

"As for the issue of his whoring, everyone is very clear about this: if the police hadn't caught the rape in bed, or extracted physical evidence such as semen spots and condoms, it would be impossible to confirm the fact that he was a prostitute. What's more What's more, the reporter only provided a short video of Ye Ming singing and hugging with the young lady, and said that he also took the young lady to open a room, but this is just one side of the whistleblower's statement, and Ye Ming firmly denies it, and is willing to share with him The young lady confronted her. Therefore, this question cannot be determined.

"Second, regarding the relationship between Ye Ming and Gong Zhichao, according to my opinion, he has a good relationship with Gong Zhichao, which is true. However, if we conclude that he participated in Gong Zhichao's underworld gang, or even say that he is in collusion with Gong Zhichao's gang , Collusion, and committed illegal and criminal activities, I think this is a very irresponsible statement, and it is also an unwarranted and wrong inference.

"Why do you say that? Because we all know that man is a social animal. Living in this world, a person will always interact with all kinds of people and deal with all kinds of people. Ye Ming is the deputy director of the local tax bureau, and the taxpayers under their jurisdiction are all from the urban area. And Gong Zhichao, if his identity as the boss of the underworld is excluded, from a purely commercial point of view, he is a very successful A businessman is also a taxpayer who often has to deal with the No. [-] Sub-bureau. Then, Ye Ming, as the actual person in charge of the No. [-] Sub-bureau, got acquainted with and interacted with Gong Zhichao during the tax work, and the two eventually became good friends. It is a very normal kind of communication, and it is also a very normal process. On the other hand: Gong Zhichao must know many people in Xinleng County, and there are definitely many, many government officials among them. If we say that everyone who knows Gong Zhichao, we They all believe that he is a member of their gang. Is this inference correct? Obviously it is incorrect. Therefore, Director He infers that Ye Ming is a member of Gong Zhichao's gang based on the fact that Ye Ming is a friend of Gong Zhichao's gang. I disagree.

"The third is the most critical issue. Both Secretary Yan and Director He believe that the last time Gong Zhichao was not investigated by the special case team and escaped the law, which led to the 5.16 massacre, it was Ye Ming who used his relationship and background to cover up, Indulge in his results. Therefore, Ye Ming is an important suspect in the May 5.16 massacre, and also the military adviser and umbrella of Gong Zhichao's gang. We should take measures to file a case and investigate him, and put him under shuanggui or criminal detention as soon as possible.

Regarding this point, I don't know what the other comrades at the meeting thought, but for me, I disagree with this point the most.why?I am a cadre of the discipline inspection committee and have worked in the discipline inspection and supervision system for more than 20 years.We have a basic principle in handling cases, that is: take the facts as the basis, take the law as the criterion, seek truth from facts, never let a bad person go, and don't wrong a good person.But to implement this principle well, we must pay attention to facts and evidence, and we must not make decisions based on our own subjective thoughts or convicts based on our own inferences without evidence.To put it bluntly: this method of handling cases is the ancient way of rule by man, relying on the subjective judgment of the case handlers for conviction and sentencing, which runs counter to our current spirit of the rule of law!

"As for Ye Ming's issue, I think: Secretary Yan and Director He's judgment on Ye Ming's involvement in the 5.16 massacre just now is a bit hasty and far-fetched. Why? Because we don't have any strong evidence now. The evidence proves that Ye Ming asked the leaders of the province to intercede with Gong Zhichao. The judgment of Secretary Yan and Director He was only based on the whistleblower's report without any actual content, and Tao Yong's ambiguous and vague confession. It is not rigorous to conclude that Ye Ming acted as a protective umbrella for Gong Zhichao's gang. Moreover, I have personally heard Tao Yong's confession. He only said that Ye Ming approached the provincial leaders to intercede for Gong Zhichao, but he I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and I can't tell which leader Ye Ming is looking for. Therefore, I think Tao Yong's confession can only be regarded as a guess, and it cannot be used as evidence to convict Ye Ming."

Speaking of this, Deputy Director Wang looked up and glanced at the participants, and saw Deputy Director Liang, Gu Jiachen, Li Zeping, Lu Cheng and others nodded frequently, expressing agreement with his analysis and judgment; while Yan Lian and Deputy Director He frowned Wrinkled tightly, staring at himself with a disapproving expression all over his face.

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