Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 665 Layout

After Wang Yong left, Secretary Lu immediately picked up the phone again and called Secretary Li Runji, who was accompanying Jin Tie, the leader of the central inspection team, at a hotel in the provincial capital.

"Comrade Runji, is it convenient for you to speak now?"

"Convenience. Team Leader Jin and the others are in a meeting to sort out and screen some reported materials. I am alone in Team Leader Jin's room now, and I am going to rush back to the Provincial Party Committee after he finishes the meeting and listens to some of his briefings. Deer Secretary, do you have anything to ask me?"

"Yes, there is something I need to find you. Have you seen the reports about Ye Ming on the Internet and the news media today?"

"I see. I'm at the computer right now, reading those two posts carefully, researching and analyzing the steps, methods, and ultimate goals of these people. It seems that the IQ of these people is not as we imagined. Gao! Take a look, their behavior of slandering and slandering Ye Ming and me on the Internet is a bit out of breath and shrew swearing. It is not like a conspiracy or trap designed by a master strategist. I guess, this It is very likely that Li Botang, Xin Leng, set up a not-so-sophisticated scheme. He wanted to use the power of the Internet and the media to harm Ye Ming to achieve the purpose of destroying me. Judging from the current raging public opinion, they The goal of the first step seems to have been achieved. You should have seen that some people have already compared Ye Ming and me to Gao Qiu and Gao Yanei. I estimate that their next step will be to respond to public opinion as an excuse to treat Ye Ming Criminal detention or even arrest. Therefore, we should also take action, and we must fight back!"

Hearing that Secretary Li was calm and calm, Secretary Lu didn't seem to be affected by these two vicious posts, and secretly admired his determination, so he smiled and said, "Runji, you don't have to worry about their things at all. Words of slander and attack. Anyone who knows you and knows you knows who you are. They compare you to Gao Qiu, who is unlearned and ignorant, and has made a fortune by flattery. This method is extremely low: your people Their character and ability are well-known. Such a metaphor from them exposed their ignorance and dark psychology. People with discerning eyes can see through their sinister intentions at a glance, and there is no need for anyone to distinguish them.

"As for the posts on the Internet and those reports in the media, don't worry, I have dealt with it just now: just half an hour ago, I had already called Vice Minister Yang of the Ministry of Public Security and Vice Minister Li of the Propaganda Department. Please ask them to come forward, one is to ask the Ministry of Public Security to find the major portal operators, tell them that the two posts are suspected of framing and slandering the main leaders of the Tianjiang Provincial Party Committee, and ask them to delete these two posts before noon today and All comments on posts; the second is to inform the propaganda departments of other provinces and the capital that it is strictly forbidden to re-publish the so-called insider information about the 5.** case in Xinleng County, Tianjiang Province. At the same time, some places in the province follow suit and broadcast 5.* * For the TV station and newspaper inside the case, I have just arranged for Comrade Wang Yong to have a telephone interview with the head of the relevant department, ordering them to immediately withdraw all relevant reports, and not to make similar propaganda reports. Therefore, the fire of public opinion , is now considered to be extinguished. For the rest, it is up to us to play the cards!"

Secretary Li did not expect that Secretary Lu would act so quickly and decisively to put out the fire on the network so quickly. He was very grateful and said sincerely: "Secretary Lu, thank you! I now have a message for you: in the morning I When meeting with Jin Tie, the leader of the inspection team, he privately revealed a clue to me: According to reports from insiders, Zhou Jiqing secretly purchased a villa worth 500 million yuan in Dezhou City where he was formerly the chief prosecutor. And , he also has a mistress in Dezhou who has maintained a relationship for ten years, named Li Qian, and this villa is for Li Qian to live in.

"This Li Qian was originally a typist and a temporary worker in the office of the Procuratorate of the City of Duzhou. The deputy chief prosecutor of a district procuratorate in the city. Because Li Qian is backed by the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, she has a domineering personality and a more flamboyant behavior, which aroused the resentment of many officials in the Dezhou City Procuratorate. Therefore, after the central inspection team came to Tianjiang , Someone made a special trip from Dezhou to the provincial capital to report Zhou Jiqing and Li Qian's problems to the inspection team. At present, Team Leader Jin wants to ask for your opinion on whether to send someone to Dezhou to investigate and verify this issue."

It turns out that during the inspection process, if the central inspection team finds clues of violations of discipline and law by local party and government leaders, especially senior leaders, it will usually first seek the opinion of the head of the local party committee and discuss with him how to deal with these clues.Doing so, on the one hand, shows that the inspection team respects the meaning of the local top leaders; on the other hand, they also have to consider a comprehensive balance issue, that is, try to avoid causing earthquakes and turmoil in the local political arena, balance the relationship between all aspects, and let the local The leader will not be caught off guard, and it will be difficult to clean up the mess...

For example, for Zhou Jiqing's current issue, when the inspection team receives the tip of the report, under normal circumstances, it will first report to Secretary Lu, asking him to consider whether the investigation of Zhou Jiqing will affect the stability of the local political situation, and whether it will affect the normal operation of the provincial party committee. Work.There is also a more important point: every leader of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is basically supported by a big boss in the central government.And these background conditions, the secretary of the provincial party committee will generally know.Therefore, the inspection team notified the secretary of the provincial party committee to ask him to comprehensively consider the background of the leader who is about to be investigated in the central government, and then decide whether to report to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and investigate the suspect...

After listening to Li Runji's report on Zhou Jiqing's problem, Secretary Lu did not express any surprise, but said to Li Runji lightly: "I have already received a report on Zhou Jiqing's problem, and I have already reported it to Zhong Zhong of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The deputy secretary reported. His problems go far beyond keeping mistresses and building villas. According to reports from some insiders: Zhou Jiqing used his power to intervene in the mining and production of many lead-zinc and copper mines in Texas when he was the attorney general in Texas. Approve items and make huge profits from them. Among them, a lead-zinc mine owner asked Zhou Jiqing to apply for a mining license for him in order to obtain a lead-zinc mine with rich reserves and high grade. Zhou Jiqing used his provincial land The relationship between the Department of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Land and Resources obtained the mining license for this lead-zinc mine. For this reason, the boss gave him a one-time benefit fee of 1000 million yuan. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has already grasped these clues, but why? When to attack Zhou Jiqing, it has not been determined yet."

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